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Japan Reverts to Fascism


Mar 20, 2013
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Japan Reverts to Fascism

This week, Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party and its coalition partners won a two-thirds majority in the legislature’s upper house, to go along with their two-thirds majority in the lower house. A two-thirds majority is required in each house to begin the process of amending Japan’s constitution. And amending the constitution is one of the central planks in the LDP’s platform.

The constitution was imposed on Japan by the United States after the Second World War; it has never been amended. Why should it be amended now? As Bloomberg reports, the LDP has pointed out that “several of the current constitutional provisions are based on the Western European theory of natural human rights; such provisions therefore [need] to be changed.”

What has the LDP got against the “Western European theory of natural human rights”? you might ask. Well, dozens of LDP legislators and ministers — including Japan’s prime minister, Shinzo Abe — are members of a radical nationalist organization called Nippon Kaigi, which believes (according to one of its members, Hakubun Shimomura, who until recently was Japan’s education minister) that Japan should abandon a “masochistic view of history” wherein it accepts that it committed crimes during the Second World War. In fact, in Nippon Kaigi’s view, Japan was the wronged party in the war.

According to the Congressional Research Service, Nippon Kaigi believes that “Japan should be applauded for liberating much of East Asia” during WW2, that the “Tokyo War Crimes tribunals were illegitimate,” and that the rape of Nanking was either “exaggerated or fabricated.” It denies the forced prostitution of Chinese and Korean “comfort women” by the Imperial Japanese Army, believes Japan should have an army again — something outlawed by Japan’s current constitution — and believes that it should return to worshipping the emperor.

When, in the wake of Nazi-level war crimes, the U.S. forced Japan to become a liberal democracy, it also forced Japan’s emperor to issue the following statement denying his divinity: “The ties between us and our people have always stood upon mutual trust and affection. They do not depend upon legend and myths. They are not predicated on the false conception that the Emperor is divine, and that the Japanese people are superior to other races and fated to rule the world.”

And members of Nippon Kaigi are still mad.

In 2013, at a Nippon Kaigi party celebrating Shinzo Abe’s new appointments to his cabinet — 15 of whose 18 members were Nippon Kaigi-niks — the old imperial “Rising Sun” flag was flown, pledges to “break away from the postwar regime” were made, and the (very short and controversial) imperial national anthem was sung. The lyrics are addressed to the emperor:

“May your reign
Continue for a thousand, eight thousand generations,
Until the pebbles grow into boulders
Lush with moss.”

The LDP’s draft for an amended constitution would eliminate the prohibition on imbuing religious organizations with “political authority,” clearing the way for the return of state Shintoism and emperor worship.

The draft would also repeal the provision that the “Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as a means of settling international disputes,” along with the provision that “land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained.” (Not that Japan has, hitherto, been too strict about this particular rule: According to the Credit Suisse Military Strength Index, Japan currently has the fourth-strongest military in the world, behind only the U.S., Russia, and China.)

The new constitution also repeals the right to free speech, adding a clause stating that the government can restrict speech and expression that it sees as “interfering [with] public interest and public order.”

(In fact, Japan’s current government has been working on the free-speech problem for a few years now: According to the Japan Times, in 2014, the internal affairs and communications minister warned that broadcasters could be shut down if they aired programming that the government deemed was “politically biased.” The director of Japan’s public broadcasting corporation — a friend of Prime Minister Abe — has said publicly that it was his policy that the NHK (Japan’s BBC) “should not deviate from the government’s position in its reporting.”

In just the last five years, Japan’s press freedom — as ranked by Reporters without Borders — has fallen from 11th globally to 72nd.

The new draft constitution adds a warning that “the people must be conscious of the fact that there are responsibilities and obligations in compensation for freedom and rights.” These “obligations” include the mandate to “uphold the [new] constitution” and “respect the national anthem” quoted above. Also that “the people must comply with the public interest and public order,” and “the people must obey commands from the state” in times of “emergency.”

But not everyone is bound by these obligations: The Emperor is exempt from the requirement to uphold the constitution. Likewise, the Emperor is required, under the new constitution, to seek “advice” from the cabinet — but not, as he is currently required, to seek “advice and approval.”

If the new constitution is approved by two-thirds of each house of the Japanese legislature, its adoption will be voted on in a national referendum requiring a simple majority. Who can say if 51 percent of Japanese voters would vote against their own civil rights? On the one hand, it seems absurd; on the other, they did give the LDP’s coalition a two-thirds majority in both legislative chambers.

Five years ago, President Obama called for a foreign-policy “pivot to Asia.” With China seizing and militarizing the South China Sea, and North Korea testing delivery systems for its new nuclear weapons, it would probably be a good idea — “pivot to Asia”–wise — not to stand idly by while our most important Asian ally, and the second-richest democracy in the world, reverts to fascism.
Good for japan, their country their rule. Personally it's good for india .
Abe should visit Nanjing, not Pearl Harbor, to reflect on wartime past: scholar

By Cao Siqi Source:Global Times Published: 2016/12/13 21:05:26


People kneel and pray at the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall to remember the fallen on December 12, one day before the third National Memorial Day for Nanjing Massacre Victims. (Photo: Yang Hui/GT)

An analyst suggested that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visit Nanjing Memorial Hall or the Independence Hall of Korea and not Pearl Harbor if he really wants to reflect on the country's wartime history.

As historical revisionism has become rampant in Japan in recent years, the Memorial Day of Nanjing Massacre will remind the country of who was the invader and how much pain it caused to other countries, said Lü Yaodong, director of the Institute for Japanese Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, as China held its third state memorial ceremony on Tuesday to mourn the victims of the 1937 massacre committed by Japanese aggressors in Nanjing.

More than 300,000 unarmed Chinese soldiers and civilians were murdered and over 20,000 women were raped during the massacre.

A better destination might be the Nanjing Memorial Hall or the Independence Hall of Korea, and not Pearl Harbor, if Abe wants to reflect on Japan's wartime history, said Lü.

Abe announced plans to visit Pearl Harbor later this month, purportedly to remember the thousands killed by Japan's surprise attack on the US naval base 75 years ago, which convinced the US to enter World War II. A Japanese official said that "the purpose of the visit is to commemorate the war dead, not to apologize."

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang said last week that if Japan intends to deeply reflect upon itself, there are many places in China and Korea where they can pay their tribute, including the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall, the museum of the event on September 18, 1931, or the exhibition hall of war crimes committed by Unit 731 of the Japanese Imperial Army.
Politics is a two sided game of events and consequences..the Nazis in their time frame also thought they were right and Hitler definitely came to power out of certain necessity!
Politics is a two sided game of events and consequences..the Nazis in their time frame also thought they were right and Hitler definitely came to power out of certain necessity!
Hitler became Chancellor via Germany's democratic process, not a military coup. Then he eviscerated Germany's democracy.
Nationalism is rising all over the world. Natural for Japanese to go for nationalist policies. Militarily strong Japan is needed and they have chosen correct man to lead them towards that.
Japan is an island deprived of resources. To be militarily strong, it must look to expand. As such it's history is a cycle of expansion, defeat, and rebuild.
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