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Japanese activists land on the Senkakus amid Chinese protests and threats

Do you intend to respond to my assertion that Japanese diesel electric submarines are vulnerable to Chinese Y-8F-600 sub hunters or should I not bother replying to you in the future?

You claimed it wasn't relevant, because China is not currently flying sub hunting patrols.

I said, you're being very tricky.

1. Chinese Y-8F-600 sub hunter prototype is already undergoing testing.

2. Surface radar on Chinese ships can detect Japanese diesel electric submarines when they surface to recharge their batteries every three days.


Chinese Y-8F-600 sub hunter

Your claim is technically true, but very misleading.

China is currently testing its Y-8F-600 sub hunter prototype. Those Japanese diesel electric submarines will become vulnerable in a few years to Chinese Y-8F-600 sub hunters on patrol.

Also, Japanese diesel electric submarines are vulnerable to surface radar on Chinese ships. Surface radar can detect the periscope from a submarine when it is above the water.


"The Chinese People’s Liberation Army has a new maritime patrol plane apparently optimized for finding and destroying submarines."
But if we had to go to war today, sure we are outgunned, we will admit that and adept our tactics to it, Just like we were in Korea, you see my point? after all I am just glad you are not in charge. seriously.

We are not warmongers, and we don't want to fight against anyone, but we need to act tough in order to show our willingness to defend our sovereignty.
At ChineseTiger1986,

I don't like newbie posters that are anti-Chinese.

Our gut feeling is usually correct. These anti-Chinese posters pretend to be pro-China and then they disparage China every chance that they get.

The test is very simple: If you think they're anti-Chinese, you're probably right.

No matter how much someone tries to hide their political position, their true nature cannot stay hidden for long.

Let's take HongWu for example. He might be over the top, but definitely a patriot. The message defines the poster.

When a newbie poster says one positive thing about China and ten negative things, he is an anti-Chinese false flagger or Tibetan.
hahaha, you made me laugh so hard.

if a war is to happen between US and China, the first thing US will teach their troops is how to say " I surrender" in Chinese, so much for your American value?

I wouldn't be surprised, the soldiers need to know when the Chinese are surrendering, and we can't expect them to know English! :lol:
I wouldn't be surprised, the soldiers need to know when the Chinese are surrendering, and we can't expect them to know English! :lol:

the gun barrels pointing at the GIs is enough talking! Under gun points, only indian POWs will kneel down, hands locked behind their heads and still ask the PLA: "in English please!"
Ten weapon systems highlight vast Chinese technology superiority over Japan

I accept your offer.

Name the ALLEGED foreign components for the following Chinese high-technology military weapons:

1. J-20 Mighty Dragon stealth fighter (don't say engine, one of them is domestic WS-10 variant)
2. J-10B Vigorous Dragon
3. WS-10A engine
4. DF-21D Anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM)
5. Type 093 Shang nuclear attack submarine (SSN)
6. Type 094 Jin nuclear ballistic missile submarine (SSBN)
7. Type 041 Yuan-class AIP submarine
8. DF-31A MIRVed road-mobile ICBM
9. WZ-10 attack helicopter (don't say software, that is an unproven allegation)
10. PL-12/SD-10 AMRAAM 100km air-to-air missile

I await your reply.


Japan is vastly inferior to China in military technology, because the Japanese can't build a stealth fighter. They have to beg the U.S. to buy the non-supercruising F-35. How pathetic.

Similarly, the Japanese F-2 fighter and its jet engine are licensed from the U.S.

China has innovated and built an indigenously-designed ASBM. Show me a comparable indigenous Japanese military innovation.

China builds its own compact nuclear reactors for submarines. Japanese possess no such technology.

China builds its own submarine AIP engines. Japanese buys or licenses their AIP technology from Sweden.

Japanese have no ICBMs, mobile or otherwise.

Japanese buy American Apache attack helicopters. Japan looks like a richer India. Japan buys American military technology, but it produces very little military weapons on its own. Where is a domestic Japanese attack helicopter? Oh wait, it doesn't exist.

Pathetic Japanese buy American AIM-120C missiles. Japan can't build their own 100km AMRAAM.

The above examples illustrate China's clear military technology superiority against the weak Japanese. Anyone who claims the opposite is an idiot.

LOL you just put out a list of those that are almost all indigenous but not others.:meeting:

How about the Z19 helo put that on the list for example? And your new attack helo uses the reversed engineered Bushmaster gun which is American.

I don't even have to go down the list when I can just name already just for one to meet my expectations that I was right.

Japan has made their own battle tank, their own carrier, their own cargo transport plane and so on which you did not stated out on the table. China has their new aircraft carrier which is Russian yet Japan made their own carrier smaller yes but same concept. Does that explain China is weak in that category? I can just easily point out what China doesn't have that Japan has. Enough said.
Wait, is that the same department told UN about Iraq WMDs?

Okay. Anything else?
So you can't dispute its credibility then, and instead bring up stuff based on British intelligence, not Foreign policy statements of which the department of state is eminently qualified, and in fact the best source.

the gun barrels pointing at the GIs is enough talking! Under gun points, only indian POWs will kneel down, hands locked behind their heads and still ask the PLA: "in English please!"

Chinese soldiers won't even come out to play, all they'll be able to do is swim to the battlefield! :flame:

LoL English? you have more Mexicans in your army than the Mexican army. Your recruiters are going down to TJ to recruit because no one wants to serve. hahaha

U.S. Army Recruiter Crosses Mexico Border

Lol your source is a decade late and a dollar short, we actually have more than enough recruits at this time, more than necessary in fact with Iraq done and Afghanistan winding down.
LOL you just put out a list of those that are almost all indigenous but not others.:meeting:

How about the Z19 helo put that on the list for example? And your new attack helo uses the reversed engineered Bushmaster gun which is American.

I don't even have to go down the list when I can just name already just for one to meet my expectations that I was right.

Japan has made their own battle tank, their own carrier, their own cargo transport plane and so on which you did not stated out on the table. China has their new aircraft carrier which is Russian yet Japan made their own carrier smaller yes but same concept. Does that explain China is weak in that category? I can just easily point out what China doesn't have that Japan has. Enough said.

Are you seriously going to equate those 10 high-tech Chinese weapons to a mundane Japanese tank?

Have you lost your mind?

A Chinese J-20 Mighty Dragon stealth fighter is proof of Chinese military high-technology.

A Japanese tank proves they can build a low-technology tank, like countless countries around the world.

Cutting-edge indigenous Chinese military equipment (see the 10 prominent examples in my earlier post) should not be compared to low-tech indigenous Japanese military equipment.
Why Senkaku Suits the World Better
By Chip Tsao | Aug 23, 2012

The threat of World War III briefly flared up last week as a few vague rocks called the Senkaku Islands (also known as Diaoyutai Islands) out on the sea somewhere between Taiwan and Okinawa caused some infuriated Chinese ultra-rightist patriots to threaten to nuke Tokyo after the Japanese coast guard and immigration officers deported a bunch of Hong Kong boat people who had landed illegally on them.

The invaders, who shouted abuse in Cantonese, were swiftly removed and handcuffed by the Japanese, who showed the international community once again that the islands are being effectively administered by Japan. They were then put on a business-class flight, compliments of Japanese taxpayers.

The invaders were hailed here and in China as national heroes although they were deported as swiftly as the hundreds of illegal Mexican immigrants by American police on the Texas border every day.

They shouted victory to the world as they successfully “proclaimed China’s sovereignty” over the islands by briefly laying their feet on the soil and planting both China’s and Taiwan’s national flags on the rocks, which were quickly cast into the waves by the Japanese coast guard. If such acts constitute the realization of “national sovereignty,” then the few tens of thousands of boat people detained in Hong Kong camps in the 1990s before being deported back to Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City could also claim that a part of Britain was likewise owned by Vietnam. This is how the logic of the “Protect the Diaoyutai” campaign goes. If adopted into a doctrine, the Senkaku incident would set a strange precedent case only recognized by China. Following that, any Chinese person attempting to cross the immigration checkpoint at Heathrow or Newark without a passport and ordered to board the next flight back home could claim Chinese sovereignty over Britain or America on behalf of Beijing and demand business class return fares paid for by these governments. Japan has set a dangerous example of immigration largesse for all Western countries.

The heroes kept Hong Kong journalists informed via Facebook as their ship reached the shore and got stranded. Electronic communication was only possible because the Senkaku Islands and the nearby sea, being Japanese territories, are effectively covered by NTT—the Japanese telecommunications network.

If the islands were under Chinese rule and guarded by PLA soldiers, there would be no access to Facebook. But thanks to the freedoms granted by Japanese sovereignty, the Hong Kong invaders would have also theoretically been able to surf pornographic and Falun Gong websites if they had even been allowed to stay long enough to get bored with life on the islands.

This is why it is not a bad thing, even for the Chinese, for those rocks to be officially called Senkaku.

Why Senkaku Suits the World Better | Politically Incorrect with Chip Tsao | HK Magazine Online

China should stop her foreign policy of land grabbing of her neighbor's territory.
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