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Japan Navy to join India, US in Bay of Bengal

Ministry of Defence
16-January, 2018 16:16 IST
High level meeting & joint exercises between Indian and Japan Coast Guards

A High Level Meeting between Indian Coast Guard (ICG) and Japan Coast Guard (JCG) was held at Coast Guard Headquarters, New Delhi on January 15, 2018 under the provisions of the Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) signed between the two agencies in 2006.

The Indian delegation was led by ICG Director General Shri Rajendra Singh while KCG was led by its Commandant Admiral Satoshi Nakajima in the meeting. It focused on augmenting the operational level interaction and capacity building in areas of search and rescue, pollution response and maritime law enforcement.

Relations between the two Coast Guards go back a long way with ICG ships calling on ports in Japan for professional interactions since 2000. This meeting and visit is in continuation of the efforts by the governments of the two countries to enhance cooperation between the two Coast Guards in the field of maritime safety and security at sea.

During the meeting, both sides agreed to strengthen the mutual cooperation in accordance with the provisions of the MoC. Sharing of best management practices and continuation of personnel exchange were agreed upon during the meeting.

Japan Coast Guard Ship Tsugaru has arrived at Chennai on 12 January for participating in the joint exercise that is scheduled on 17 January. Both the DG ICG and the Commander JCG will be travelling to Chennai to oversee the Joint exercise.

The meeting was significant in providing added impetus to the already existing professional relationship between the Coast Guards of India and Japan.

Safety drill: The Coast Guards of India and Japan, during a joint exercise, simulated a hijacking of a cruise vessel and rescue of passengers on board and other rescue operations, off the Chennai shore on Wednesday. | Photo Credit: B. Jothi Ramalingam


Coast Guards of India and Japan simulate search and rescue operation in the Bay of Bengal off the city’s coast

The Indian and the Japanese Coast Guards undertook a joint search and rescue exercise, ‘SAREX-18,’ in the Bay of Bengal off the Chennai coast on Wednesday.

A total of nine Indian Coast Guard ships and eight aircraft took part in the exercise, in which the Navy, the Air Force and the Institute of Ocean Technology pooled their resources.

Japanese Coast Guard ship Tsugaru participated in the cross-landing of helicopters on board an Indian Coast Guard ship. The exercise was completed on Wednesday afternoon.

Speaking on board ICGS Shaurya, Admiral Satoshi Nakajima, Commandant, Japan Coast Guard, said the joint exercise would lead to more collaboration and cooperation in areas such as anti-piracy measures that were necessary for peace and prosperity in the region. “Today’s exercise was viewed by officials from several countries. From the point of view of strengthening collaboration among the international Coast Guard agencies also, I think this was a very meaningful exercise,” Mr. Nakajima said.

Observers present

Observers from 17 countries witnessed the joint exercise from the ICGS Shaurya. During the exercise, the Coast Guards simulated a hijack of a cruise vessel and rescue of passengers on board, cross-deck landing of helicopters, interdiction of a pirate vessel, a search and rescue demonstration and external fire-fighting operations.

“The international observers came and saw how we conducted the exercises. Our special region extends to 4.6 million sq km, which is a pretty large area. On one side, the region meets Qatar, down south it goes towards Mauritius, Maldives and, in other places, it goes towards Australia or Indonesia. If something happens in this 4.6 million sq km, they can see how strong the Coast Guard is and how interoperability will be done,” said Rajendra Singh, Director General, Coast Guard.

State-owned telecom firm BSNL and Japan’s NTT AT along with their Indian partner Virgo Corps, have signed an agreement to collaborate in developing futuristic technologies.

“BSNL and NTT Adavance Technology Corporation (Telecom leader in Japan) along with their partners in India Virgo Corp, have signed a MoU (memorandum of understanding) to collaborate in futuristic technologies such as artificial intelligence / IoT and jointly create a 5G test bed,” BSNL said in a statement.

The agreement is in line with the vision of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to collaborate on the next generation technologies and use the expertise of India in software and Japanese expertise in manufacturing, the statement said.

BSNL CMD Anupam Shrivastava along with board of directors; NTT AT President and CEO George Kimura, and Virgo Corp Chairman Monga, were present during the signing of the pact.
The Japan Self-Defense Force Chief of Staff, Joint Staff Admiral Katsutoshi Kawano paying homage to martyrs at Amar Jawan Jyoti, India Gate, in New Delhi on March 05, 2018.

The Japan Self-Defense Force Chief of Staff, Joint Staff Admiral Katsutoshi Kawano inspecting the Tri-Services Guard of Honour, in New Delhi on March 05, 2018.


The Japan Self-Defense Force Chief of Staff, Joint Staff Admiral Katsutoshi Kawano meeting the Chairman Chiefs of Staff Committee and Chief of Naval Staff, Admiral Sunil Lanba, in New Delhi on March 05, 2018.


The Chairman Chiefs of Staff Committee and Chief of Naval Staff, Admiral Sunil Lanba presenting a memento to the Japan Self-Defense Force Chief of Staff, Joint Staff Admiral Katsutoshi Kawano, in New Delhi on March 05, 2018.


The Japan Self-Defense Force Chief of Staff, Joint Staff Admiral Katsutoshi Kawano meeting the Vice Chief of the Air Staff, Air Marshal S.B. Deo, in New Delhi on March 05, 2018.


The Japan Self-Defense Force Chief of Staff, Joint Staff Admiral Katsutoshi Kawano meeting the Defence Secretary, Shri Sanjay Mitra, in New Delhi on March 05, 2018.
Ministry of Home Affairs
17-March, 2018 16:48 IST
First India-Japan Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction to begin on 19th March

Aims to develop a specific bilateral Action Plan on areas of cooperation in DRR

India and Japan, two of the most disaster-prone countries in the world, are coming together to address disaster risk. Over a two-day workshop beginning here on Monday, 19th March, experts will discuss issues pertaining to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), especially earthquakes.

Japan is situated along the Pacific Ring of Fire and is highly susceptible to earthquakes. Given itslong history of devastating earthquakes, Japan has a very high level of community awareness. Its technological know-how, especially in the area of earthquake risk reduction, is among the most advanced in the world.

India is rapidly urbanising and a massive investment in the infrastructure sector is imminent. As nearly 59% of India’s landmass is prone to moderate to severe earthquakes, it will not only save lives in the event of an earthquake but also make for great economic sense that this investment is made earthquake resilient.

The workshop will present an opportunity to explore as to how Japan invests in making its infrastructure resilient to present and future disaster risks. It will also help understand recent advancements in Japan in the area of earthquake detection and early warning systems and adapt them to India’s context. This will play a vital role in enhancing preparedness and response at every level.

This workshop is being jointly organised by the Ministry of Home Affairs, National Disaster Management Authority, India and Government of Japan. Dr. Rajiv Kumar, Vice-Chairman, NITI Aayog, will inaugurate this workshop.

The workshop is a follow-up of the Memorandum of Cooperation, which was signed between India and Japan in 2017 during the visit of Mr. Shinjo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan, to India. It aims to develop a specific bilateral Action Plan on areas of cooperation in DRR.

The workshop will facilitate knowledge exchange on good practices, lessons learnt and latest technological advancements in the area of disaster risk management. Six technical sessions will be held during the workshop –

i) Disaster Management Policy Framework - Policy Framework (Historical Background, Institution, National Strategy, National Plan for Nankai Trough Earthquake, etc.)

ii) Risk Assessment - How do earthquakes occur? To what extent can these be predicted? Whichkind of earthquakes are likely to occur in Japan and India?

iii) Disaster Resilient Infrastructure - How does policy respond to strengthen infrastructure, in particular, water-related protective infrastructure?

iv) Early Warning System - How does it work? How to communicate early warning to citizens? How does the national government respond following the early warning?

v) Preparedness/Response at sub-national level - How do sub-national governments prepare for and respond to earthquakes? How do local communities develop their resilience by planning in advance?

vi) Approaches by private sector -What kind of technologies and services can private sector offer to reduce damage and loss by earthquakes? What is the socio-economic impact of those technologies and services?

Around 120 delegates from governments of both countries, educational institutes, specialized disaster management agencies, the private sector and civil society organizations will participate in the workshop.

Ministry of Defence
18-March, 2018 11:45 IST
Admiral Sunil Lanba, Chairman, Chiefs of Staff Committee and the Chief Ofthe Naval Staff to Visit USA (19-23Mar)

Admiral Sunil Lanba, Chairman, Chiefs of Staff Committee and the Chief of the Naval Staff is visiting USA on a bilateral visit from 19 to 23 Mar 18. The visit aims to consolidate cooperation between the Armed Forces of both India and USA and also to explore new avenues of defence cooperation.

During his visit, the Chairman, Chiefs of Staff Committee and the Chief of the Naval Staff will hold bilateral discussions with Mr James Mattis, Secretary Defence (SECDEF) of USA, Mr Richard V Spencer, Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV), General Joseph F Dunford Jr, Vice Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff (Vice Chairman JCS), Admiral John M Richardson, Chief of Naval Operations (CNO), Admiral Harry Harris, Commander, Pacific Command (PACOM), Admiral Scott Swift, Commander, Pacific Fleet (PACFLT), and Vice Admiral Thomas J Moore, Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA).

In addition to holding important bilateral discussions, the Admiral will be visiting the Pacific Command Headquarters at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii, the Naval Surface Warfare Centre (NSWC) Dahlgren, the Pentagon and Arlington National Cemetery in Washington DC.

India and USA have traditionally maintained close and friendly relations, including defence relation, wherein both countries have concluded major agreements in the recent past. This includes the Defence Framework Agreement, signed in 2015, which lays a blue print for collaboration between the defence establishments of both countries and the Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement (LEMOA) signed in 2016, which is a foundational agreement, facilitating reciprocal logistics support between the Armed Forces of both countries. In addition, India was accorded Major Defence Partner status during the Hon’ble PM’s visit to US in Jun 16.

The Indian Navy cooperates with the US Navy on many issues, which include operational interactions such as the MALABAR and RIMPAC series of exercises, training exchanges, exchange of White Shipping Information and Subject Matter Experts in various fields through the medium of Executive Steering Group (ESG) meetings. Warships from both navies have also been regularly visiting each other’s ports.


Ministry of Home Affairs
19-March, 2018 12:13 IST
First India-Japan Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction inaugurated

Experts from Japan and India meet over two days to discuss DRR with particular emphasis on earthquake safety

The Vice-Chairman, NITI Aayog, Dr. Rajiv Kumar inaugurated the First India-Japan Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction here today. The two-day workshop is being jointly organised by the Ministry of Home Affairs, National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and Government of Japan.

Speaking on the occasion, Vice-Chairman, NITI Aayog underlined the synergy between the two ancient Asian civilizations of India and Japan, both of which have frequently witnessed the fury of natural catastrophes and are investing proactively on mainstreaming risk reduction into development. He said that this workshop “marks the beginning of formal implementation of the initiatives agreed under the Memorandum of Cooperation signed between the two countries on Disaster Risk Reduction in September 2017”.

While underlining the impact of disaster on development, Dr. Rajiv Kumar stated that uncontrolled development without proper disaster risk assessment has increased the risk of losses from disasters. He added that climate change has further aggravated the disaster risk. “Therefore, disaster risk management can no longer remain isolated from the overall strategy of sustainable development”, he said.

Recalling commitments made in Sendai on Disaster Risk Reduction, in Paris on Climate Change and in New York on Sustainable Development Goals, Dr Rajiv Kumar emphasized the role of country leadership for implementing the commitments particularly in the field of Disaster Risk Reduction, as returns to investment are not easily visible. He said that “Disaster Risk Reduction should be seen not as a cost to economic growth, but rather as a valuable asset for the country”.

Dr. Rajiv Kumar talked about reducing disaster risk by strengthening resilience, through a six-pronged approach of Risk Identification, Risk Reduction, Preparedness, Financial Protection, Resilient Reconstruction and Societal Awareness. He highlighted the role of education and schooling in preparing citizens for catastrophic natural disasters. He also emphasized the role of building partnerships with stakeholders for promoting risk informed investment. In this regard, he said “reducing the risk and losses of disasters is a collective effort” and therefore, this workshop is “indeed a very defining step towards mutual sharing, learning and enhancing the capacities of our people and communities in disaster risk resilience”.

The Vice Minister for Policy Coordination in the Cabinet Office, Japan, Mr. Mamoru Maekawa, thanked the Government of India for hosting this Workshop, which is the first outcome of the Memorandum of Cooperation regarding Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). He shared the Japanese experiences of DRR policies, including legal and planning framework, and discussed how Japan is preparing against mega-scale disasters, in collaboration with government, academia, private companies and citizens. He concluded that Japan and India could collaborate for the implementation of the Sendai Framework so as to contribute to Disaster Risk Reduction globally.

Additional Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister of India, Dr. P. K. Mishra talked about the unparalleled contribution of Japan to global Disaster Risk Reduction. He appreciated their consistent global leadership in this area from the early days of the International Decade of Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR) to Yokohama Strategy, to Hyogo Framework to the current Sendai Framework. Dr. Mishra lauded Japan’s lead in technology and its all of society approach in DRR. Dr. Mishra stressed the need for imbibing the principles of Disaster Risk Management in all development sectors so as to prevent economic losses. He mentioned that in line with the Prime Minister’s announcement during the Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction held in 2016, India is working towards a global coalition on Disaster Resilient Infrastructure. He complimented Japan for their active cooperation on this initiative and also emphasized long standing collaboration between the two countries in DRR at various levels.

Ambassador of Japan to India, Mr. Kenji Hiramatsu, expressed his gratitude to the people of India for sending the team of National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) to Japan, who extended their unstinting assistance in the aftermath of the Great East Japan earthquake in March 2011. He also mentioned about the various cooperative projects related to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) which are currently ongoing between Japan and India; and emphasized the importance of people's awareness and precautionary measures for DRR.

In his welcome address, Shri R K Jain, Member, NDMA, highlighted the expertise of Japan in the field of Disaster Risk Management, particularly in the field of earthquake risk reduction and resilience. He said that the workshop will help to learn from the experience of Japan in earthquake safety and early warning system.

Union Home Secretary Shri Rajiv Gauba, all Members of NDMA and senior officers from MHA, NDMA and NDRF were also present during the inaugural session.

Fifty delegates from Japan including experts from government, technical institutions, private sector and 70 delegates from India including experts from Central Government, State Governments, NDMA, SDMAs, IITs, NIDM, National Centre for Seismology, INCOIS, NRSC, IMD, National Geophysical Research Institute, TERI, BISAG, Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, IIHS, SAARC Disaster Management Centre, NIUA, SPA, Research and Information System for Development Countries, Infrastructure Companies, Private Sector and NGOs are participating in the Workshop.

Deliberations at the workshop will take the dialogue on India-Japan Cooperation on Disaster Risk Reduction further with particular focus of earthquake safety. The workshop will identify possible areas of cooperation of India with Japan in the field of Disaster Risk Reduction.

The Vice Chairman of NITI Aayog, Dr. Rajiv Kumar, the Additional Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister, Dr. P.K. Mishra and the Vice Minister for Policy Coordination in the Cabinet Office, Japan, Mr. Mamoru Maekawa, at the inaugural session of the First India-Japan Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction, in New Delhi on March 19, 2018. The Union Home Secretary, Shri Rajiv Gauba, the Member, NDMA, Shri R.K. Jain and the Ambassador of Japan to India, Mr. Kenji Hiramatsu are also seen.

The Vice Chairman of NITI Aayog, Dr. Rajiv Kumar, the Additional Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister, Dr. P.K. Mishra and the Vice Minister for Policy Coordination in the Cabinet Office, Japan, Mr. Mamoru Maekawa, at the inaugural session of the First India-Japan Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction, in New Delhi on March 19, 2018.


The Vice Chairman of NITI Aayog, Dr. Rajiv Kumar addressing the inaugural session of the First India-Japan Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction, in New Delhi on March 19, 2018. The Additional Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister, Dr. P.K. Mishra, the Vice Minister for Policy Coordination in the Cabinet Office, Japan, Mr. Mamoru Maekawa and the Union Home Secretary, Shri Rajiv Gauba are also seen.


The Vice Chairman of NITI Aayog, Dr. Rajiv Kumar, the Additional Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister, Dr. P.K. Mishra and the Vice Minister for Policy Coordination in the Cabinet Office, Japan, Mr. Mamoru Maekawa in a group photograph with the delegates, during the inaugural session of the First India-Japan Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction, in New Delhi on March 19, 2018. The Union Home Secretary, Shri Rajiv Gauba, the Member, NDMA, Shri R.K. Jain and the Ambassador of Japan to India, Mr. Kenji Hiramatsu are also seen.

The Minister of State for Tourism (I/C) and Electronics & Information Technology, Shri Alphons Kannanthanam in a meeting with the Delegation of Friendship Exchange Group Council (FEC) Japan, in New Delhi on March 19, 2018.
The Minister of State for Home Affairs, Shri Kiren Rijiju in a meeting with the Vice Minister for Policy Coordination in the Cabinet Office, Japan, Mr. Mamoru Maekawa, on the sidelines of the First India-Japan Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction, in New Delhi on March 20, 2018.

The Minister of State for Home Affairs, Shri Kiren Rijiju in a meeting with the Vice Minister for Policy Coordination in the Cabinet Office, Japan, Mr. Mamoru Maekawa, on the sidelines of the First India-Japan Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction, in New Delhi on March 20, 2018. The Ambassador of Japan to India, Mr. Kenji Hiramatsu is also seen.

Ministry of Home Affairs
20-March, 2018 15:13 IST

MoS (Home) Shri Kiren Rijiju held bilateral talks with Mr. Mamoru Maekawa, Vice Minister for Policy Coordination, Cabinet Office of Japan

During the first bilateral talks between Minister of State for Home Affairs, Shri Kiren Rijiju and Mr. Mamoru Maekawa, Vice Minister for Policy Coordination, Cabinet Office of Japan, as a follow up of the Memorandum of Cooperation signed between India and Japan during the visit of Japanese Prime Minister Mr. Shinzo Abe to India in September 2017, the two sides expressed their satisfaction on the commitment for bilateral cooperation in different areas. The meeting, held here last evening before the dinner hosted by the MoS (Home) on the occasion of the First India-Japan Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction 2018, witnessed warm exchange of ideas and strengthening of relations between the two countries. While fondly remembering the visit of Japanese Prime Minister to Ahmedabad in September 2017 and warm reception accorded by the public, Shri Rijiju emphasized that our shared values and high degree of convergence in the political, economic and strategic interests provide an enduring basis for a strong India-Japan partnership.

While expressing gratitude for Japanese investment and cooperation in India for the flagship projects that include high speed train, Shri Rijiju touched upon the synergy between India’s Act East Policy and Japan’s Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy. Shri Rijiju assured to extend all possible cooperation in further strengthening the ties so that the strong bilateral relations can be leveraged to build partnership and collaboration in multifaceted dimensions.

The two sides expressed happiness over start of discussions under the banner of India-Japan Act East Forum for developmental work in the North East States of India. Shri Rijiju solicited active support from Japan as a partner country for setting the disaster resilient infrastructure coalition and also the support for India’s bid for the Co-chair of “Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery” for 2020. The two sides also welcomed exchange of information, technology, and collaboration in the areas of Disaster Risk Reduction especially in early warning system, capacity building for earthquake risk management, Tsunami preparedness and Tsunami risk reduction. MoS (Home) also desired organisation of concrete activities, such as joint mock-drills at few places in India. Mr. Mamoru Maekawa, who is visiting India to participate in the Workshop on DRR, reaffirmed the commitment of Japan in extending full cooperation and active support in concrete activities as discussed in the bilateral meeting as well as those that will be discussed in the Workshop.

Ambassador of Japan to India, officials of Govt. of Japan, Members NDMA, senior officers of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and Ministry of External Affairs were also present during the meeting.

The Minister of State for Home Affairs, Shri Kiren Rijiju delivering the valedictory address at the Closing Session of the First India-Japan Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction, in New Delhi on March 20, 2018. The Additional Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister, Dr. P.K. Mishra, the Vice Minister for Policy Coordination in the Cabinet Office, Japan, Mr. Mamoru Maekawa and the Member, NDMA, Shri R.K. Jain and other dignitaries are also seen.

The Minister of State for Home Affairs, Shri Kiren Rijiju delivering the valedictory address at the Closing Session of the First India-Japan Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction, in New Delhi on March 20, 2018. The Additional Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister, Dr. P.K. Mishra, the Vice Minister for Policy Coordination in the Cabinet Office, Japan, Mr. Mamoru Maekawa and the Member, NDMA, Shri R.K. Jain and other dignitaries are also seen.


The Minister of State for Home Affairs, Shri Kiren Rijiju at the Closing Session of the First India-Japan Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction, in New Delhi on March 20, 2018. The Additional Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister, Dr. P.K. Mishra, the Vice Minister for Policy Coordination in the Cabinet Office, Japan, Mr. Mamoru Maekawa and the Member, NDMA, Shri R.K. Jain are also seen.


Indian Navy's Talwar-class frigate INS Tarkash sailed together with the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt and a few other ships on Sunday.

Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Preble (DDG 88) along with aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) and the guided-missile destroyers USS Halsey (DDG 97) and USS Sampson (DDG 102), sailed in formation with INS Tarkash (F50).

The event was a naval greeting and training exercise between partner nations as Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group (TRCSG) transitions from fighting the Islamic State, while in the Arabian Gulf, to operations in the US 7th Fleet area of operations such as counter-piracy, freedom of navigation operations and training.

Warfare commanders from the US Navy ships and the Indian Navy ship practised working together and strengthened their crew's ship handling.

Exercises included drills in communications and navigating in several close formations, a press communique from US Consulate General-Mumbai said.

"This exercise offered a unique opportunity to further our capabilities to operate with and learn from one another," said Cmdr Allen Maxwell Jr, commanding officer of Preble.

"It's an excellent test for our watchstanders to exercise their flexibility as warfighters and to interact with foreign vessels in a tactical environment. Preble is dedicated to ensuring its ability to work together with our allies and partners and deal with common concerns such as disaster relief and safety of sea lanes," he added.

Additionally, 10 Indian sailors toured spaces aboard Preble such as combat information center, central control station and the bridge, while 10 Preble Sailors visited Tarkash.

While touring each other's ships for the afternoon, sailors had the chance to learn how they operate on a day-to-day basis and experience life at sea from a different perspective.

"The officers and crew of Tarkash were fantastic hosts and extremely welcoming to our group," said Ensign Adam B Campbell, a sailor assigned to Preble.

"It was very impressive that a cook staff of only five sailors could produce such a wide variety of delicious, fresh foods for a crew of 300 people three times a day," he added.

Ministry of Defence
07-October, 2018 13:49 IST
Bilateral Maritime Exercise Between Japan and India (JIMEX 18) to Commence at Visakhapatnam

Japanese Maritime Self Defence Force (JMSDF) Ships Kaga, an Izumo Class Helicopter Destroyer and Inazuma – a Guided Missile Destroyer arrived at Visakhapatnam on 07 October 2018. The JMSDF Ships under the command of Rear Admiral Tatsuya Fukada, Commander, Escort Flotilla-4 (CCF-4), would be participating in the third edition of Japan-India Maritime Exercise (JIMEX) with the ships of Eastern Fleet of the Indian Navy (IN) from 07 to 15 October 18. JIMEX-18 is aimed to enhance interoperability, improve understanding and imbibe the best practices of each other.

The IN will be represented by three indigenously designed and built warships and a Fleet Tanker. The ships participating are INS Satpura, multipurpose stealth frigate, INS Kadmatt, Anti-Submarine Warfare Corvette, Missile Corvette and INS Shakti, the Fleet Tanker. In addition, one submarine, P8I Long Range Maritime Patrol Aircraft and a number of integral helicopters would also be participating in the exercise. The Indian ships participating would be under the command of Rear Admiral Dinesh K Tripathi, Flag Officer Commanding, Eastern Fleet.

JIMEX 18, spread over eight days, will comprise a Harbour Phase and a Sea Phase of four days each. The Harbour Phase of the exercise scheduled from 07 to 10 October 18 will include professional and social interactions between ship’s crews, sports fixtures and operational planning for the Sea Phase. The Sea Phase would include Anti-Submarine Warfare Exercises, VBSS (Visit, Board, Search and Seizure) Drills, Gun Firings, Cross Deck Helo Operations and coordinated operations in Anti-Submarine/ Anti-Air threat scenarios.

The last edition of JIMEX was conducted in Dec 2013 off Chennai. The conduct of JIMEX-18 after five years is indicative of an upswing in the Indo-Japanese defence relations and the continued efforts of both Governments to work closely to enhance safety and security of the global commons in keeping with ‘rule based order’. It is pertinent to highlight that JMSDF is a regular participant in the Malabar series of exercises between Indian and US Navies. In addition, the ships of the two navies have been working in close coordination in Anti-Piracy Operations in the Gulf of Aden (GoA) for the past few years.

JMSDF Ships also participated in the recently concluded MALABAR 18 off Guam (along with Indian and US Navy units) in the Pacific Ocean in Jun and biennial multilateral exercise RIMPAC-18 off Hawaii, USA.

Special forces in India-U.S. exercise
New Delhi, October 14, 2018 21:53 IST
Updated: October 14, 2018 21:53 IST


Talks are on to include them in the first tri-services exercise likely to take place in 2019

The first India-U.S. tri-services exercise is likely to take place in 2019, and talks are on to include the special forces of the two countries in the drill, a senior U.S. defence official has said.

The three forces of each country already take part in bilateral exercises separately — their Armies participate in an annual drill called Yudh Abyaas, whose latest edition took place in September, and the Air Forces take part in a bilateral drill called Cope India.

The Navies participate in an exercise in Malabar, involving Japan.

But this will be the first time, the three services of India and the U.S. will participate in a drill together.

All services
“The first one will be in India, and it will take place in 2019. It would include all our services, plus we are kind of scoping the exercise right now to include each of the services’ special operations forces. That is very exciting. This is under discussion right now ... essentially all our services, plus potentially the special operations forces,” Brigadier-General David E. Brigham said.

An initial planning conference will be held to discuss the scale of the exercise, he said.

No date has been fixed for the joint drill yet, Mr. Brigham said.

The drill may take place sometime in late August because U.S. naval ships could be in the region around that time.

UN scenario
The drill will focus on a United Nations-based scenario and the overarching mission of humanitarian assistance, disaster relief measure, the U.S. Brigadier-General said.

He said India was the “natural humanitarian disaster relief hub” in the Indo-Pacific region.

The Indian Army has Para SF, the Navy has Marcos while the Air Force has the Garud as their respective special forces.

Though the joint tri-services drill was formally announced after the first 2+2 dialogue between the principals of the External Affairs and Defence Ministries of the two countries last month, work on it had begun much before.
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