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It's time to introduce a citizens arrest law in pakistan


Feb 21, 2015
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A citizen's arrest is an arrest made by any person instead of by a police officer. ... This means that any person can physically detain another in order to arrest them, but state statutes define the limited circumstances in which this deprivation of liberty is allowed.
My thoughts
I am surprised to know that in pakistan there is no such law exist. Even in our neighboring country India a citizens arrest law exists( not widely practiced though) . This law exist in most countries around the world.
In my humble opinion I think such law will be beneficial for a country like pakistan where the law enforcement strenght is not enough to effectively control crimes in a country of 220 million and expanding rapidly. Other than that a greater fear of being arrested by anyone around if break some law or doing something wrong will act as a detterent.
But ofcourse with benefits comes the downsides specially in a country like pakistan as it may persuade people to take law in their own hands and the powerful may arrest the weaker to settle personal vendettas but passing down any sentence will always a court and jury job.
What's your thoughts ?
Pretty sure Pakistan should already have a citizen’s arrest clause in its law as our penal code is based on the British one.
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