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Israeli soldiers steal private Palestinian home and convert it into military base


Jun 1, 2012
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Israeli forces convert private home in Yabad into military base | Maan News Agency


JENIN (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces raided a private home in the northern West Bank town of Yabad and converted it into a military watch station on Friday morning.

Sobhi Ali Abu Bakr told a Ma'an correspondent in Jenin that he was surprised this morning when Israeli forces stormed his property and set up a military observation station in it before ascending to the roof to plant an Israeli flag atop it.

The house belonged to Abu Bakr, but he had prepared it for his son Firas to move in to.

In the last few months Yabad has witnessed a series of home invasions and takeovers to convert them into Israeli military watch points. These takeovers have occurred under the pretext of monitoring the activities of local youths who throw rocks at the vehicles of Israeli settlers' vehicles as they pass by on the nearby main road.

Local sources told the Ma'an correspondent that Israel forces had stormed the town at dawn on Friday morning and patrols had roamed the streets as troops deployed on foot around the town, especially in the Sahel neighborhood. Israeli forces were deployed in the town in the early morning hours.

The sources added that Israeli forces erected a military checkpoint at the eastern entrance to Yabad and another at the the Kufeirit junction and they prevented locals from leaving the village for a period of four hours.

This was the fourth time in a row over the last four days that Israeli forces had blocked off roads and had limited locals' freedom of movement.

Separately, Israeli forces stormed the town of Beit Qad east of Jenin just before midnight and handed a notification to meet with Israeli intelligence forces to Ahmad Robaiy, 23.

The internationally recognized Palestinian territories of which the West Bank and East Jerusalem form a part have been occupied by the Israeli military since 1967.
Come justify this for us as I expect no other thing besides one of you coming here to justify and normalize all these actions.


'palestinian' news? that's like unicorns having their own publications, :lol: fake entity.

Anyway, listen. I have spoken to the soldiers in question and they are taking real good care of it. They are currently installing a gazebo and looking after the plants.

The fridge light bulb blew, so they have replaced it free of charge.

This is great, Israelis and westerners just laugh off about their violation of people's rights but go bezerk when they need a case against any certain entity.

This is great, Israelis and westerners just laugh off about their violation of people's rights but go bezerk when they need a case against any certain entity.

I tell you what, we'll do you a deal.

You give back the homes in Hebron that you stole from Jews in 1929 and still live in to this day, and I'll make some calls and see if you can get this house back - ok sunshine?
If that's true, why don't they build a new military base to spare themselves a fight?
If that's true, why don't they build a new military base to spare themselves a fight?

I have a hard time believing you're even a quarter Saudi Arabian.

If it's true...so it's a lie? What if I quote an Israeli website presenting the same information?

And then why are you suggesting things for the Israeli military?
This is the age of media war . if Palastinian want there rights , then they need powerful media. But long time ago, US HW Group wrote a report , How they manipulate the Palastianian population and push them to sell their properties for little money.
This is the age of media war . if Palastinian want there rights , then they need powerful media. But long time ago, US HW Group wrote a report , How they manipulate the Palastianian population and push them to sell their properties for little money.
Electronic Palestinian Resistance is a good news source, keeping updates in all corner of the state. They do need bigger ones though for awareness to the people of the world.

I have a hard time believing you're even a quarter Saudi Arabian.

If it's true...so it's a lie? What if I quote an Israeli website presenting the same information?

And then why are you suggesting things for the Israeli military?
Half Saudi and Half American.
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