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J-20, J-10B, JF-17, the complete line up from CAC

Yeah. Anyway, solar panel uses radiation absorbing material (RAM) to absorb sunlight. Sunlight is visible, UV, IR. Almost all RAM absorb radiation in a wide range of spectrum. RAM used on planes is no exception, absorb radiation in the visible, UV, IR, radio etc.
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No it doesn't. Solar panel can't even absorb 15% of radiation and you think RAM can? BS.
not just only RAM but multiple tech on it plan-form alignments (shape) to scatter radar waves, RAS (Radar absorbing structure) and RAM (Radar absorbing materials) @undertakerwwefan :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

Solar panel is only for absorbing visible light not radio waves you paranoid @undertakerwwefan :crazy::crazy::crazy:

You don't have brain in your head but dog shit in your head instead of brain @undertakerwwefan :blah::blah::blah:
Solar panel is only for absorbing visible light not radio waves you paranoid @undertakerwwefan :crazy::crazy::crazy:

All RAM radiation absorbing materials absorb a wide range of spectrum. The only difference between UV, visible, IR, radio is wavelength. That's it. They are all the same. Electro magnetic radiation. You cannot absorb this this this spectrum without absorbing all others. It's simple physics.
Anyway. You can see DSI eliminates the splitters and therefore the gaps between the intakes and the main fuselage, and the bumps are big and round and have high deflection of incoming radio. All that means DSI makes the front of a plane have much less radio reflection. The proposed F-22B would have gotten DSI but alas Democrats killed F-22 in 2009 right after they took the House, the Senate, the White House.

J-20 front


F-22 front

Are you expert on RCS reduction in Lockheed Martin @undertakerwwefan :argh::argh:

All RAM radiation absorbing materials absorb a wide range of spectrum. The only difference between UV, visible, IR, radio is wavelength. That's it. They are all the same. Electro magnetic radiation. You cannot absorb this this this spectrum without absorbing all others. It's simple physics.
and you could learn that retard physics @undertakerwwefan it become possible that you build specific materials for absorbing specific frequencies/ wave lengths through advancement of science @undertakerwwefan :blah::blah::blah:
Are you expert on RCS reduction in Lockheed Martin @undertakerwwefan :argh::argh:

Are you expert on RCS reduction in Lockheed Martin @undertakerwwefan :argh::argh:

and you could learn that retard physics @undertakerwwefan it become possible that you build specific materials for absorbing specific frequencies/ wave lengths through advancement of science @undertakerwwefan :blah::blah::blah:

It's simple physic. Light travels in straight lines. No matter what spectrum. Just because you can't see UV and IR and radio doesn't mean they don't exist. Snakes can see IR. Birds can see UV. Light is energy. There is nothing in this universe that can absorb only this or that spectrum of light.
It's simple physic. Light travels in straight lines. No matter what spectrum. Just because you can't see UV and IR and radio doesn't mean they don't exist. Snakes can see IR. Birds can see UV. Light is energy. There is nothing in this universe that can absorb only this or that spectrum.
Go retard continue to read your that Retard simple Physics @undertakerwwefan :blah::blah::blah:
i am saying for Specific frequencies/ wave lengths like radio waves rest spectrum is ignored @undertakerwwefan :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
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Radar can emit any spectrum of light, UV to radio. The longer the wave length, the weaker the energy. Radio is the weakest light, because longest wave length. Plane has limited energy, so they emit radio to save energy. The higher the energy, the smaller the radiation cone a plane can afford to emit, the less capable the plane can detect targets off center from its front. The lower the energy, the larger the radiation cone a plane can afford to emit, the more capable the plane can detect targets off center from its front.

You think a radar can't emit visible light? You are wrong. A radar is a flashlight. Converts electrical energy to light energy. If the wave length is short enough, the light is red in color and you can see it with your eyes. If the wave length is long enough, the light is radio and you cannot see it with your eyes.
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Radar can emit any spectrum of light, UV to radio
That show you have a brain of 4 year old kid @undertakerwwefan :blah::blah::blah:
Radar only emit radio waves Not all wave lengths @undertakerwwefan :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
You think a radar can't emit visible light? You are wrong. A radar is a flashlight. Converts electrical energy to light energy. If the wave length is short enough, the light is red in color and you can see it with your eyes. If the wave length is long enough, the light is radio and you cannot see it with your eyes.
If you have proof then show us @undertakerwwefan :angel: if not keep blabbering without a base @undertakerwwefan :blah::blah::blah:
Radio is only a set of wave lengths defined by people. Lidar works like radar, except it emits short wavelength light instead of long wave length light.


LIDAR—Light Detection and Ranging—is a remote sensing method used to examine the surface of the Earth.

only Lidar have rest of conventional radar emit radio waves, its newest tech in civilian deparments, not use by militaries of the world and LASER is distort in slight weather changes like drizzle, rain, hailstorms, thunderstorm, snow and ice conditions and worked only in ideal conditions @undertakerwwefan :p:;):p:D:enjoy:
only Lidar have rest of conventional radar emit radio waves, its newest tech in civilian deparments, not use by militaries of the world and LASER is distort in slight weather changes like drizzle, rain, hailstorms, thunderstorm, snow and ice conditions and worked only in ideal conditions @undertakerwwefan :p:;):p:D:enjoy:

Multi role jets are pretty small. Small electrical generator. Not much energy for radiation emission. Lidar not practical on multi role jets. Short wave length is high energy. Would have to make the radiation cone very small volume. Targets even 5 degrees off center won't be detected. Radar emit radio long wave length low energy light, can afford a large volume radiation cone. Targets even 80 degrees off center can be detected.

Multi role jets are pretty small. Small electrical generator. Not much energy for radiation emission. Lidar not practical on multi role jets. Short wave length is high energy. Would have to make the radiation cone very small volume. Targets even 5 degrees off center won't be detected. Radar emit radio long wave length low energy light, can afford a large volume radiation cone. Targets even 80 degrees off center can be detected.

that not a problem at all older pulse dropler radar in fighter jets like early F-16/Su-27/F-15/Mig-29 have a movable radar antenna to overcome this narrow cone problems, as for AESA/PESA have electronic steering of a radio waves @undertakerwwefan and narrow cone is use for better resolution for tracking/engaging the target specially in SAMs RADARs @undertakerwwefan :p::P;):enjoy:
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