The Persian minority dictator went through with selected reforms for selected feudal.
That resulted in Bhutto. Who did the same thing which resulted in Zia and Sharif.
The only thing you can blame Liaquat for is the Objective Resolution. You get your from Ali Shariati and Qom your objective resolution.
Establishment has been largely responsible for the suffering of public. Mutate this ideology and present Jinnah as mullah, let's do this, oh no we f'd up here too so let's do this, oh darn that backfired ... And all that. Now when the fixes are coming at snail pace, it wants to take full credit...
Blame Mullahs (or Ulema Su as you call them) for declaring Land reforms
The Qazalbash Waqf v. Chief Land Commissioner judgment by the Shariat Appellate Bench of the Supreme Court of Islamic Republic of Pakistan has in effect shut the doors of ‘land reform’ in Pakistan. Land Reforms have been declared "UnIslamic" ..... No "action" against this biggest curse possible now
S.P.No & Parties
14/L of 1988 Sajwara and others
Federal Govt.
2/L of 1989 Allah Wasaya
Federal Govt.
Matter Involved
Para 24 of the land reform regulation has been challenged on the ground that the bar against the sale of property by an owner in the situation mentioned there is against Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet.
Para 24 declared repugnant to the Injunctions of Islam. Directions given for necessary amendment till Ist January 1990.
(PLD 1989 FSC-80)
Appeal filed in Shariat Appellate Bench.
(PLD 1990 S.C.99)
Interestingly, the Federal Shariat Court in its judgement (Dec, 1980) found nothing
unIslamic about Land Reforms (by a majority of 4 to 1) .... It was the Shariat Appellate Bench (of the Supreme Court of Pakistan) which later overruled the Federal Shariat Court judgement in 1989, and declared that Land Reforms were
unIslamic (by a majority of 3 to 2) ...
What happened between 1980 and 1989 ? Firstly, Ulema had been "added" to the Federal Shariat Court and the Shariat Appellate Bench (after 1982) ...... And secondly, the Cold War had ended and Socialism had fallen !! ... The world had changed and with the declaration that land reforms were prohibited by Islam, the Shariat Court had, in effect, declared the heart of the political agenda of the left in Pakistan to be un-Islamic.
When state appointed Men/Ulema begin to officially explore the meaning of God's law for the people of their own time, essentially, they are bound to get influenced by the prevailing local and global political realities. The whole idea of doing God's work is flawed, and it's best for the state not to involve itself with religion ...