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Jammu and kashmir

Baltistan scouts


New Recruit

Aug 5, 2019
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United Kingdom
Has pakistan given up on ever getting freedom for jammu and kashmir .cause talking about kashmir will never result in freedom for kashmiris.imran khan speach at un talk shop will not bring about results.what are your views
Please point out any alternatives.
Kashmir's status has little to do with the Pakistan's Kashmir narrative. Pakistan was trying to internationalize the conflict before the article 370 revocation and has increased efforts after the revocation of the article. For Pakistan there is no big policy change. This is because the ground reality is that India is in control of ~45% of Kashmir and will keep it as a matter of national pride even if it has to oppress the local Kashmiris and the only way it can be taken is through military power.

What Pakistan can do? It is better to wait for the Kashmiris to rise against the oppression. Then maybe Pakistan can also help them. Up till now, it does not look like there is any Kashmiri resistance. They have decided to roll with the flow for now. Cant help them in this condition can we?
The Uighur muslims are also suppressed to a level that they cannot challenge the Chinese state. I predict the same outcome for the Kashmiris. A minority cannot challenge the powerful institution of the state. The State is just too powerful. Unless of course you are a Pathan. Can't compare them right?
The kashmiris rose up in the 1990s with thousands crossing over the border it was a perfect time for pakistan to invade as refugees crossing over is the same excuse used in 1971 to help out bengali rebels. Pakistan now has to destroy loc fence so infiltration by freedom fighters can be made easier and transfer of weapon made easier.pakistan army should provide more sophisticated weapon s eg stinger missiles to kashmiris to take down indian helicopters and to bleed the indian army a lot more .with the fence destroyed infiltration numbers should be by the hundreds .pakistan could have allowed azadi march to cross as peaceful protesters broke down berlin wall with overwhelming numbers.pakistan reply to condeming countries is we will provide any support kashmiris need to gain freedom and to interfere in somthing they have been unwilling to help in for past 72 years
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