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It will take a long time for Pakistan to start behaving: PM Modi on surgical strikes

This guy would keep using "surgical strike" chooran to fool Indian masses no matter what reality is on ground

He told indian troops to do sir ji kal strykee on railway tracks of Mumbai and kolkata and whether they acheive success or failure they were to return before dawn so that the tourists could not take pictures of them.


would you kindly help this member to find an appropriate title of the thread?

Edit: Cheers man .. Happy new year.
@Goku-kun please use your creativity in making Pakistan prosper - invest and use it in doing something for our community or development for yourself, the country and its people?? :)
Looks like Chai wala is again forgetting that current PM of Pakistan isn't his yaar like ganga shair so he shouldn't provoke us.

Pakistan won’t mend its ways anytime soon, says India’s Modi
Published: January 1, 2019

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi. PHOTO: REUTERS

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that it would be a huge mistake to believe that Pakistan would mend its ways anytime soon.

“It will take more time for Pakistan to mend its ways,” Modi told India’s ANI news agency in an exclusive interview on New Year’s Day which was carried by all Indian media outlets.

He said whether it is surgical strikes or action at other levels, the Indian government is working out various strategies to keep up the pressure on Pakistan to check alleged terrorism.

Asked why the alleged cross-border terror has not stopped despite the so-called surgical strikes two years ago, Modi said: “It will be a huge mistake to believe that Pakistan will mend its ways after a war. It will take a lot of time…”

Modi blames Congress for letting Kartarpur ‘go to Pakistan’ in 1947

But the Indian government’s release of the so-called surgical strike videos had triggered scathing attacks from the opposition, which contended that the government was using it for political gains.

“I personally believe that surgical strikes should not be politicised,” Modi said about the army attacks on alleged terror launchpads across the Line of Control in September 2016.

“There are some political parties who began to speak the same language as Pakistan. These parties were demeaning our armed forces. They politicised such an issue,” he said.

Interestingly, Pakistan had laughed off the Indian claim of surgical strikes as a figment of India’s imaginations.

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Asked about new Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan’s talk of dialogue between the two nations, Modi said India has had a consistent policy that no Indian prime minister has ever opposed dialogue with Pakistan.

“We have always wanted dialogue – it is not a question of Modi or Manmohan… But we have always maintained that their support to terror must end first. And we have successfully managed to isolate Pakistan on the global arena,” he said.

This article originally appeared in ANI news agency.
would you kindly help this member to find an appropriate title of the thread?

Edit: Cheers man .. Happy new year.

Pakistan need not mend its ways (as everyone in Pakistan believes that its on the right track )
moohdhi ji, with his isolation. then with good taliban/bad taliban in dubai. then sir ji kal strikes bongie. Plus he lost his investment mian nawaj who as it seems had assurance that he would be saved but is in jail. moohdhdi is upset.
@Goku-kun please use your creativity in making Pakistan prosper - invest and use it in doing something for our community or development for yourself, the country and its people?? :)
are you really a moderator of PakDef for real?
can't believe this that you are actually siding with enemy.Now get angry and start giving me warnings of ban but my words are for Pakistan and there is nothing wrong to write in defence of your country especially against those who troll us without looking at themselves.
are you really a moderator of PakDef for real?
can't believe this that you are actually siding with enemy.Now get angry and start giving me warnings of ban but my words are for Pakistan and there is nothing wrong to write in defence of your country especially against those who troll us without looking at themselves.
Stay strong bud.
can't believe this that you are actually siding with enemy.
The enemy is on the border, go join the army if you so much like to fight!

Here we display what we are -MUSLIMS and PAKISTANI ....BOTH of which forces us to be polite to the others! THAT mind you is what a Pakistani Muslim is!

Now get angry and start giving me warnings of ban but my words are for Pakistan
If your words are for Pakistan, display a good representation of my nation! Not to serve your ego! I have neither issued you a warning nor ban so KINDLY stop it!

there is nothing wrong to write in defence of your country especially against those who troll us without looking at themselves.
Well that doesnt mean start trolling! Then how are you different from your said enemies? Try to differentiate yourself from them instead of joining their side and then crying!

Pakistan need not mend its ways (as everyone in Pakistan believes that its on the right track )
So does everyone in india, your point?
It is an open forum!
As per DEFENCE.PK forum rules, the title should not be adjusted! READ the rules before posting!
it is an open forum than why did you merge the thread?
I posted the thread with different mindset,with different title unlike this thread's.This was created by an indiot appreciating his PM's work while myne was for urging them to look at the mirror before you talk.
You shouldn't have merged it but still you are a moderator so if you feel my words disrespectful than I'm sorry because you are a senior and maybe you know better.
It is an open forum!
As per DEFENCE.PK forum rules, the title should not be adjusted! READ the rules before posting!
Ok one question here .... what if the title says ... "terrorists" instead of "freedom fighters" with respect to Kashmiri freedom fighters? Got a warning for not adjusting the title.
it is an open forum than why did you merge the thread?
Because SIMILAR threads are merged! To allow people to contribute without needing to think which thread to contribute in and having a split audience does not serve the topic well

I posted the thread with different mindset,with different title unlike this thread's.
The article is not your personal article! You wanted to put a troll spin to it and then what? Show that you cant read forum rules?

This was created by an indiot appreciating his PM's work while myne was for urging them to look at the mirror before you talk.
You can urge without violating copryright issues considering the article was not written by you so you have no rights to "edit" or change it!

You shouldn't have merged it but still you are a moderator so if you feel my words disrespectful than I'm sorry because you are a senior and maybe you know better.
Read the forum rules and you will also know "better"! :enjoy:

Ok one question here .... what if the title says ... "terrorists" instead of "freedom fighters" with respect to Kashmiri freedom fighters? Got a warning for not adjusting the title.
We dont count Kashmiri freedom fighters as terrorists...It is printed by india as terrorist while the same article published on this side of the border would claim it to be freedom fighters and so we adjust it to freedom fighters!

If you have issues you can take it up to GHQ :enjoy:
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