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Italy, Brazil Top Turkey's List Of Potential Next Generation Aircraft (FX) Partners


Feb 20, 2008
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Turkish officials are seeking foreign partners to help build the country's first fighter jet and will likely open talks with Italy's Alenia Aeronautica and Brazil's Embraer, said top procurement officials familiar with the FX program.

"We expect TAI to open negotiations with both manufacturers later this year," one procurement official said. "And in 2012 we'll know with whom we'll take the road."

The government has asked the national aerospace company, Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), to figure out how the partnership will work. TAI will also receive $20 million from the national procurement office, or the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (SSM), to produce the "conceptual design" of a fighter aircraft to be built after 2020.

In recent years, Turkey's drive to make more of its top-line arms has produced indigenous programs for its Land Force and Navy. The FX effort aims to build airpower increasingly independent of U.S. technology, analysts and officials here said.

Last December, Defense Minister Vecdi Gonul said Turkey would develop and manufacture its next air-to-air fighter aircraft, either by itself or in cooperation with another country.

Gonul said Turkey may cooperate with South Korea but implied it is not a strong possibility.

Turkish defense officials said the "Korean option" failed because Seoul insisted on having an overwhelming majority in the effort.

If implemented, the program is meant to give Turkey airpower parallel to its present and future U.S.-made fleet.

The Turkish Air Force now operates F-16s and F-4s. Turkey also is a partner in the U.S.-led Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) consortium that is building the F-35 Lightning II stealth fighter jet.

Ankara plans to buy about 100 F-35 aircraft worth nearly $15 billion. Many Turkish companies are members of the JSF consortium of nine Western nations, and are producing parts for the aircraft. Turkey also will receive 30 modern F-16 Block 50 fighters from Lockheed Martin, the F-35's top maker, as a stopgap until F-35 deliveries begin around 2015.

Officials said that Turkey's new fighter "would be a next-generation type, would replace the older, U.S.-made F-4Es and would function well with the F-16s and the F-35."
They confirmed the new aircraft mostly would be meant for air-to-air fighting. The F-4Es are air-to-air fighters, while the F-16s and F-35s are designed mainly for air-to-ground operations.

Turkey's present fleet of up to 90 F-4 aircraft has been modernized jointly by Israel and Turkey, practically falling outside of U.S. operational control. But these Vietnam-era fighter jets will phase out after 2020.

"What Turkey seeks is apparently to have an airpower partly independent of U.S. operational controls," said one analyst here who asked not to be named. "The new aircraft other than the F-16s and the F-35s will serve this strategic goal. The Turks are seeking a two-pronged approach: to maintain both U.S. and national assets; U.S., with the upgraded F-16s and the F-35s, and national with the FX program." The FX program means Turkey will abstain from buying a European fighter. In December, Gonul ruled out any potential acquisition of the Typhoon fighter jet built by the Eurofighter consortium.

But Turkish procurement officials still voiced willingness for talks with Alenia Aeronautica, one of the Eurofighter partners, for separate talks for the coming Turkish fighter, along with Embraer.

"We view both companies as suitable partners for our national [fighter] procurement program," the procurement official said.

Italy, Brazil Top Turkey's List Of Potential FX Partners - Defense News
Both companies are good and viable choices and they also hold the capability to help us reach our goals.
Brazil? They are already focused on inviting bids by foreign firms for their own F-X programme. Brazilian air force is interested in Gripen while their government favours Rafale.

What happened to Turkish keenness to design with South Korea and Indonesia?
Italy is a better option,

they can offer AESA radar and other avionics system for the aircraft.

Italy is better compare to brazil.brazil has no experiace
Brazil? They are already focused on inviting bids by foreign firms for their own F-X programme. Brazilian air force is interested in Gripen while their government favours Rafale.

What happened to Turkish keenness to design with South Korea and Indonesia?

It is Koreans project KF-X,we dont intend to join it because we want to have a genuine project and S.Koreans cant offer enough technology to us...
It is Koreans project KF-X,we dont intend to join it because we want to have a genuine project and S.Koreans cant offer enough technology to us...
Koreans have a genuine threat perception and this is further coupled by an extremely strong industrial base as well as sound scientific knowledge. It would not be prudent to underestimate their technical prowess.
Koreans have a genuine threat perception and this is further coupled by an extremely strong industrial base as well as sound scientific knowledge. It would not be prudent to underestimate their technical prowess.

maybe but the real problem is S.Koreans have their project and all they care is decreasing its cost.Our officials want a fighter designed by Turks via technical support.Koreans also needed technical support from Saab,how can they offer us enough technology on their own?

Instead of involving their project,they may give technical support to us but im not sure if they are capable or not.
It was reported in the media that the final evaluation report by the Brazilian Air Force placed the SAAB Gripen NG ahead of the other contenders. The decisive factor was apparently the overall cost of Gripen NG, both in terms of unit cost & maintenance costs.
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