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Israeli minister calls for invasion of Gaza, lies about armed strength of the Palestinian Resistance


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Second minister joins call for IDF to invade Gaza | The Times of Israel

Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz asserted Tuesday that the IDF will ultimately have no choice but to reoccupy the Gaza Strip for a limited period of time in order to 'deter' Palestinian resistance groups from firing rockets into Israeli settlements.

During a visit to the southern town of Sderot, Steinitz claimed that the rate at which Gaza groups were arming themselves was reminiscent of the Lebanese organization Hezbollah, and said that a military operation was required in order to ensure that Israeli civilians in the south remained safe.

“At a certain point we will have to take over the Strip for some limited time in order to halt Hamas and Islamic Jihad’s heavy missiles and long-range rocket armament, which reminds us of Hezbollah’s stockpiling [of rockets] in Lebanon,” he said.


Let me point of out the lies here:

1. He isn't saying this to 'deter' a rocket threat. He's saying if Palestinians make good use of technology and become strong enough to deter an Israeli air offensive or ground invasion they should attack Gaza unprovoked. They have no right to attack Gaza just because it's arming slightly to defend the Palestinian people.

2. He says the Palestinians are arming at rapid rates, please tell us how they are arming when Egypt destroyed all the tunnels around Gaza?

3. He claims they're stockpiling like Hezbollah, no, Hezbollah has a way larger arsenal of maybe near 70,000 rockets(mostly short range) and Gaza has less than several thousand according to Israel and they're way less powerful than rockets in Lebanon. In Gaza there isn't much effective advanced technology. So this is over exaggerating a small threat to justify attacking Gaza and it's citizens.

4. What he calls 'long range and heavy missiles' are 60-70km 200mm rockets with less than 50kg warheads and it's estimated by Israel only a few dozen are available and they probably have intelligence on them so they don't pose any threat.

Once again, if somebody believes they are as powerful as this minister makes them appear please explain to us how they are arming at the rate of Hezbollah. @ResurgentIran @500
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Hazzy, could you explain to everyone why you have edited the article in your post and changed the wording?

You little scumbag?
Hazzy, could you explain to everyone why you have edited the article in your post and changed the wording?

You little scumbag?

I got rid of the doublespeak, not a fan of propaganda. :lol:
@ResurgentIran @Umair Nawaz

Look at this new news too, Jewish organizations and lobby groups trying to undermine nuclear negotiations via Congress.

Group of 83 senators write to Obama: Be tough on Iran - World Israel News | Haaretz

I dont think there is going to be any agreement. The congress controls the sanctions. Without congress approval, the major oil and banking sanctions will not be able to be lifted.
Khamenei is also expecting a failure in nuclear talks and is saying that Iranians should get ready to develop a resistance economy. Whatever that means.

The congress lives in its own world. It still think the US is omnipotent and can control the entire world and micro-manage political outcomes in its favor. Quite frankly the congress and senate are delusional and have a false perception of US power.

I think the sanctions regime will slowly erode. US can not as easily push around and strong-arm countries like India, China, Japan, Russia etc.
I dont think there is going to be any agreement. The congress controls the sanctions. Without congress approval, the major oil and banking sanctions will not be able to be lifted.
Khamenei is also expecting a failure in nuclear talks and is saying that Iranians should get ready to develop a resistance economy. Whatever that means.

The congress lives in its own world. It still think the US is omnipotent and can control the entire world and micro-manage political outcomes in its favor. Quite frankly the congress and senate are delusional and have a false perception of US power.

I think the sanctions regime will slowly erode. US can not as easily push around and strong-arm countries like India, China, Japan, Russia etc.

How is Iran's agriculture? Btw, Gaza media reports and eye witnesses have been noticing heavy Air Force and military exercises near the border. They actually have a suspicion Israel will launch a surprise attack of aggression. Basically, whenever the government finds a way around the financial crisis and is able to meet their budget demands Israel comes and tries to destroy it Gaza again and bring it back into a crisis. They also don't want it so Gaza develops better military capabilities over time, they're scared of a strategic defeat if Gaza manages to breathe a little air.
"Heavy aircraft traffic in northern Gaza Strip during IDF exercise - Israel News, Ynetnews

The IDF held a military exercise in the northern Gaza Strip along with IAF forces Tuesday night. There was heavy aircraft traffic in the area while the exercise took place. (Yoav Zitun)

We can hold as many drills as we like in Israel.
The only one who is lying is you.

Let me point of out the lies here:

1. He isn't saying this to 'deter' a rocket threat.
Yes he literally said that. "Sooner or later we will have to take Gaza for limited time, because we cant accept the situation that there is a rocket threat on central Israel".

השר יובל שטייניץ: בקרוב נצטרך להשתלט על עזה. היינו צריכים לעשות זאת כבר מזמן

2. He says the Palestinians are arming at rapid rates, please tell us how they are arming when Egypt destroyed all the tunnels around Gaza?
Not all tunnels are destroyed.

3. He claims they're stockpiling like Hezbollah, no, Hezbollah has a way larger arsenal of maybe near 70,000 rockets(mostly short range) and Gaza has less than several thousand according to Israel and they're way less powerful than rockets in Lebanon. In Gaza there isn't much effective advanced technology. So this is over exaggerating a small threat to justify attacking Gaza and it's citizens.
Another lie. He did not say they are equal to Hezbollah, he just says that armament of Hamas and PIJ with long range rockets reminds same done by Hezbollah. In fact 180 km WS-1B rockets in Gaza now are more powerful than rockets Hezbollah had in 2006.

4. What he calls 'long range and heavy missiles' are 60-70km 200mm rockets with less than 50kg warheads and it's estimated by Israel only a few dozen are available and they probably have intelligence on them so they don't pose any threat.
Another lie. WS-1B rockets which were intercepted recently have 302 mm caliber and 180 km range.
Yes he literally said that. "Sooner or later we will have to take Gaza for limited time, because we cant accept the situation that there is a rocket threat on central Israel".

That's exactly what I said, still doesn't give a justification for am unprovoked invasion. Hezbollah, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Egypt also technically pose a threat on central Israel

השר יובל שטייניץ: בקרוב נצטרך להשתלט על עזה. היינו צריכים לעשות זאת כבר מזמן

Not all tunnels are destroyed.

Yeah I know that, that's what you guys keep telling us. :lol:

Another lie. He did not say they are equal to Hezbollah, he just says that armament of Hamas and PIJ with long range rockets reminds same done by Hezbollah. In fact 180 km WS-1B rockets in Gaza now are more powerful than rockets Hezbollah had in 2006.

He's saying they're arming at a rate which Hezbollah was which is baseless. How would you know any such rockets made it to Gaza? :lol:

The rockets he's speaking of are the ones I described, that are locally produced and you know this. They aren't large quantities and I gave the specific specs for them. Basically upgraded grad rockets with some work done to them.

There's no such thing as 'heavy and long range' missiles in Gaza nor are there enough 200mm rockets to pose any real threat on central Israel. Hezbollah does pose a real threat to central Israel, does that mean Israel can just go attack Lebanon unprovoked? You may believe you can in Gaza because you know Hezbollah will hand your *** to you if you attack Lebanon. :lol:

There are only several thousand rockets in Gaza mostly short range and many homemade. This is just propaganda to justify an attack against Gaza whenever it heads in the right direction and receives aid from international countries. Israel wants to send a message that any aid going to the Palestinian will go to waste as we will destroy those efforts(As in Gaza) or freeze assets(As in West Bank). They also may want to restore fear into the Arab world of them and maybe test new weapons and weapon systems which is why those cowards always bomb from the air and which is why the Palestinian Resistance has to develop rocket systems to deter Israel.

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That's exactly what I said
You said its not about the rocket threat.

Hezbollah, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Egypt also technically pose a threat on central Israel
They dont fire rockets at Israel unlike Gaza.

Yeah I know that, that's what you guys keep telling us. :lol:
Who says that?

He's saying they're arming at a rate which Hezbollah was which is baseless. How would you know any such rockets made it to Gaza? :lol:
No, he said it just reminds Hezbollah ways.

The rockets he's speaking of are the ones I described, that are locally produced and you know this.
You lied claiming that he calls long range rockets 200-mm. Also no such rockets produced in Gaza. Rockets used in 2012 were 330-mm iranian made Fajr-5. But Fajr-5 is junk compare to WS-1B.

There's no such thing as 'heavy and long range' missiles in Gaza
There are 330-mm and 302-mm rockets with range up to 180 km. Thats heavy and long range.

Hezbollah does pose a real threat to central Israel, does that mean Israel can just go attack Lebanon unprovoked?
We never attack unprovoked. Rockets from Gaza are fired regularly unlike Lebanon.

You may believe you can in Gaza because you know Hezbollah will hand your *** to you if you attack Lebanon. :lol:
HZ learned their lesson well in 2006 (although they call it super duper victory, just like u did in 1973 :lol:). Gazans did not learn well yet. Although they are improving.

There are only several thousand rockets in Gaza mostly short range and many homemade.
Its a lie. In 2012 1500 rockets were fired, virtually all of them were not home made. Kassam rockets are replaced with 107-mm rockets in past 2 years. Currently the situation is follow:

107-mm type-63 (China) - 8 km range, couple thousands.
122-mm Grad (USSR) - 20 km range, many hundreds.
122-mm WS-1E (China) - 42 km range, many hundreds.
220-mm Raad (Syria) - 65-70 km range, dozens. I guess thats what u call M75.
330-mm Fajr-5 (Iran) - 75 km range, dozens.
302-mm M302 (Syria) - 100-180 km range, dozens.
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