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JAPAN: Osaka mayor faces censure over sex slave comments


Jul 28, 2012
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The mayor of the Japanese city of Osaka is facing a censure motion over inflammatory comments he made about Japan’s wartime sex slaves, remarks that sparked an international uproar. The city assembly was to vote yesterday afternoon on the motion, which says Mayor Toru Hashimoto’s comments created confusion and tarnished the image of the city. The motion has no legal implication for Hashimoto, who is also co-chair of an emerging nationalistic party. The outspoken mayor sparked a firestorm of controversy after he said on May 13 that Japan’s use of so-called “comfort women” before and during World War II was necessary for military discipline and providing rest for troops. He sought later to clarify his comments, saying he meant that military authorities of the day must have deemed the practice necessary.

MACAU DAILY TIMES - JAPAN: Osaka mayor faces censure over sex slave comments
This is why india and japan got on so well both have similar sex culture

India has a terrible rape epidemic that even the moderators allows a permanent thread on "Indian rape" in Indian section. I personally think that its horrible to have a rape thread on a defense forum but rape news from India is so pervasive that it become a norm in the Indian media establishment and international news so the moderators allow such thread to exist.

HeHe, slang word by folks ... only true Chinese could understand it.

Is it suppose to be a slang for Cantonese.
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