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It's started: Robot Uprising Begins as China Turns to Machines to Fill in Gaps in the Workforce

Do Indians reject new things like robots?
Introducing robots= people lose jobs?
Introducing modern agriculture=famers lose jobs?

The world has changed.
Every major industrial country is embracing new tech, or they will be lost in the ongoing industrial revolution.
Think about things in a larger prospective!
I think in India those things you mentioned does mean loss of jobs for millions of Indians. B Ramjet is assuming India is the world standard for everything.

Great news. Less errors in production=fewer scrap. More Precision, Efficiency, Workmanship=the new Made in China 2020.
Do Indians reject new things like robots?
Introducing robots= people lose jobs?
Introducing modern agriculture=famers lose jobs?

The world has changed.
Every major industrial country is embracing new tech, or they will be lost in the ongoing industrial revolution.
Think about things in a larger prospective!

India has a very outdated mindset for everything from caste systems, treatment of women, sanitation, etc.
It's their Hindu culture which is an extremely backward culture which results in backward people and a backward country.
India has a very outdated mindset for everything from caste systems, treatment of women, sanitation, etc.
It's their Hindu culture which is an extremely backward culture which results in backward people and a backward country.

Umm... Caste System has been banned in India far back, and it is a crime to discriminate. There is proportional representation in legislative bodies, which unlike China, actually are involved in framing laws.
Treatment of women is getting better.
Sanitation has nothing to do with culture, but economic standards.

You must know that Buddhism derives heavily from Hinduism, don't you?

Also, for much larger part of history, India has had a very good robust economy, barring the last centuries. India is also growing, with a bit of lag compared to China.

Do the phrase "Yellow Peril," "Sick men of Asia" ring to your head? These are exact phrases implying Chinese inferiority invoked by others when referring to China of the 19th and 20th century. China didn't like it then. Every country has its moment.
Umm... Caste System has been banned in India far back, and it is a crime to discriminate. There is proportional representation in legislative bodies, which unlike China, actually are involved in framing laws.
Treatment of women is getting better.
Sanitation has nothing to do with culture, but economic standards.

You must know that Buddhism derives heavily from Hinduism, don't you?

Also, for much larger part of history, India has had a very good robust economy, barring the last centuries. India is also growing, with a bit of lag compared to China.

Do the phrase "Yellow Peril," "Sick men of Asia" ring to your head? These are exact phrases implying Chinese inferiority invoked by others when referring to China of the 19th and 20th century. China didn't like it then. Every country has its moment.

You can call us sick men of Asia, but that doesn't mean India does not practice caste discriminiation.

Untouchable @ National Geographic Magazine

How does India’s caste system work? | Prospect Magazine
You can call us sick men of Asia, but that doesn't mean India does not practice caste discriminiation.

Untouchable @ National Geographic Magazine

How does India’s caste system work? | Prospect Magazine

I said, that caste discrimination has been banned, and there is major reservation and affirmative action going on in public sector for the weak.

I for once, will not claim, that it is totally abolished on ground. There are still incidents, mostly rural, that happen. But, the caste discrimination thing is far less of an issue today.
China became the largest market for industrial robots in 2013.


China will have the largest operational stock of industrial robots by the end of 2016.


All tables are from the IFR.
I said, that caste discrimination has been banned, and there is major reservation and affirmative action going on in public sector for the weak.

I for once, will not claim, that it is totally abolished on ground. There are still incidents, mostly rural, that happen. But, the caste discrimination thing is far less of an issue today.
Caste system makes Indian society stable, you cannot deny the fact.
Brahmin marry Brahmin, lower caste are willing to be servants to higher caste.
Under the caste system, general lower caste people lack a spirit of change, there is no such question like a Chinese saying 2000 years ago,


from The Hereditary House of Chen She, Records of the Grand Historian, 109BC

(Are the powerful and noble people born with their standing?)

This saying was repeated time after time by peasants ever since Chen She's peasant uprising towards Qin.

To the subcontinent, this is good. You don't have to go through so many peasant rebellions and huge life losses. During colonial era, Indian people tended to obey, as opposed to the case in China's weakest time when land was forced to be ceded, uprisings and revolutions happened everywhere. My city was dubbed the first city of revolution of 1911, we even named a metro station by this name.

In modern society, this is reflected in a lack of liquidity of human power. There is no big difference a person can do, just obey the destiny in accordance to Hinduism.

In industrial sectors, there is no strong desire to change or improve. If Modi has successfully changed, that will be new to human society, the first example of a huge industrial country with a static social structure.
'Workshop of the World' China Bets on a Robot Revolution

BEIJING — China will soon be home to more than one-third of the world's latest robots as the automation revolution takes root in the manufacturing powerhouse.

Global brands have long relied on China's large, cheap labor force to sew, weld and solder products exported abroad. But humans are now increasingly making way for robots on factory floors across the country.

Demand for robots in China has quadrupled in the last four years, making it home to nearly a quarter of the world's industrial robots, according to the International Federation of Robotics (IFR). Demand for such machines doubled during the same period in the U.S.

In recent years, the average Chinese factory worker's salary has risen noticeably, squeezing profits from manufacturers. Some factories have moved into western China or Southeast Asia in search of lower wages, while others have attempted to pass the cost on to buyers with mixed success.

Increased government support including financial incentives said to be worth billions have also convinced factory owners to invest.

'Workshop of the World' China Bets on a Robot Revolution - NBC News
It's a good bet. Robots are the future.

And have been since a long time.

The real issue is that any technology just pushes the efficiency of individual human beings, but doesn't replace them.

So, once the technology is mature, everyone will have access to it, and the playing field will be level, ultimately number of human beings will count.
And have been since a long time.

The real issue is that any technology just pushes the efficiency of individual human beings, but doesn't replace them.

So, once the technology is mature, everyone will have access to it, and the playing field will be level, ultimately number of human beings will count.

Sure it does. A factory that need to hire 100 workers before now only needs 15 to keep the production line running. With overcapacity being a major concern today, while you can have the same 100 workers cranking out 10 times as much products as before with robots, you won't be able to find a market for them.
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