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Japan tried to set up China and US for military showdown


Nov 25, 2009
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Is Japan Risking War to Save the U.S.-Japan Alliance? - Forbes

Was Japan’s so-far disastrous nationalization of the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands a “miscalculation” of China’s likely response, or was it a deliberate, desperate, almost kamikaze-like lunge to save the U.S.-Japan security alliance?

I believe that it was the latter. That Japan—and here I mean not just the Japan Democratic Party (DPJ) Noda cabinet, but also the ministry of foreign affairs (MOFA) and self-defense forces (SDF) bureaucracies, and, particularly, the factions within the main opposition Liberal Democratic Party (DPJ) and nationalists allied with former Tokyo major Ishihara Shintaro—did not expect a ferocious response from China, including shows of naval force and threats of occupation, is not credible.

On June 6, Japan’s ambassador to China, Niwa Uichiro, went public in the Financial Times, warning that the nationalization would be spark an “extremely grave crisis” in relations, causing “decades of past effort to be brought to nothing.” Niwa, a former CEO and Chairman of Itochu Corporation, certainly had been raising the alarm in even starker terms internally to the Noda cabinet and the MOFA, as well as to Japan’s politically powerful big business establishment.

And there was not the least ambiguity or diffidence in China’s position, stated publicly and through diplomatic channels over the past several years, including the day before the September 12 nationalization decision when Hu Jintao and Noda stood face-to-face on the fringe of the APEC meeting in Vladivostok.

That the ensuing crisis would be particularly destabilizing and dangerously unpredictable in its ultimate costs to Japan was ensured by the contemporaneous decennial leadership change in China, extending throughout both the Communist Party and the People’s Liberation Army, of which only the vaguest picture is being revealed in the 18th Party Congress which begins today, November 8, in Beijing.

The nationalization decision has so far fueled an explosion of anti-Japan sentiment, demonstrations like the one I witnessed in Shanghai, wide-spread vandalism against Japanese businesses, and popular boycott of purchases of Japanese products, particularly automobiles. Officially directed anti-Japanese actions have included stalled customs clearances, cancelled or deferred commercial contract negotiations, cancelled exhibitions and delegation exchanges.

Japan’s auto industry has been the most damaged, particularly Nissan for which the China market accounted for 26% of total global vehicle unit sales in FY 2011, and Honda which sold 20% of its cars in China (the figure for Toyota is 12%). Nissan’s Chief Operating Officer on November 6 that this fiscal years’ operating profit forecast was being cut by JPY 60 billion (USD 750 million) because of a drop in China sales. It could get worse.

But what is more worrisome that the impact on any specific industries, is the inherent intractability of a territorial issue like Senkaku/Diaoyu between two countries once the issue is inflamed, and the longer term obstacles this creates for continued integration of Japan’s economy with that of Asia’s other major power, China, an imperative for Japan’s future growth and prosperity. As tensions and the frequency of dueling Coast Guard patrols in the Senkaku/Diaoyu area have increased, so have combative diplomatic exchanges, slights and insults, and—on both sides—a torrent of books and articles whose themes recall the nightmarish era of Japan-China war.

What could, from Japan’s perspective, possibly have justified and motivated such a hugely costly and dangerous course?

The answer I think is fairly clear: it was the course most likely to block and forestall what the prevailing conservative establishment sees as a greater threat: That the U.S. and China have been moving toward a new, shared East Asian power paradigm in which the U.S.-Japan defense alliance is abandoned and Japan is forced to defend itself alone or to abandon defense and rely on “soft power” to defend its interests.

As I have presented in this blog before, reviewing recent books by Australian strategist Hugh White (see my post) and Professor Yabuki Susumu (here), the interests of both China and, particularly, the U.S. are now clearly to forge such a “new strategic architecture” in Asia. What Professor White points out in The China Choice: Why America Should Share Power is an agreement between the U.S. and China to share power would require that the U.S. decouple its military resources from Japan’s, ending the alliance. He correctly states that Japan, of all the affected countries, will find the new order the most unwelcome and difficult to accommodate.

Japan’s Senkaku/Diaoyu island nationalization gambit eloquently speaks to this difficulty, and the lengths to which Japan may think it must go to keep the U.S. engaged in supporting the alliance against a “China threat.” Of course, there is a huge vested interest in the U.S. Department of Defense in maintaining the status quo, expressed inter alia through studies like the CSIS Armitage-Nye report.

This week the SDF and U.S. Navy and Air Force launched a massive 16-day joint exercise off the southern islands of Kyushu and Okinawa involving 47,000 men (10,000 Americans), 30 ships, a U.S. carrier, and 240 aircraft. The exercise is simulating an attack on Japan’s islands from an “unknown power,” but the unspoken target is clear.

The problem with this, as Professor Yabuki has written, is that the U.S.-Japan “alliance” has lost any positive relevance for Japan’s security, and in fact is inimical to Japan’s interests. Could there be any more eloquent testimony to this reality than consequences of the Senkaku/Diaoyu crisis? Nor, for reasons presented clearly by Professor White, is the alliance in the U.S.’s long term interest.

What we have witnessed in this dispute is a historical mistake and tragedy. But history is moving on, and is likely to accelerate following Obama’s re-election and the China’s 18th Party Congress. Japan is going to have to accept that its world has changed.
Japan owns the islands there is nothing else to say :coffee:

enemy's enemy is friend

though China never considers India as enemy or something else
but those men whose brains were full of Ganges water always treat China as enemy
in the dispute of diaoyu island which is pretty distance from India
there is no Indian business in this case
Japan owns the islands there is nothing else to say :coffee:

Japan is a footnote in this world, we are on the rise economically and militarily, when the time is right we will take back every island of ours through brute military force.

Time is on our side, as time goes by we get stronger and we will do what we f**king want when our strength is untouchable.

Don't worry mate, we will get our land back, we always do.
And it's on our side to take back Aksai Chin ... same logic. :laugh:

Old men should sleep in bed, not fight on mountain peaks, you know. :laugh:

Who cares about aksai chin?siberia is our final target.
enemy's enemy is friend

though China never considers India as enemy or something else
but those men whose brains were full of Ganges water always treat China as enemy
in the dispute of diaoyu island which is pretty distance from India
there is no Indian business in this case

Yes that is true. Why do you think Vietnam is entertaining the US in Hanoi, even though the US bombed with them with nastiest of weapons in the Vietnam war.

Isn't it obvious, its all about countering the Muslim world, China, and Russia.
Who cares about aksai chin?

Great.. you solve the root cause of problem between china and india, then.

If you peacefully get out of Aksai Chin.. that's simply great. It's the only thing, we care about.

We indeed do not care about Siberia, Russia or western half of Pluto ... please feel free.
First its the US setting it up, now its Japan setting it up, make up your mind!
And it's on our side to take back Aksai Chin ... same logic. :laugh:

Old men should sleep in bed, not fight on mountain peaks, you know. :laugh:

India won't get more powerful than china.
That's the difference.
We will always be superior to India, that's why we humiliated you in 1962, we are just better than you.
Always have, always will.

India will be broken up into many countries within the next 50 years.
Sikhs will for sure get independence and Tamils too.

We don't have to worry about cow worshippers, America is our only hurdle.
Japanese products way better than Chinese from cars to electronics you will never reach their level they always be more advanced

We can do what we want ONGC is still in the South China seas

ONGC to Continue Exploration in South China Sea - WSJ.com

We can do what we want in Indian Ocean.
We are building a string of pearls.
Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka want us there to help them contain the fascist Indian state.
India is powerless to do anything about it.

Next step will be to build military bases and surround India from all sides.
enemy's enemy is friend

though China never considers India as enemy or something else
but those men whose brains were full of Ganges water always treat China as enemy
in the dispute of diaoyu island which is pretty distance from India
there is no Indian business in this case

Well, apparently an Indian military analyst recently said that China is playing with "Our interests in S.China sea."

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