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Japan Posts Record ¥20 Trillion Trade Deficit in 2022

Japan too short and low IQ to compete with Korea/China
compete with Korea/China
And somehow, Japan is at the top of the economic complexity index. Why aren't Korea or China at the top?
And somehow, Japan is at the top of the economic complexity index. Why aren't Korea or China at the top
if they were at the top why they not the biggest country in asia?
if they were at the top why they not the biggest country in asia?
But what does being the "biggest" have to do with the Economic Complexity Index?
And somehow, Japan is at the top of the economic complexity index. Why aren't Korea or China at the top?
What complexity? This?

China has become the only country in the world to obtain all the industrial categories listed in the United Nations industrial classification

Chinese dominance in the global industrial sector can be gauged by the fact that among the world’s more than 500 major industrial products, China ranks first in output of over 220. China has become the only country in the world to obtain all the industrial categories listed in the United Nations industrial classification.
trolling trolls is fun.
Instead of getting triggered, why don't you address it?
Unless.... you actually approve of that type of racism :azn:
You don't sound like a Pakistani.

@waz take care of this Indian pretending to be a Pakistani.
Japan has a trade deficit because it imports more goods and services than it exports. There are a number of reasons for this, including:

1. Japan is a developed country with a high standard of living. This means that its citizens demand a wide variety of goods and services, many of which are imported
=> Encourage technological improvement, innovation and creativity, application of new techniques to replace foreign products and lower production costs. Find ways to substitute foreign products, limit the import of goods and products that are not raw materials

2. Japan is a resource-poor country. It must import many of the raw materials it needs to produce goods, such as oil, coal, and iron ore.
==> Invest in renewable energy and recycling technology. Apply new technological processes to reduce resource consumption and increase labor productivity.

3.Japan has a aging population. This means that there are fewer workers to produce goods and services, which drives up the cost of labor.
=> Artificial intelligence, automation
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What complexity? This?
No, this: https://oec.world/en/profile/country/jpn

The poster I was replying to claimed that Japan doesn't have the IQ to compete with China and Korea. So objectively, statistically, why is Japan at the top of the ECI, and these two countries aren't?
No, this: https://oec.world/en/profile/country/jpn

The poster I was replying to claimed that Japan doesn't have the IQ to compete with China and Korea. So objectively, statistically, why is Japan at the top of the ECI, and these two countries aren't?
This "index" shows Taiwan being number 3, lol.. and all top 10 are teeny tiny countries like Singapore,Czechia, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary... US and China don't even make top 10, this is ridiculous, Taiwan number 3 in the world? what else Taiwan has besides some semiconductor industry?
This "index"
This index was developed at the Harvard Growth Lab at the Kennedy School. Its mathematical derivations are all openly available. It's not without credibility.

Clearly, the countries at the top must have some solid grounds to be there.
This index was developed at the Harvard Growth Lab at the Kennedy School. Its mathematical derivations are all openly available. It's not without credibility.

Clearly, the countries at the top must have some solid grounds to be there.
It's total BS, tell me what edge Singapore, Taiwan, Czechia, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary.. hold over China and US, other than being very small?
No, this: https://oec.world/en/profile/country/jpn

The poster I was replying to claimed that Japan doesn't have the IQ to compete with China and Korea. So objectively, statistically, why is Japan at the top of the ECI, and these two countries aren't?
China is the only country in the world with all industrial nodes. But China is indeed not a country with all economic sectors, such as gambling, prostitution, pornography and other industries that are illegal in China, and these are important economic pillars of Japan. There is no market in China for cow manure series products, LGBT series products, etc.

I pay tribute to Japan and India, which have more complex economies.
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In my whole life, I've never seen or used any products made by Czechia, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary..Maybe also not Singapore which I m not very certain.
In my whole life, I've never seen or used any products made by Czechia, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary..Maybe also not Singapore which I m not very certain.
If you have visited some Western paid websites, you will see many videos produced by women from these countries.

But don't look too much, otherwise it will harm your body.
Oh no, this is terrible news for Japan!
Not really, as it was not the volume of trade.

Notice that the OP is gaslighting and posting trade deficit on Japan, which is a very definitive criteria because it pointed to one thing. It import more than it export.

What does that mean? It really don't mean nothing because we don't really know the actual detail of trade, was it lower or higher? That can only show on comparing trade volume.

Case in point, do you know China has been running a trade deficit to Australia since 2008? And in 2021 it reaches the highest point of 98 billions dollar trade deficit?

What does that mean? It mean nothing other than China is buying more (In this case raw material) than selling to Australia. The issue here is, China net intake does not mean they don't produce anything and then sell them to Australia, they may have record export volume to Australia but that was overshadowed by import volume and the thing is, whatever China import from Australia does not just use it on export in Australia. Which render this figure pointless.

On the other hand, Japan was not a traditional net export country, not since 2010, there were just a few years when japan actually have a positive trade amount, and most of their import were Oil and Petroleum Products.....

Japan BOT.jpg

And I would say the current deficit mostly comes from high oil and gas prices than "they refused to sell Chinese their chip"
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