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Japan women's soccer team win WC, defeat the US



New Recruit

Jul 2, 2010
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It's too bad this happened, I think the US played very well, but lost composure at the wrong times, & let their lead slip twice at the end.
USA did play well.

But I'm really happy for Japan!

Yeah, Japan were technically better than the US, & battled hard. At last some kind of happiness for the nation of Japan, after going through so much crises in recent times. It's just too bad that Obama & Michelle Obama, & the rest of the troops in Afghanistan were watching the game as well, expecting the US to win after taking the lead twice. The atmosphere was really heating up here at Times Square, expecting the win, & then celebrating it post game.
congrats Japan, really great team

the funny thing is, Girls will always cry
when they are happy they will cry and when they are sad they will also cry lol

First, I didn't knew who won, because the Americans were crying and the Japanese were also crying :lol:
I laughed my a$$ out when they were celebrating :lol:
are we allowed to post sport related stuff in world-affairs section?
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