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Japanese Professor new Dean for Alevite Studies at TOROS Edu in Turkey

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Hurshid Celebi

Jul 2, 2015
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Dr. Hiroki Wakamatsu converted to Islam and is now DEAN of Alevite Studies at TOROS EDU in Mersin


Globalized World.
Interesting news, why not ? Would like to hear your counter arguments. Thank you.

Islam is TOLERANCE and not WAHHABI

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:blink: a Jap being appointed as Dean in a Turkish university? I'm surprised > 99% of the threads here are China related news and no news from Turkey before. I guess we can start seeing more Turkish threads in FE section from now on?

I believe that he is working for tolerance and peace.
:rofl: , you need a Jap to help Turkey with that? Are Turks that incapable?

No, it is normal in Turkey. We had already in the '60s assistant Professor's from Japan.

E.G. Rip Prof. Masao Mori at Istanbul Edu .

Chinese and all other scientists are also welcome. But in Turkey now only competency and solidarity rules.
I believe that it is important to show our friends in the PDF- forum that Türkiye Cumhuriyeti is tolerant and secular.

It is a honor for me to present a far east Professor for Islam in Turkey. That is may tolerant country. Thank you too.

Dear Mr Turk, i'm sure you find a Jap deciding to work in Turkey a very interesting topic. However this is China and Far East Section where we post important news related to China and the Far East section. Turkey is not part of this section and nobody here gives a f*ck that a Jap working in Turkey.

Sir. If you exclude Japan from Far East, I can stop posting here.
But I am sure Chinese are open for science.
I was in Hongkong and Shenzhen, made real business and was never attacked or spammed from Chinese Companies there.
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