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Israeli soldier killed by Lebanese sniper


Apr 27, 2012
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Israeli soldier killed by Lebanese sniper

"The Israel Defence Forces officially confirms that an IDF soldier was shot while driving along the Israeli-Lebanese border, near Rosh Hanikra," a statement said.

"The soldier was treated at the scene and was then evacuated to a hospital. He later died of his wounds. Initial inquiry confirmed that the sniper is a member of the Lebanese Armed Forces."

The military earlier said a Lebanese soldier had opened fire on an Israeli civilian vehicle near the Mediterranean border crossing at Rosh Hanikra.

Israeli news website Ynet, quoting army sources, said the Lebanese soldier had fired six or seven rounds, probably "acting on his own initiative".

In Lebanon, the official National News Agency reported that "a Lebanese army unit opened fire at an Israeli army unit this evening at the border, near the Naqoura border post".

A security source denied reports the Lebanese army had opened fire. "The sound of gunfire was heard near the area of Ras al-Naqoura, and the army is trying to find out what happened," said the source.

The Israeli military statement said Israel had complained to the UN peacekeeping force in southern Lebanon.

"The IDF has protested this outrageous breach of Israel's sovereignty with UNIFIL and has heightened its state of preparedness along the border," it said.

"We will not tolerate aggression against the state of Israel and maintain the right to exercise self-defence."

UNIFIL spokesman Andrea Tinenti said his force was informed about a "serious" border incident and was trying to establish the facts.

"The UNIFIL force commander is in contact with counterparts, urging restraint," he said.

While there have been sporadic exchanges of fire with Syrians across the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights since the eruption of Syria's civil war, incidents on the Lebanese border have been rare since Israel's 2006 war against Lebanon's Hezbollah.

On Thursday, the Israeli army said shots were fired across the frontier by what it called Lebanese "hunters". No casualties were reported.

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