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Japan, Turkey to pursue economic partnership agreement


May 29, 2014
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United States

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, agreed Tuesday in Tokyo that the two countries will work toward starting negotiations for a bilateral economic partnership agreement, hopefully before the end of this year.

During their meeting at the State Guest House in the Akasaka district, they also agreed to speed up finalizing a civil nuclear accord that they signed in May. To take effect, the accord — necessary for Japan to export nuclear power infrastructure to Turkey — needs approval from both countries’ legislative bodies.

“We will make efforts in concluding (the EPA) as early as possible,” Erdogan told reporters at a joint news conference following their meeting. “I believe our relationship will get even stronger by concluding the pact.”

Erdogan, who arrived in Tokyo on Monday with seven ministers and about 100 business leaders, said Japan and Turkey need to expand their trade, which currently amounts to less than $4 billion a year.

“We’ve discussed necessary measures for improving the situation as early as possible,” Erdogan said.

Abe and Erdogan also signed a memorandum to cooperate on establishing a joint international university of science and technology in Istanbul, aiming to nurture experts in the field of nuclear energy.

Abe offered Turkey an additional ¥43 billion in loans for construction of a subway line under the Bosporus Straits in Istanbul. Japan has already extended some ¥150 billion in loans for the project.

It was their third summit, following meetings in May and October in Turkey. In the earlier meetings, Abe worked hard to sell Japan’s nuclear power infrastructure, a central pillar for his growth strategy.

At the May meeting, the pair signed a contract to build a nuclear power plant on the Black Sea coast in northern Turkey.

During Abe’s second visit to Turkey in October, a joint venture established by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. and Areva SA France reached agreement with the Turkish government to build the nuclear power plant, the first such order for a Japanese firm since the 2011 meltdowns at the Fukushima No. 1 power plant.

Because Erdogan’s government aims to get the power plant up and running by 2023, the Abe administration hopes to get Diet approval for the civil nuclear accord with Turkey during the session scheduled to start later this month.

Erdogan was scheduled to leave Tokyo on Wednesday after meeting with Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko. He is set to travel to Singapore and Malaysia after completing his three-day visit in Tokyo.
old news indeed. i hope the relationship between Japan and Turkey will increase more and more. Japan is one of the few developed countries that doesnt have any biases towards Turkey.

@Nihonjin1051 a question out of curiosity; I thought looking at the emperor would result in a death penalty, is this correct? so how come the emperor can meet with Erdogan or any other people? did this rule change throughout the time? am on my phone so cant search well about this by myself.
old news indeed. i hope the relationship between Japan and Turkey will increase more and more. Japan is one of the few developed countries that doesnt have any biases towards Turkey.

@Nihonjin1051 a question out of curiosity; I thought looking at the emperor would result in a death penalty, is this correct? so how come the emperor can meet with Erdogan or any other people? did this rule change throughout the time? am on my phone so cant search well about this by myself.

@usernameless ,

First, the Imperial Household is the oldest continuing hereditary monarch in the world. The first Emperor of Japan was Jimmu, who established his reign since 660 BC. It is 万世一系, or [bansei ikkei] = time immemorial.

Prior to the defeat of Japan to the Allied Powers, the Imperial Household was considered for all in tense purposes a Divine Household. According to the Shinto religion, the Emperor of Japan is the direct descendent of the sun goddess Amaterasu. It was forbidden to look at the Emperor , to address the Emperor directly. After Japan's defeat, Japan and the United States issued the Shinto Directive, as well as the Potsdam Declaration that separated politics and religion as well ended all former punishments regarding les majeste.
Probably the only country I truly want to visit one day.

I should have gone to Japanese Language and Literature, I'm stuck in Russian which does not interests me.
Probably the only country I truly want to visit one day.

I should have gone to Japanese Language and Literature, I'm stuck in Russian which does not interests me.

So you're fluent in Russian?
So you're fluent in Russian?

Not enough, its my second year, and since I can't get myself interested in I don't regularly study. But I think I will give more effort next year, it would be waste if I graduated without being fluent in it.

Japanese Language and Literature is looks more fun here, I regularly see people in traditional clothes, they oftenly have culture organizations.
A economic partneship with Japan is very good, considering the fact that Japanese are known for beeing smart, honest, fair and their products qualitative.

Anyone remember the partneship with Italians on Mount Bolu Tunnel, and how they needed almost 2 decades for a 2900 m tunnel?

There is a reason why we make partneship with Japanese on our big projects.
Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Marmaray - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also the second Nuclear reactor will be built with Japanese tech. and the new Nuclear Science University in Istanbul will be established with Japanese help.

We should do much more cooperation with Japanese and Koreans if you ask me. :tup:
We should do much more cooperation with Japanese and Koreans if you ask me.

Agreed. We should cooperate more with the countries that are not biassed against us. Like Japan, Korea, Brazil, Mexico, Australia.
Anyone remember this ? :D

It was a courteous gesture of him but I laughed hard when I saw that pic first :D

Nothing to laugh.... i nice gesture from Japanese PM. We are a very emotional nation, these type of small gestures or insults ( you remember how Sarkozy was chewing gum while he was shaking hands of Turkish officials) will not be forgetten easily.
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