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Japan to loan ¥5 billion to Pakistan


May 29, 2014
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United States
Japan will provide ¥5 billion in low-interest loans to Pakistan in order to help the country improve its electric power infrastructure.
The Japan International Cooperation Agency and the Pakistani government signed the deal in Islamabad on Wednesday.

JICA will provide the loans in a cofinancing program with the Asian Development Bank, which will put up $400 million, and the World Bank, which will lend $600 million.

Pakistan will be the second Asian country to receive JICA soft loans for electric power projects, following Sri Lanka.

Pakistan regularly suffers daily blackouts of up to 12 hours. The country is unable to fund improvements to its power supply infrastructure because government subsidies keep electric rates low.

The cofinancing program is designed to help Pakistan set government subsidies and electric rates at adequate levels and reduce power generation costs.

Reference: The Japan News, Yomiuri Shimbun
Please stop subsidies... Otherwise other loans payments will basically be used to pay the circular debts! Charge regular price, the people voted PPP, now let them feel what they brought upon themselves. Next time they won't be in power.
Please stop subsidies... Otherwise other loans payments will basically be used to pay the circular debts! Charge regular price, the people voted PPP, now let them feel what they brought upon themselves. Next time they won't be in power.

I believe that every citizen in Islamic Republic of Pakistan should be able to get affordable electricity. Especially in the areas that are not well developed. It will help in the accommodation of their daily living.
I believe that every citizen in Islamic Republic of Pakistan should be able to get affordable electricity. Especially in the areas that are not well developed. It will help in the accommodation of their daily living.

Yes, I agree. But Pakistan can't progress without getting rid of subsidies. Subsidy should be given for education only. Education is a bigger right than electricity. If you want 10 ACs, you pay regular amount. If you can't, stay with the fan.
If you look at the ODA program Japan has with developing countries, we are very generous. Japan wants to build better environment where our two countries can foment greater investment initiatives, and development. This is irrespective of China's interests in the area. Afterall, a peace and stable South Asia is to the national interest of Japan, and to the entire world.
Thank you for helping our Pakistani brothers, but if you ask our Pakistani brothers to turn against us just for this money.

Then all I can say is that you have wasted your 5 billion yen so far. :pop:

Japan, imo, is the best country helping others. US asks for something in return, but Japan doesn't. Their morals are quite good.
Yes, I agree. But Pakistan can't progress without getting rid of subsidies. Subsidy should be given for education only. Education is a bigger right than electricity. If you want 10 ACs, you pay regular amount. If you can't, stay with the fan.

Agree with you 100% on education ! Perhaps this might be something my country can invest in in the future. Inshallah!
Japan, imo, is the best country helping others. US asks for something in return, but Japan doesn't. Their morals are quite good.

You can bet that the standard quid pro quo is alive and well, when business matters are involved. Just because you haven't been made aware of the strings, doesn't mean they don't exist.

Any successful country is going to have a keen business sense. But I don't think anyone can question the amount of manpower and resources the US contributes when there is a humanitarian crisis almost anywhere in the world (if invited to help). Even to governments and populations that are not particularly friendly towards America at any other time.
If you look at the ODA program Japan has with developing countries, we are very generous. Japan wants to build better environment where our two countries can foment greater investment initiatives, and development. This is irrespective of China's interests in the area. Afterall, a peace and stable South Asia is to the national interest of Japan, and to the entire world.

Good for you, you spend more money on our Pakistani brother and less money to cause troubles for us. All Chinese should feel happy about that. :pop:

But as I said before, if you only want to spend the money on purpose just to make Pakistan to turn against China, then I can guarantee you that you will be 100% disappointed at the end. :coffee:
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Pakistan should ask for more.

For all those damages that the US has caused to Pakistan, so Pakistan should ask its allies to compensate all the damages. :coffee:

That gravy train is ending. I think Pakistan is smart enough to replace that income, or plan for it to be gone.
That gravy train is ending. I think Pakistan is smart enough to replace that income, or plan for it to be gone.

I agree. The situation in South Asia , particularly areas that border Afghanistan, will need stabilization after the United States pulls out. I think that by investing in not just in Afghanistan's infrastructure, but also Pakistani tribal regions that border Afghanistan, this can help. Now, is a time to encourage development.
Good for you, you spend more money on our Pakistani brother and less money to cause troubles for us. All Chinese should feel happy about that. :pop:

As I said before, if you only want to spend the money on purpose just to make Pakistan to turn against China, then I can guarantee you that you will be 100% disappointed at the end. :coffee:

What if Japan is getting advanced hydrogen warhead material or designs in return, since they know the US will never help them in that regard?
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