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Italy Is Preparing Its Only Aircraft Carrier to Handle F-35B Stealth Fighters

Bwahahahahahahahaha!!! You stiff upper lip BRIT you!!! I have no idea with the carrier brother I'm an Infantryman!!! Nope I am "Punk"anistani mwahahahahahahaha!!
so, you can be a pakistani and a redneck at the same time. dont yankistanis join the millitary?
so, you can be a pakistani and a redneck at the same time. dont yankistanis join the millitary?

No my dear Redcoat, I have no Pakistani heritage whatsoever but I do love Pakistani food! Try this one and you'll forget about Haggis!!! Its delicious!!! My Army buddy introduced me to it!!!

Lol what? Italy has a bigger economy than Turkey and Pakistan combined

Italian Navy and Air Force are much more superior, Italy only lacks in the army but still has a much more modern army than Turkey.

Turkey is not getting 4% to 5% growth, in fact for the last 2 years Turkish economy has been shrinking

LOL. Turkish currency devalued and this made their nominal GDP lower. That is NOT shrinking economy! Their actual economy, in local purchasing power, expanded by over 4% or so. Please, don't talk about things you have no idea about. You are still an amateur so learn from the forum before quoting seniors.
LOL. Turkish currency devalued and this made their nominal GDP lower. That is NOT shrinking economy! Their actual economy, in local purchasing power, expanded by over 4% or so. Please, don't talk about things you have no idea about. You are still an amateur so learn from the forum before quoting seniors.
LOL, its pretty funny that you think you know what you talk about while in reality you don't

GDP is not calculated on exchange rates you "expert", the fall in currency would actually do the opposite, because in theory it increases exports and overall attractiveness of the country for investments, and it also increases the production within the country, as imports become more expensive, there is an incentive for a rise in local production.

Turkish GDP has been decreasing because of decrease in tourism, which is one of the biggest industries in Turkey, fall of relations with Russia for the most part of this year.
Economic decrease in neighboring countries such as Azerbaijan, Georgia and others also led to smaller trade thus further economic downturn. Not to mention fall in investments from those countries as well.
Spin it the way you like but literally the entire region is in economic downturn.

even if you go to Turkish section, no one there would even tell you Turkish economy is growing at 4%

PPP is relative to internal part of the economy, such as living standards and etc. its not used by economists as overall figure for how well the economy is doing. Nominal GDP is used to determine how well the overall economy is doing by economists around the world.

"quoting seniors" Lol, you got an ego problem on a f*cking forum

here is a site for you to learn some basic economics "expert"
What do you mean you never heard of it!??! You guys ruled the freakin subcontinent for God knows how long and you did not even "taste the local "pleasures"? Wipe that smirk of your face Grandpa I know what you are thinking when you read "taste the local "pleasures"!!!!!

haven't heard of it.
What do you mean you never heard of it!??! You guys ruled the freakin subcontinent for God knows how long and you did not even "taste the local "pleasures"? Wipe that smirk of your face Grandpa I know what you are thinking when you read "taste the local "pleasures"!!!!!
iv'e tried proper chicken tikka. and when i mean proper i mean being invited to a Pakistanis house and eating there, on several occasions!! biryani, several curries, god knows how many deserts and faloodas iv'e had. heck im surprised im not diabetic. the dish you showed looked like chicken. when you said haggis i messed around with you and showed you Scottish haggis. and you dont want that after you found out whats inside, trust me on that.
beat that.
dont bother going to restaurants or take aways there not as good.

i sudgest you get yourself some either india or pakistani mates and get your self invited to theirs for dinner. if you go to an indian house its likely you'd be having veg, due to religious reasons.

tell ya what have you tried mature beef stake on a charcoal bbq? the words to describe the taste would be undermining the taste.
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