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Jan 19, 2017
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Russia will create a new tactical UAV based on previously purchased from Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) UAV Searcher MkII Israeli company, received in Russia called "Outpost". Production of new intelligence "Forpost-M" (upgraded) will Ural Works of Civil Aviation (JSC "UZGA) The novelty should be transferred Russian Ministry of Defense in 2019..

The new intelligence will be fully domestic on-board equipment: a radio communication system, gimballess inertial navigation system (SINS ), as well as data logger. All this will drone on-line transfer of hundreds of kilometers voice messages, navigation data, images, text conversation in a chat format, as well as a video image in HD-quality on several communication channels simultaneously.

as told "Izvestiya "several interviewees in the military, a decision in principle taken by the new drone. its technical design is approved, and the military-industrial complex enterprises associated with its development, have already received terms of reference.

in the United instrument making corporation (OPK is included in" Rostec ")" News "confirmed that are working on a new avionics for future UAVs. According to the corporation, the new technology was the first to solve the problem of transferring large amounts of data on serious distance. Unmanned reconnaissance equipment has a high level of noise immunity and can withstand the enemy's means of electronic warfare.

Unlike the old system, the new allows drones to "communicate" not only with ground control stations, but also with other aircraft - airplanes, helicopters and even satellites. At the same time processing information and bring it to the military forces carried out directly on board the scout, without ground control points. As a result, command posts and all combat units composed of military control systems are visible unmanned reconnaissance data online and to act more quickly.

- Our experts have implemented the concept of "network-centric warfare", - reported in the defense industry. - With the help of any UAV can be integrated into modern automated battle management system.

Avionics (avionics) promising reconnaissance aircraft has no analogues in Russia, and for some features - and abroad. For example, BINS, which provides for determining the location of the aircraft in space, has a higher accuracy than the foreign samples. The advantages of this navigation system - High noise immunity and the ability to work offline, without the use of global navigation systems GLONASS and GPS. The great advantage of the avionics was his versatility - the equipment can be installed on any type of UAV.

An expert in the field of unmanned aerial technology, editor of trade magazine UAV.ru Denis Fedutinov told "Izvestia", that at the end of last year, deputy defense minister in charge of the military-industrial complex, Yuri Borisov said that the Ministry of Defense for fifty years is to buy an additional 30 complexes with unmanned aircraft. Apparently, this will be the version including BLA "Forpost" to "M" subscript. According to some reports, this within the framework of the state program of armaments allocated about 2.7 billion rubles.

This is more than in the time allocated on a topic such as "pacer" (the creation of the UAV more heavy class).

According to the expert, in the work done there are a few goals.

- Firstly, it is independence from a foreign supplier, taking into account the existing risks arising from the political situation, - said Denis Fedutinov. - Secondly, the preparation of the system, to a greater extent meets the requirements of the Russian military - it is no secret that in Russia were supplied with limited features of the system.

Russian "outpost" - tactical unmanned aerial vehicle class. It is designed for aerial reconnaissance of enemy targets in the medium-range target designation and impact tools. Produced under license from the Israeli IAI Group since 2010. Now the "Outpost" - one of the main aerial reconnaissance of the Russian army. Actively used in all major exercises, and is also used by our military in Syria.
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