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Japan to station troops on Yonaguni, near disputed Islands


Mar 21, 2013
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Japan to Station Troops on Yonaguni, Near Disputed Islands
Japan will station 100 troops and radar on its westernmost island, located 108 kilometers east of Taiwan.


By Shannon Tiezzi
April 19, 2014


In a move that threatens to reverse the recent signs of a burgeoning thaw in China-Japan relations, Japan will break ground Saturday on a new military lookout station on Yonaguni, Japan’s westernmost inhabited island. Yonaguni, which has a population of around 1,500, is located 108 kilometers east of Taiwan and 150 kilometers south of the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands. According to Reuters, with the new outpost,Yonaguni’s military presence will expand from two police officers to 100 soldiers and a radar outpost.

A report in the Ryukyu Shimpo said that the base will be built on 25 hectares of land leased from Yonaguni to the Ministry of Defense. In return, the local government will receive around 15 million yen ($150,000) in rent each year. Construction will begin with the groundbreaking ceremony on Saturday, and is expected to be completed by the end of fiscal year 2015.

Japanese Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera said in a press conference Tuesday that Japan “decided to deploy a GSDF (Ground Self-Defense Force) unit on Yonaguni Island as a part of our effort to strengthen the surveillance over the southwestern region.” The new outpost will house radar equipment. As a result, it is expected to increase Japan’s surveillance capabilities both over the disputed islands and the areas close to the Chinese mainland.

The addition of 100 Japanese troops to an island so close to the disputed islands obviously has the potential to exacerbate the already substantial tensions between China and Japan. When asked about Yonaguni Island during a regular press conference, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said, “Due to historical reasons, any of Japan’s military moves will raise concern among Asian countries.” She added, “Japan should give a serious explanation for its real intention of building military muscle in [the] relevant region.” For China, the stationing of troops onYonaguni is one more piece of evidence of Japan’s rising militarism. It could also provide China with ammunition to fire back at recent accusations from Shinzo Abe that China seeks tounilaterally change the status quo in the region.

Meanwhile, the residents of Yonaguni are divided over the militarization of their island. Some are optimistic that the new outpost will help boost a flagging local economy. In addition, those worried about Chinese aggression believe the GSDF unit will help keep them safe. Others, however, fear that their island could become ground zero in a hypothetical conflict between Japan and China. They suggest that economic cooperation with Taiwan is the key to jump-starting Yonaguni’s economy.

Japan has made defending its outlying islands a priority recently. However, the idea of stationing troops on Yonaguni has been under discussion since at least 2011, when then-Prime Minister Naoto Kan vowed to defend Japan’s outlying islands after an incident with a Chinese fishing boat near the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands. Japan Times traces the debate back even farther, noting that Yonaguni’s mayor was reelected in 2009 with a promise to invite troops to the island. “The plan has been a focal point of every subsequent election on the island,”Japan Times said.

That a long-debated plan is finally coming to fruition speaks to a greater sense of political urgency on behalf of the central government. Reporters at Tuesday’s press conference with Onodera cited a protest submitted to the Okinawa Defense Bureau by Yonaguni residents, asking for the project to be canceled. Onodera said he had not heard about the protest, but said “I am aware that various opinions exist in Okinawa including Yonaguni Island.” Still, Onodera added, “We are staunchly determined to protect Yonaguni Island, a part of the precious Japanese territory.”

Japan to Station Troops on Yonaguni, Near Disputed Islands | The Diplomat
Japan to Station Troops on Yonaguni, Near Disputed Islands
Japan will station 100 troops and radar on its westernmost island, located 108 kilometers east of Taiwan.


By Shannon Tiezzi
April 19, 2014


In a move that threatens to reverse the recent signs of a burgeoning thaw in China-Japan relations, Japan will break ground Saturday on a new military lookout station on Yonaguni, Japan’s westernmost inhabited island. Yonaguni, which has a population of around 1,500, is located 108 kilometers east of Taiwan and 150 kilometers south of the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands. According to Reuters, with the new outpost,Yonaguni’s military presence will expand from two police officers to 100 soldiers and a radar outpost.

A report in the Ryukyu Shimpo said that the base will be built on 25 hectares of land leased from Yonaguni to the Ministry of Defense. In return, the local government will receive around 15 million yen ($150,000) in rent each year. Construction will begin with the groundbreaking ceremony on Saturday, and is expected to be completed by the end of fiscal year 2015.

Japanese Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera said in a press conference Tuesday that Japan “decided to deploy a GSDF (Ground Self-Defense Force) unit on Yonaguni Island as a part of our effort to strengthen the surveillance over the southwestern region.” The new outpost will house radar equipment. As a result, it is expected to increase Japan’s surveillance capabilities both over the disputed islands and the areas close to the Chinese mainland.

The addition of 100 Japanese troops to an island so close to the disputed islands obviously has the potential to exacerbate the already substantial tensions between China and Japan. When asked about Yonaguni Island during a regular press conference, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said, “Due to historical reasons, any of Japan’s military moves will raise concern among Asian countries.” She added, “Japan should give a serious explanation for its real intention of building military muscle in [the] relevant region.” For China, the stationing of troops onYonaguni is one more piece of evidence of Japan’s rising militarism. It could also provide China with ammunition to fire back at recent accusations from Shinzo Abe that China seeks tounilaterally change the status quo in the region.

Meanwhile, the residents of Yonaguni are divided over the militarization of their island. Some are optimistic that the new outpost will help boost a flagging local economy. In addition, those worried about Chinese aggression believe the GSDF unit will help keep them safe. Others, however, fear that their island could become ground zero in a hypothetical conflict between Japan and China. They suggest that economic cooperation with Taiwan is the key to jump-starting Yonaguni’s economy.

Japan has made defending its outlying islands a priority recently. However, the idea of stationing troops on Yonaguni has been under discussion since at least 2011, when then-Prime Minister Naoto Kan vowed to defend Japan’s outlying islands after an incident with a Chinese fishing boat near the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands. Japan Times traces the debate back even farther, noting that Yonaguni’s mayor was reelected in 2009 with a promise to invite troops to the island. “The plan has been a focal point of every subsequent election on the island,”Japan Times said.

That a long-debated plan is finally coming to fruition speaks to a greater sense of political urgency on behalf of the central government. Reporters at Tuesday’s press conference with Onodera cited a protest submitted to the Okinawa Defense Bureau by Yonaguni residents, asking for the project to be canceled. Onodera said he had not heard about the protest, but said “I am aware that various opinions exist in Okinawa including Yonaguni Island.” Still, Onodera added, “We are staunchly determined to protect Yonaguni Island, a part of the precious Japanese territory.”

Japan to Station Troops on Yonaguni, Near Disputed Islands | The Diplomat
As Taiwan is not getting US F-16s and support then there is possibility of @00 Rafaels and 200 EF-2000s from EU which will be replacing 100% fleet which they have now.
it should alarm Taiwan more than China as it is closer to Taiwan than Daioyu.but Japan actually has a bunch of islands in close proximity which could be use to post soldiers to guard Daioyu and surround regions.Mainland China is far away.
So close to Taiwan , I guess Taiwan,due to the close proximity to that location,can take good care of it.
I love when the Japs make provocative moves.

This is the only way our defence budget can keep rising against the opinion of liberals in the CPC.

More people antagonize China, the quicker our military builds up.

That's exactly what I want.
a few Japanese water cannons would suffice.

that will probably do it for the incapable cheerleaders who cant swim but we also want to blow up the japanese soldiers and their weapons and also the cheerleaders imports!
now the cheerleaders have a new gesture for their surrender before our missile is launched!
wake me up when you actually do something about senkakus. the petty chest thumping is amusing at best.
wake me up when you actually do something about senkakus. the petty chest thumping is amusing at best.

then dont show your wet dream support of japan after watching too many japanese mossaic vids
then dont show your wet dream support of japan after watching too many japanese mossaic vids
I expect chini govt. reaction to be similar to CN members here. a bunch of angry articles, but not much else.
I expect chini govt. reaction to be similar. a bunch a angry articles, but not much else.

our reaction is something for the media that is for a different depart to handle
There will be a military division whose mission is to aim our missile at your outposts alongside the japanese ones

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