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Israeli 'settlers' attack 7-year-old girl in south Hebron Hills


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Settlers attack 7-year-old girl in south Hebron hills | Maan News Agency

Settlers attack 7-year-old girl in south Hebron hills
Published today (updated) 25/04/2014 13:34

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Israeli settlers attacked a Palestinian family in the south Hebron hills on Thursday, injuring a seven-year-old girl, a peace group said.

At midday on Thursday, two settlers riding a quad bike attacked four children and their mother with stones as they were returning from school to the villages of Tuba and Maghayir al-Abeed, Operation Dove said.

A seven-year-old was hit by a stone and fell while attempting to escape, injuring her head. She required five stitches for her wound.

The family was attacked while using the only available path without requiring a military escort, which usually accompanies children from Tuba and Maghayir al-Abeed to their school due to the threat of settler violence.

The settlers were reportedly from the illegal outpost of Havat Maon, one of the most radical settlements in the occupied West Bank.

Settler outposts in the south Hebron hills have an adverse effect on local Palestinian communities through a combination of physical violence and restrictions on movement.

Located in Area C, Palestinians in the south Hebron hills suffer from extreme electricity and water shortages and face violent intimidation from the Israeli army and radical settlers.


I never seen such hateful people in my life.
Are Zionists even human? They don't exhibit any human behaviours.

They have a real hatred against the people they occupy in those people's own land. If the Palestinians seek their rights or express dissatisfaction over the immoral occupation of Palestine then they're accused of 'antisemitism'.

must be a act of self defense ? as they give this bull shit to world !

The little girl committed the horrible crime of walking through an Israeli checkpoint to school in her own land, how dare she.
They have a real hatred against the people they occupy in those people's own land. If the Palestinians seek their rights or express dissatisfaction over the immoral occupation of Palestine then they're accused of 'antisemitism'.

The little girl committed the horrible crime of walking through an Israeli checkpoint to school in her own land, how dare she.

of course how dare she be taking books and school bag ?? but I am sure for world and israelie she must be carrying something explosive :pissed:
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