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Israeli President Isaac Herzog in the UAE on first visit


May 21, 2006
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Israeli President Isaac Herzog in the UAE on first visit​

President Isaac Herzog’s visit comes some 16 months after the UAE decided to forge diplomatic relations with Israel.

Israeli President Isaac Herzog speaks as he meets with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson (not seen) in London, Britain, November 23, 2021

Herzog is also scheduled to meet with the ruler of Dubai and senior government officials [File: Reuters]
Published On 30 Jan 202230 Jan 2022
Israeli President Isaac Herzog arrived in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Sunday on the first such visit, seeking to strengthen Gulf ties at a time of heightened regional tensions as world powers try to revive a nuclear deal with Iran.
Sunday’s high-profile diplomatic trip comes more than a month after Naftali Bennett became the first Israeli prime minister to visit the UAE, which normalised ties with Israel in September 2020.
i dont know what is future of MAMMO OF UMMAH here :lol:
muslim ummah ko arabi chumma .... lolzzzzzzzzzzzzz ... well UAE need protection, soon they will sign a strategic defence pact with Israel.
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It is a big mistake to think that the UAE ruling system is Islamic, Kings are actually denounced in the Quran. (Quran 27:34); “She said, "Indeed kings - when they enter a city, they ruin it and render the honored of its people humbled. And thus do they do.”
I don't know whether this is autism or just higher chromesome retardation...

How can one undo himself if he has political side? since the dawn of humanity politics have been the same.. Does Israeli president betrays himsel or his interests bc his in UAE? but that is called interests just like UAE.. THIS is politics 101..

Example when the prophet entered Medina he created a council alliance with the 3 jewish tribes and the question is why? To further his fuking interest mann that is why...

PDF is home to the most lowest IQ creaturers....

Allah has given us brains so that we should use them

Don't confuse the camaraderie between Israel and GCC with the medina pact. Both serve very different purposes.

GCC Arabs of this day and age are scumbags. On PDF we have enough Pakistanis who are aligned with GCC junta. These members enjoy protection from moderators on this forum.

The truth is that Pakistani love for GCC habibis is also very selective. When the GCC supporters are confronted with Palestine betrayal issue there is often silence.
They have their own long term vision and as do the Israelis this is 101 politics this doesn't need explaination unless someone is brain-dead.. The prophet was smart, cunning and goal driven..

In politics you do what alignes with your interests like a stepping stone that is 101 politics period..

The world is selfish and everyone is looking out for his interests and there is no crime on both ends and fair game

Don't compare the holy prophet PBUH with these savages.

There is no wisdom in accepting Zionists as your masters and rewarding a Hindutva monster Modi with medals. The GCC Arabs are revealing their true colors. Anyone who is denying the obvious is simply in denial.


Why shouldn't the UAE take advantage of the opportunity and acquire advanced technologies, as did other Muslim countries such as Turkey and Azerbaijan?

The contradiction among some peoples is very big..
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After a few government victories in Syria around 2012~. An Iranian diplomat made public comments beside his Syrian counterpart that a "attack on syria is an attack on Iran"

Almost immdiiatly or within the next day the zionists (probably burning in the *** from their terrorist proxies getting slaughtered) attacked the syrian government. This was one of the first attacks and it was designed specifically to embarrass Iran. Iran won the war, but never forgets when we say we will respond in a time an manner of our choosing.

The more zionist rats proclaim love and security for the UAE. The more Iran will go out of its way to pound the UAE and kill 2 birds with 1 stone by humiliating both, and destroying the UAE economy as revenge...

The UAE will regret the day they officially opened *** to the zionist entity. Revenge they say, is a dish best served cold.
After a few government victories in Syria around 2012~. An Iranian diplomat made public comments beside his Syrian counterpart that a "attack on syria is an attack on Iran"

Almost immdiiatly or within the next day the zionists (probably burning in the *** from their terrorist proxies getting slaughtered) attacked the syrian government. This was one of the first attacks and it was designed specifically to embarrass Iran. Iran won the war, but never forgets when we say we will respond in a time an manner of our choosing.

The more zionist rats proclaim love and security for the UAE. The more Iran will go out of its way to pound the UAE and kill 2 birds with 1 stone by humiliating both, and destroying the UAE economy as revenge...

The UAE will regret the day they officially opened *** to the zionist entity. Revenge they say, is a dish best served cold.
you mean the war Solmani verbally has admitted he lost to none state actors? Begging Russia to safe damascus even that couldn't win the war for you but enforcing syria in 3 defecto states where in your part you are a russian protectorate selling everything to them..

Bring it O' sassinds of Persia you will go same route and share same fate as they did.. The pen is dry..

when we ride you will immediately realize nothing will be able to stand in our road our ambitious far greater then balad al fars which is tiny aka it is just an outpost on the road
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you mean the war Solmania has admitted he lost to none state actors? Begging Russia to safe Assad even that you couldn't win the war for you but enforcing syria in 3 defecto states where you are a russian protectorate selling everything to them..

Bring it O' sassinds of Persia you will go some route and share same fate as they did.. The pen is dry..

when we ride you will immediately realize nothing will be able to stand in our road our ambitious far greater then balad al fars which is tiny aka it is just an outpost on the road
dont you have a joint azeri-turkish-pakistani invasion to plan?? Did aliev ever supply those 500k indian killing troops? or you have a backup plan ?

Also this was the Russians statements in syria in 2011

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev says his Syrian counterpart, Bashar al-Assad, faces a "sad fate" if he fails to introduce promised reforms in response to a four-month-old opposition uprising.

In comments to Russian media Thursday, Medvedev said President Assad must carry out those reforms urgently, reconcile with the opposition, restore peace and establish a modern state. Speaking in the southern Russian resort of Sochi, he said Moscow's position on the Syrian uprising is changing as the situation in Syria changes.

Russia agreed Wednesday to support a United Nations Security Council presidential statement that condemns Assad's crackdown on the revolt, which rights groups say has killed at least 1,600 civilians since March.

This was after Russia let gaddafi get lynched by the west, and even voted in favour of the UN resolution giving western military aggression legitimacy.

It was only after heavy Iranian intervention/stablization that Putin finally put his big boy pants on and directly challenged the west. IF it wasnt for Iran, Assad would have been lynched by 2012... and a syrian state woiuld no longer exist. If Iran did not also increase the ground support simultaneously with russian airstrikes, the russian would not have been able to save the syrian government. and they knew it.
dont you have a joint azeri-turkish-pakistani invasion to plan?? Did aliev ever supply those 500k indian killing troops? or you have a backup plan ?

Also this was the Russians statements in syria in 2011

This was after Russia let gaddafi get lynched by the west, and even voted in favour of the UN resolution giving western military aggression legitimacy.

It was only after heavy Iranian intervention/stablization that Putin finally put his big boy pants on and directly challenged the west. IF it wasnt for Iran, Assad would have been lynched by 2012... and a syrian state woiuld no longer exist. If Iran did not also increase the ground support simultaneously with russian airstrikes, the russian would not have been able to save the syrian government. and they knew it.
This was not what solimani told putin in Moscow IN Person tho..

Alivey is a great mann and influential
The legitimate Yemeni government just launched another new missile to greet this zionist rat... Welcome to the persian gulf..

I think all countries should start parroting this statement and look as tough and bad *** as Iran

3rd missile this month for your little adopted airport hub home... mr.patriotic yemeni. just imagine what the people/companies who have million/billion dollar investments thinking right now?

Also Iran lets actions speak for themselves. For example when we knocked out half of saudi oil exports in 1 sophisticated attack. Or destroying the fragile UAE economy who invited filthy zionist spies to the persian gulf...

Iran is going to teach your little sheikhs a devastating lesson about trying to play in the big boys table.. We also have not forgotten your lizard eating sheikhs were laughing and applauding when their terrorists attacked an Iranian military parade.....

Iran never forgets...... and the UAE is learning that the very hard way.
UAE the little shit will taste it soon.

Hundreds of drones and BMs can easily cripple this cancer of middle east. Unlike KSA, UAE has no strategic depth like a little shit that will go down the toilet by one Yemeni Siphon.

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