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Issue: Muslim, China and Pakistan realtionship on a ground level.


Apr 25, 2007
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom
We all know that, China will become a true super power after the US
and that the realationship between Pakistan will ever go stronger
However today I was surfing on Youtube I stumble across this:

Now this is kinda worring I would like to know from both
our Chiness friends and Pakistan Bothers of what they make of this Video and whether there is a hostility against Pakistan in China ( Not in Govt level) and and Hostilties against Chiness in Pakistan exists.

What cause this aminity if its true or is this a propaganda
Could you clear the fog ?

Note: This is not contest or a bashing thread between China and Pakistan. Any insults of any sort will be reported
No ANti-chines or Islmaphobe of any kind will be tolorated or to any member regardless of thier orgin or belief.
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Note: This is not contest or a bashing thread between China and Pakistan. Any insults of any sort will be reported

Thats never gona happen dont worry, isnt it guys?? :lol:

There might be some individuals in Pakistan who dont like china or there might be individuals in India who like Pakistan and vice versa, its everyones choice, so I dont think it really matters

In my case, I love China and Indian people, :smitten:

This goes for both Indians and Pakistanis , on Internet they might be harsh and stuff but when they actually meet each other in real life, its like nothing ever happened or they are the same people, trust me I have seen that alot in Canada :cheers:
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