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Italy to send marines back to India

whatever, but its Italy who lost the face not India! so lets be proud of this diplomatic victory.

Arey bhai who knows what deals have been struck behind the curtains , one thing is sure there must have been some concessions made and compromises from both the sides. Italy won't hand over its marines for free with EU on its side. I was poiting what concessions India might have given to Italy.
dunno why but i always had the intuition that italy gonna return the marines :woot:
Arey bhai who knows what deals have been struck behind the curtains , one thing is sure there must have been some concessions made and compromises from both the sides. Italy won't hand over its marines for free with EU on its side. I was poiting what concessions India might have given to Italy.

Don't spoil the thread with assumptions and silly politics for now, if some facts are revealed we will discuss them then....as for now savor the sweet victory.
Italy tongue slip

Arey bhai who knows what deals have been struck behind the curtains , one thing is sure there must have been some concessions made and compromises from both the sides. Italy won't hand over its marines for free with EU on its side. I was poiting what concessions India might have given to Italy.

It is supreme court which is involved.... UPA has/have no choice... so kindly don't make assumptions..
nope apart kerala most of other states is not aware of this issue.... Especially Andhra the vital share of MP's for the congress is from andhra.... there is no way congress going to win here...

This is a very good news. Congress gone from Andhra too ..? I always thought that they will again from Andhra... My hopes for NDA are little higher now.
Arey bhai who knows what deals have been struck behind the curtains , one thing is sure there must have been some concessions made and compromises from both the sides. Italy won't hand over its marines for free with EU on its side. I was poiting what concessions India might have given to Italy.

Haters gona hate whatever you do, you would have said same things if they had not returned.
Arey bhai who knows what deals have been struck behind the curtains , one thing is sure there must have been some concessions made and compromises from both the sides. Italy won't hand over its marines for free with EU on its side. I was poiting what concessions India might have given to Italy.

No yaar. You seem to have forgotten the "Kabab mein haddi here". I.E. the Supreme Court and the Judicial System. So whatever concessions that you may be pointing at; the SC is not part of it. So that will not hold.

Better you hold your horses; before attempting to take any long or high jumps!

Arey bhai who knows what deals have been struck behind the curtains , one thing is sure there must have been some concessions made and compromises from both the sides. Italy won't hand over its marines for free with EU on its side. I was poiting what concessions India might have given to Italy.

No yaar. You seem to have forgotten the "Kabab mein haddi here". I.E. the Supreme Court and the Judicial System. So whatever concessions that you may be pointing at; the SC is not part of it. So that will not hold.

Better you hold your horses; before attempting to take any long or high jumps!
what could be Sonia Gandhi's role? Will this bring UPA-3 again? Or it is only because of our MEA babus.
who wants to bet me they wont be charged

We are talking about the SC here - not a Kangaroo court - if they are indeed found guilty they will be charged and sentenced as well.
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