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Israel’s Alliance with the Sunni World Is Unreliable and Unstable

Kailash Kumar

Oct 8, 2018
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Israel’s Alliance with the Sunni World Is Unreliable and Unstable

Ofir Haivry

January 10, 2019

In recent weeks, officials in Israel, the United States, and the Arab world have been more outspoken about an emerging alliance between Israel and Sunni Arab countries. This move has been welcomed and encouraged by the Americans. Such an alliance is supposedly a counterweight to Iranian expansion; in reality, it is a dangerous development with ephemeral, meager benefits at the cost of tangible drawbacks.

Indeed, the Iranian threat towards Israel is growing as Tehran continues spreading its tentacles to Iraq, Syria, Gaza, Lebanon, and Yemen. And Turkey’s Islamist turn under President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has negated it as a potential partner against Iran.

As an alternative, officials in Israel and the United States are trying to forge an alliance with Sunni-Arab countries, chief among them Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan. But these are weak, unstable regimes that invest most of their resources in suppressing domestic opposition. An alliance with them is being sold to us as a counterbalance against Iran, but the vision of joining the Sunnis is fundamentally unrealistic. The confluence of interests with them is limited and temporary, and not worth the price they will demand. And finally, these Sunni states aren’t capable of delivering the goods.

Even though Israel and the Sunnis agree on the Iranian threat, they have almost no other interests in common. From an economic or military standpoint, they have little to offer us; and from their end, any overt cooperation with Israel is always met with immense public blowback.

Will the Sunnis fight alongside us in a war with Iran, or at the very least openly support us in any way? Of course not. It’s far more plausible that under pressure from their “streets,” they will converge with our enemy, even if only in appearance. After all, even the “moderate” Sunni regimes still adhere to a pan-Arab ideology that considers Israel a foreign element. They recognize our presence and cooperate in specific areas, but true and full normalization with Israel would controvert the basis of their existence.

Even when Sunni leaders want a relationship with Israel and derive actual benefits from it, they are essentially incapable of openly saying or doing anything on behalf of the “Zionist entity.” The Saudi crown prince sees us a lifeline against the Iranian threat, but saying so in Arabic will undermine his rule. In a recent interview, the Egyptian president blurted out a couple of sentences about tight security cooperation with Israel and then immediately backtracked fearing a public backlash. The Jordanian king, who relies heavily on Israel to prop up his weak regime — not to mention stave off a mass water crisis — comes out against us in rhetorical and diplomatic measures whenever the opposition in his country gets stronger.

So if they won’t or can’t help us, maybe they can avoid actively hurting us? Here, too, the answer is negative.

A Sunni alliance with Israel, even covert and delicate, would exact a hefty price from us in diplomatic concessions, and handcuff us when we need to act militarily in Syria or Gaza, which has already happened. During the Gulf War in 1990, Israel didn’t retaliate after Iraqi Scud missiles hit Tel Aviv because it had to preserve Arab support for the United States. The prize we received for this restraint was the Madrid Conference of 1991, where unprecedented pressure was applied on us to make diplomatic concessions. Now too, there are those who say we must accept the dangerous Saudi peace initiative or make other concessions for the sake of a Sunni alliance.

It’s critical that we realize we must contend with the threats around us on our own and make it clear to our American friends that the Sunni alliance isn’t just ineffective, but also entirely unreliable. Putting stock in this alliance will only end in a terrible case of buyer’s remorse.

Dr. Ofir Haivry is vice president for academic affairs of the Herzl Institute and director of its National Strategy Initiative.

I hope there is no alliance. But people who divide islam into sunni and shia make me sick. When i became a muslim i was gicen a choice i picked none as the prophet said those who make new labels in islam are wrong doers..

On the topic, no one is a real ally everyone makes friends and ditches them according to national imterets. Enemy of my enemy is my friend. Thats whats happening here. After one side looses or becomes weak israel will turn tables and start attacking new side. Politics.. Dirty game. Israel is weak against too many muslim provinces they jist want to divide muslim states into shia sunni and have em clear way for an easier fight.
This lady is crazy, there is no alliance. And Israel will not go to war with Iran. US media is one pushing this so called alliance only so they can sweep Palestinian cause off table by asserting that countering Iran is more important than achieving peace in the Middle East.
An alliance with Israel is good and should be treated as any other country in the world ONLY WHEN they stop their human rights abuses of Palestinians permanently
Israel’s Alliance with the Sunni World Is Unreliable and Unstable

Ofir Haivry

January 10, 2019

In recent weeks, officials in Israel, the United States, and the Arab world have been more outspoken about an emerging alliance between Israel and Sunni Arab countries. This move has been welcomed and encouraged by the Americans. Such an alliance is supposedly a counterweight to Iranian expansion; in reality, it is a dangerous development with ephemeral, meager benefits at the cost of tangible drawbacks.

Indeed, the Iranian threat towards Israel is growing as Tehran continues spreading its tentacles to Iraq, Syria, Gaza, Lebanon, and Yemen. And Turkey’s Islamist turn under President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has negated it as a potential partner against Iran.

As an alternative, officials in Israel and the United States are trying to forge an alliance with Sunni-Arab countries, chief among them Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan. But these are weak, unstable regimes that invest most of their resources in suppressing domestic opposition. An alliance with them is being sold to us as a counterbalance against Iran, but the vision of joining the Sunnis is fundamentally unrealistic. The confluence of interests with them is limited and temporary, and not worth the price they will demand. And finally, these Sunni states aren’t capable of delivering the goods.

Even though Israel and the Sunnis agree on the Iranian threat, they have almost no other interests in common. From an economic or military standpoint, they have little to offer us; and from their end, any overt cooperation with Israel is always met with immense public blowback.

Will the Sunnis fight alongside us in a war with Iran, or at the very least openly support us in any way? Of course not. It’s far more plausible that under pressure from their “streets,” they will converge with our enemy, even if only in appearance. After all, even the “moderate” Sunni regimes still adhere to a pan-Arab ideology that considers Israel a foreign element. They recognize our presence and cooperate in specific areas, but true and full normalization with Israel would controvert the basis of their existence.

Even when Sunni leaders want a relationship with Israel and derive actual benefits from it, they are essentially incapable of openly saying or doing anything on behalf of the “Zionist entity.” The Saudi crown prince sees us a lifeline against the Iranian threat, but saying so in Arabic will undermine his rule. In a recent interview, the Egyptian president blurted out a couple of sentences about tight security cooperation with Israel and then immediately backtracked fearing a public backlash. The Jordanian king, who relies heavily on Israel to prop up his weak regime — not to mention stave off a mass water crisis — comes out against us in rhetorical and diplomatic measures whenever the opposition in his country gets stronger.

So if they won’t or can’t help us, maybe they can avoid actively hurting us? Here, too, the answer is negative.

A Sunni alliance with Israel, even covert and delicate, would exact a hefty price from us in diplomatic concessions, and handcuff us when we need to act militarily in Syria or Gaza, which has already happened. During the Gulf War in 1990, Israel didn’t retaliate after Iraqi Scud missiles hit Tel Aviv because it had to preserve Arab support for the United States. The prize we received for this restraint was the Madrid Conference of 1991, where unprecedented pressure was applied on us to make diplomatic concessions. Now too, there are those who say we must accept the dangerous Saudi peace initiative or make other concessions for the sake of a Sunni alliance.

It’s critical that we realize we must contend with the threats around us on our own and make it clear to our American friends that the Sunni alliance isn’t just ineffective, but also entirely unreliable. Putting stock in this alliance will only end in a terrible case of buyer’s remorse.

Dr. Ofir Haivry is vice president for academic affairs of the Herzl Institute and director of its National Strategy Initiative.

What Sunni world???
Call it what it is,the Arab world.

This lady is crazy, there is no alliance. And Israel will not go to war with Iran. US media is one pushing this so called alliance only so they can sweep Palestinian cause off table by asserting that countering Iran is more important than achieving peace in the Middle East.
Oh come on man,you know GCC countries are working with Israel and not just against Iran.
Nobody cares for Palestine,if Palestine is mentioned,its only for political gain.
Oh come on man,you know GCC countries are working with Israel and not just against Iran.
Nobody cares for Palestine,if Palestine is mentioned,its only for political gain.
Thankfully turkey seems to be the only one that cares a little and done something
Oh come on man,you know GCC countries are working with Israel and not just against Iran.
Nobody cares for Palestine,if Palestine is mentioned,its only for political gain.

The hell is wrong with you people on this forum? Are you racist or something and see me below you for being Palestinian? Where did I bring up Palestine? And about political gain, everybody goes about their interests for political gain, you shocked me genius. Learn to respect people on this forum. You don't need to get personal about everyones background every time I analyze something. I'm American, so you want me to say we are using you Turks for political gain? You need us more than we need you. So cut this bullshit personal stuff off. My life doesn't revolve around Palestine, my background doesn't need to be brought up any time I discuss other political developments I find interest in.

There is no Arab-Israeli alliance. Arabs have their interests and Israeli's have theirs. Arab interests greatly outweigh those of Israel, whereas Israel is mostly considered around its borders. That's the bottom line. Has nothing to do with Palestinians. Israel is of no use to the Arabs, the US is of much greater use. That's the strategic alliance that exists.

Thankfully turkey seems to be the only one that cares a little and done something

You don't 'care' about anyone in politics, no policy decisions are made to out of emotional empathy. None of you 'care' about each other.

There are too many garbage unethical people in the Muslim world. No wonder Middle East is such a pathetic joke. All these disputes are due to lack of ethics/manners.
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The hell is wrong with you people on this forum? Are you racist or something and see me below you for being Palestinian? Where did I bring up Palestine? And about political gain, everybody goes about their interests for political gain, you shocked me genius. Learn to respect people on this forum. You don't need to get personal about everyones background every time I analyze something. I'm American, so you want me to say we are using you Turks for political gain? You need us more than we need you. So cut this bullshit personal stuff off. My life doesn't revolve around Palestine, my background doesn't need to be brought up any time I discuss other political developments I find interest in.
Are you ok?

''US media is one pushing this so called alliance only so they can sweep Palestinian cause off table by asserting that countering Iran is more important than achieving peace in the Middle East.''
From your post.

The hell is wrong with you people on this forum? Are you racist or something and see me below you for being Palestinian? Where did I bring up Palestine? And about political gain, everybody goes about their interests for political gain, you shocked me genius. Learn to respect people on this forum. You don't need to get personal about everyones background every time I analyze something.
What the hell kind of post is this,where did i get personal?
What word or sentence was disrespectful?
Dont know what issues you have but go drink some thee or something,to cool down.

Thankfully turkey seems to be the only one that cares a little and done something
Also only for political gain by the current administration.
Are you ok?

''US media is one pushing this so called alliance only so they can sweep Palestinian cause off table by asserting that countering Iran is more important than achieving peace in the Middle East.''
From your post.

Yeah, dude, doesn't contradict anything I said. US wants to direct attention away from peace process and unto Iran. It's a long term policy to normalize the idea of normalization with Israel, but it isn't working so far. Everyone in the world including Arabs see peace process as vital.

Btw, you make it sound like I'm afraid to criticize Arabs, even though I'm most critical of them and you and others used to view me as an extremist for what I would say about them. I know better things could happen to the Middle East, but I'm not gonna keep talking about what I hope for to happen and instead focus on the present reality.

Also only for political gain by the current administration.

We aren't stupid, we know how the world works. Not just issue of Palestine is used, but so was Syrians, Ugyhurs, Burma and so on. Some people here are naive and think of Erdogan as great pan-Islamic leader. I know why you don't like that, because you don't want that image associated with Turkey. I know what Turkey is like and how Turks are. They have rich history and strong attachment to ethnicity/nationality. And they are secular. No need to remind me of that all the time, I'm not naive. That doesn't mean Turkey didn't do good things for the region, they did many good things , especially for Syrian people. Just so people don't get mad.
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"chief among them Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan. But these are weak, unstable regimes that invest most of their resources in suppressing domestic opposition.":lol:

A frustrated Zionist projecting his thoughts about Usrael who spends most of its resources fighting its opposition in Syria, Lebanon and Palestine..and Iran..

Too bad to see so many idiotic comments, with no knowledge of the situation..or a biased opinion..Some people should take a good look at their backyards oppositions ad their deep relations with Usrael..and should not try to hide it with fake propaganda..:devil:
Israel so hate ISLAM and all Muslim countries
but Israel wants to use pathetic wahhabi slaves to take Jerusalem and to kick all muslims out of Jerusalem and Palestine

also Israel wants to use Pkk/Ypg terrorists and traitor wahhabi dictators to destabilize Turkey who only support Palestine against Israel

S.Arabia,Uae and Egypt gives Jerusalem to Israel
Iran,Pakistan,Indonesia are nothing to protect Jerusalem and Mescidi Aqsa

ERDOGAN and TURKEY are under attack by the US,Israel,Germany,the UK ,France and their terrorist friends Pkk/Ypg , ISIS and FETO since 2013

and pathetic slaves S.Arabia,Uae and Egypt joined to this club against Turkey but Turkey kicked all of them
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