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J-K: Ex-militant killed by terrorists, 3-yr-old son dies of injuries


Mar 29, 2013
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A three-year-old boy, who was critically injured in an attack that killed his father, succumbed to his injuries on Saturday in Sopore of north Kashmir’s Baramulla district, police said.

Burhan and his father Bashir Ahmad Bhat, who was a former militant, were critically injured when unidentified gunmen fired at them in Segipora on Friday evening.

According to a senior police official, both were rushed to a hospital but Bhat died on the way.

"His three-year-old son, who was in his arms at the time of the attack, was critically injured and later lost his fight for life," the officer said.

Police said the gunmen initially lobbed a grenade towards Bhat which didn't explode.

"Then they opened fire," an official said.

At least eight people have been killed in Sopore and its adjoining areas by unidentified gunmen since May.

In first such attack on May 25, a BSNL employee was shot dead by unidentified gunmen when they struck a showroom in Sopore. Another person hosting a mobile tower atop his house was killed a day later.

A hitherto unheard of militant group, the Lashkar-e-Islam, had claimed responsibility for the attacks.
J-K: Ex-militant killed by terrorists, 3-yr-old son dies of injuries

now where are the retards saying terrorists as freedom fighters..........hope u too one day become freedom fighter and die from a bullet from Indian Army
RIP humanity
@Ranasikander you still claim them as freedom fighters?
What they got by killing small boy? Freedom?
If kashmir wants freedom they should follow non-violence..
they should abandon every indian product..even funds,ration,electricity etc
Then world will recognise them and they WILL get support .Unless they throw away guns ...world will see them as terror groups not a freedom fighter.
Tell them.

They won't understand..I thought they have changed after APS attack..but no..They still differentiate between good and bad.
Sorry guys
Better chances of being killed by IA to avoid him going active again.
SAD to see boy died. He paid the price of the sin of his father.
SAD to see boy died. He paid the price of the sin of his father.
Well it seems terrorists are getting desperate, the man left his old life to find better opportunity for his family but I guess his past caught up to him. We should look into this case more stringently this might be a new to stop the militants from surrendering the government and military should provide some protection to them or recruit these ex militants as special units.
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