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ISRO-built satellite fails after five weeks

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Dec 4, 2008
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31 Jan 2009, 1144 hrs IST, IANS

BANGALORE: The very first communications satellite sold by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) to the European operator Eutelsat has
failed abruptly after five weeks in orbit, in a setback to ISRO which just celebrated the 100th day of its successful moon mission.

"Scientists at ISRO are analyzing the anomaly in the hope of reviving the satellite," ISRO spokesman S. Satish said.

He said ISRO's two earlier satellites INSAT-1C and 2D had similar problems. But European analysts have told the authoritative Washington-based Space News, that the ISRO-built satellite "is likely a total loss".

The satellite W2M is the inaugural product of a Euro-Indian joint venture agreement between Antrix and Astrium Satellites of Europe signed in February 2006. It was launched Dec 20 for Paris-based Eutelsat.

"It is really unfortunate but we have to take the failure in its stride," said K.R. Sridharamurthi, executive director of Antrix, the commercial arm of ISRO. He said the confidentiality agreement with Astrium prevented him from discussing anything further about the satellite problem.

In a curt statement Eutelsat said: "The performance of the W2M satellite, which was launched on 20 December, 2008, does not comply with the requirements set with the spacecraft's manufacturer, EADS Astrium/ISRO Antrix, following a major anomaly affecting the satellite's power subsystem."

Under the agreement, Antrix and ISRO had responsibility for operating W2M during its first weeks in orbit before transferring control to Eutelsat. "The satellite had performed well during these weeks," Sridharamurthi said.

Space News quoting industry officials said there was a sudden failure of its electric-power subsystem during the night of Jan 22-23 as it was being moved from its in-orbit test location toward its final geostationary slot at 16 degrees east longitude.

While the exact cause of the W2M failure is under investigation, "it can almost certainly be traced to the Antrix-provided platform", Space News, quoting industry officials, said.

According to Space News, recovery efforts will continue as engineers seek to determine whether at least a portion of the satellite's capacity can be brought into use. "If these efforts are unsuccessful, they said, W2M's on-board thrusters will be used to guide the satellite into a so-called graveyard orbit about 300 km above the geostationary arc."

The Astrium-Antrix joint venture's ambition is to offer a relatively inexpensive alternative for customers who want satellites at the lower end of the price, power and weight range of commercial telecommunications satellites.

Eutelsat was the first customer to purchase a satellite from the Antrix-Astrium joint venture. A second satellite 'Hylas' is under construction at an ISRO centre in Bangalore for Avanti Communications Group of London and scheduled for launch late this year.

Sridharamurthi said that work on Hylas production is proceeding as scheduled and will not be affected by the W2M problem.

Source: ISRO-built satellite fails after five weeks-India-The Times of India

And another failure to the list... :cheers:
is this a flame bait Mr. Moderator ?

No, I am quiet happy that Indians are spending millions of dollars on space projects while majority of people in India live below poverty line.

With policies like these who needs ISI?
Indians Must realize now that " They should not be calling Chinese Products as Cheap and Made up of only Plastic "

Everybody learns from his/her failures and " Victory is sweetest if you have tasted Defeat "

ISRO is Indian Pride and they will be Looking Forward to analyze the problems faced by their satellites.
Well only those fail who try to succeed.And I believe ISRO will not make the same mistake twice.After all it has delivered far more times compared to its failures.

BTW other space organizations are guilty of mishaps which can be called downright silly.
CNN - Metric mishap caused loss of NASA orbiter - September 30, 1999

But then as they say one swallow doesn't a make a summer , similarly it would be foolishness to call NASA an incompetent organization or in the context of this thread- ISRO
No, I am quiet happy that Indians are spending millions of dollars on space projects while majority of people in India live below poverty line.

With policies like these who needs ISI?

Poor of india bring in much wanted foreign aid.
A new case has surfaced where Indian govt. built walls sarrounding hudereds of villages, traping them together with a wild river.
Poor people will go down the drain.
Just keep watching what how will indians execute their next annual genocide.
Indians Must realize now that " They should not be calling Chinese Products as Cheap and Made up of only Plastic "

Everybody learns from his/her failures and " Victory is sweetest if you have tasted Defeat "

ISRO is Indian Pride and they will be Looking Forward to analyze the problems faced by their satellites.

dude...i salute you!
I've asked in one of the threads before, Is anyone keeping count? This is definitely a healthy edition to the failure list. :lol:

And I have to agree with metalfalcon there. They might want to learn a few things or two from the Chinese to the north.
No, I am quiet happy that Indians are spending millions of dollars on space projects while majority of people in India live below poverty line.
With policies like these who needs ISI?

1. I am sure you have a valid reasoning for your point of view. I think a majority of people in Indian subcontinental countries live BPL including India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

2. I would rather spend millions of dollars in entrepreneurial pursuits which has the potential to employ thousands than fill the belly of a needy a few times, and worse make them useless, rob of them of their dignity and dependent on aid.

3. Another thing I would like to add is, THERE IS NO DEARTH OF OPPORTUNITY IN INDIA. Anyone who says that a particular person because of his caste, religious background,skin color,education etc. cannot make it in India, is a liar.

4. Trivia: In early 1900s, Jamsetji Tata was heavily involved with the freedom struggle and being moved by the poverty in India decided to donate his entire wealth to the cause of upliftment of poor. He was ordered by a Hindu holy man, (Paramhansa Yogananda I think), to start industries instead, this he said would inculcate an entrepreneurial spirit India and provide employment and fill far more bellies for a far greater time than mere aid of wealth. And look at Tata Group today, it has revenues of 62.5bn$, employs 350,000 people and has an income of 4bn$.

5. ISRO spending a billion dollars a year for scientific advancement which has the potential to raise standards of living, create economic and employment opportunities, motivate youth to study etc. is far far better than feeding a billion Indians a decent days meal.
is far far better than feeding a billion Indians a decent days meal.

Waao at least you are admitting that no need to feed the poor in India, because the majority of poor in India are Muslims.. so who care if the dye or get rotten.

Please someone enlighten me
Aww man my condolences to India another heart tearing loss at the demises of Space junk...
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