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Israeli economics minister: Construction in Jerusalem is Zionism


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Bennett responds to Kerry: Construction in Jerusalem is Zionism - Israel News, Ynetnews

Economy Minister Naftali Bennett slammed comments made earlier by US Secretary of State John Kerry, according to which the announcement of settlement construction in East Jerusalem led to a collapse in talks. Kerry told the senate that: "700 (settlement) units were approved in Jerusalem and then poof..." talks began to falter.

In response, Bennett said: "For years there was an attempt to block construction in Jerusalem by blasts and explosions, but it didn't happen. Construction in Jerusalem is not a 'poof', it is Zionism and we will never apologize for it."


Let me explain, he's saying what we perceive as the occupation and land grabbing of Palestinian Territories is Zionism(Our Cause). Then he goes on to say years before there was an attempt to prevent this, he's right, the Palestinians went through an armed struggle against the Israeli presence in Gaza and the West Bank at the time.

So he's clearly saying there can be no such thing as a Palestinian state because this land is our ancient land from their perspective. Therefore whatever the Palestinians do or concede to no change will occur on the ground! What more does the world need to see? Their leaders have been saying this for decades. So why is there even an argument here? It's very clear the situation is what it is because of Israel, not the Palestinians. Even before partition plans they we're saying they would seize what they consider ancient Jewish land.

Does anybody need to see anything else? Are you not convinced yet? Will you still blame the Palestinians?

@Jaanbaz @Desert Fox @SarthakGanguly @Anonymous @Yzd Khalifa @Arabian Legend @al-Hasani @USAHawk785 @vostok @Chinese-Dragon @TruthSeeker @Developereo @Aeronaut

@Kaan @Neptune @T-123456 @xenon54
The entire state of Israel is motivated by Zionism, so what is different here?

The Israelis are not ashamed of Zionism; they are proud of it and see it as a legitimate ideology.
The entire state of Israel is motivated by Zionism, so what is different here?

The Israelis are not ashamed of Zionism; they are proud of it and see it as a legitimate ideology.

The informed person knows and understands that. However, you have people who genuinely believe it's in the hands of the Palestinians to give theirselves an opportunity for a state. People have become convinced that the Palestinians are the road block to peace thanks to decades of propaganda that 'Muslims want to destroy Jews'. So when they see this since they're not familiar with the conflict, will it make them perceive things any differently?
Given this Israeli attitude, it seems to me that the Palestinians should accept a single state, Israel, and change the struggle to one for equal rights under the law as citizens of Israel. It might take a generation of internal civil rights demonstrations and conflict, but in the end, Muslim, Christian and Druze Israelis would probably have equal rights and could begin another process of secularizing Israel by shear numbers of non-Jews.
Given this Israeli attitude, it seems to me that the Palestinians should accept a single state, Israel, and change the struggle to one for equal rights under the law as citizens of Israel. It might take a generation of internal civil rights demonstrations and conflict, but in the end, Muslim, Christian and Druze Israelis would probably have equal rights and could begin another process of secularizing Israel by shear numbers of non-Jews.

I agree but they're smart and know we want this, therefore they'll prevent it. They have very few options, either binational state, two state solution or complete expulsion of Palestinians. It's a very difficult choice for them, they won't accept a binational state at all.
Bennett responds to Kerry: Construction in Jerusalem is Zionism - Israel News, Ynetnews

Economy Minister Naftali Bennett slammed comments made earlier by US Secretary of State John Kerry, according to which the announcement of settlement construction in East Jerusalem led to a collapse in talks. Kerry told the senate that: "700 (settlement) units were approved in Jerusalem and then poof..." talks began to falter.

In response, Bennett said: "For years there was an attempt to block construction in Jerusalem by blasts and explosions, but it didn't happen. Construction in Jerusalem is not a 'poof', it is Zionism and we will never apologize for it."


Let me explain, he's saying what we perceive as the occupation and land grabbing of Palestinian Territories is Zionism(Our Cause). Then he goes on to say years before there was an attempt to prevent this, he's right, the Palestinians went through an armed struggle against the Israeli presence in Gaza and the West Bank at the time.

So he's clearly saying there can be no such thing as a Palestinian state because this land is our ancient land from their perspective. Therefore whatever the Palestinians do or concede to no change will occur on the ground! What more does the world need to see? Their leaders have been saying this for decades. So why is there even an argument here? It's very clear the situation is what it is because of Israel, not the Palestinians. Even before partition plans they we're saying they would seize what they consider ancient Jewish land.

Does anybody need to see anything else? Are you not convinced yet? Will you still blame the Palestinians?

@Jaanbaz @Desert Fox @SarthakGanguly @Anonymous @Yzd Khalifa @Arabian Legend @al-Hasani @USAHawk785 @vostok @Chinese-Dragon @TruthSeeker @Developereo @Aeronaut

@Kaan @Neptune @T-123456 @xenon54
I believe that Jewish Israel should return to 1948 borders. And finally recognize independence of Palestine. Otherwise, sooner or later, the Jews will again go walking tour for another two thousand years.
It might take a generation of internal civil rights demonstrations and conflict, but in the end, Muslim, Christian and Druze Israelis would probably have equal rights and could begin another process of secularizing Israel by shear numbers of non-Jews.
Muslim, Christian and Druze have equal rights in Israel since 1948.
Muslim, Christian and Druze have equal rights in Israel since 1948.

How r u? I see that you have become a "Think Tank" congratulations. Don't forget to rate me :P
I believe that Jewish Israel should return to 1948 borders. And finally recognize independence of Palestine. Otherwise, sooner or later, the Jews will again go walking tour for another two thousand years.
It is for this reason I am a die hard supporter of Israel. :coffee:
@Hazzy997 ,even many Israeli's are against new settlement constructions in Jerusalem or anywhere on Palestinian territories.
I dont blame the Palestinians,i blame some Palestinian organisations,you can ''fight'' for another 1000 years and wont get your lands back.
You dont want to see that a couple rockets here,a bomb there wont make Israel budge.
How can you achieve anything by ''fighting''an enemy that is stronger then you are,who could destroy you in no time?
The only way is through dialogue in some way with international help.
You act like the world is against Palestine,well we are not.
The first step should be a united Palestine,which it is not.
How do you expect them to take you serious when even among yourselfs,you are devided in so many factions?
Again i say the only way to even have a chance of becomming a state i only through dialogue.
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Bennett responds to Kerry: Construction in Jerusalem is Zionism - Israel News, Ynetnews

Economy Minister Naftali Bennett slammed comments made earlier by US Secretary of State John Kerry, according to which the announcement of settlement construction in East Jerusalem led to a collapse in talks. Kerry told the senate that: "700 (settlement) units were approved in Jerusalem and then poof..." talks began to falter.

In response, Bennett said: "For years there was an attempt to block construction in Jerusalem by blasts and explosions, but it didn't happen. Construction in Jerusalem is not a 'poof', it is Zionism and we will never apologize for it."


Let me explain, he's saying what we perceive as the occupation and land grabbing of Palestinian Territories is Zionism(Our Cause). Then he goes on to say years before there was an attempt to prevent this, he's right, the Palestinians went through an armed struggle against the Israeli presence in Gaza and the West Bank at the time.

So he's clearly saying there can be no such thing as a Palestinian state because this land is our ancient land from their perspective. Therefore whatever the Palestinians do or concede to no change will occur on the ground! What more does the world need to see? Their leaders have been saying this for decades. So why is there even an argument here? It's very clear the situation is what it is because of Israel, not the Palestinians. Even before partition plans they we're saying they would seize what they consider ancient Jewish land.

Does anybody need to see anything else? Are you not convinced yet? Will you still blame the Palestinians?

@Jaanbaz @Desert Fox @SarthakGanguly @Anonymous @Yzd Khalifa @Arabian Legend @al-Hasani @USAHawk785 @vostok @Chinese-Dragon @TruthSeeker @Developereo @Aeronaut

@Kaan @Neptune @T-123456 @xenon54

The sad state is that no Muslim Country can help you. Only individually Muslims can raise voices for Palestine in their respective countries.

The double standards of so called World Powers is laughable. But Justice will be served one day. Be patient. Try to make Palestine more productive. Instead of firing rockets in Israel get high education, get yourself lobbying in USA, UK and Russia. Those who oppress can never do it for ever remember that.
@Hazzy997 ,even many Israeli's are against new settlement constructions in Jerusalem or anywhere on Palestinian territories.
I dont blame the Palestinians,i blame some Palestinian organisations,you can ''fight'' for another 1000 years and wont get your lands back.
You dont want to see that a couple rockets here,a bomb there wont make Israel budge.
How can you achieve anything by ''fighting''an enemy that is stronger then you are,who could destroy you in no time?
The only way is through dialogue in some way with international help.
You act like the world is against Palestine,well we are not.
The first step should be a united Palestine,which it is not.
How do you expect them to take you serious when even among yourselfs,you are devided in so many factions?
Again i say the only way to even have a chance of becomming a state i only through dialogue.

We aren't firing any rockets at all, why is this the first thing brought up with you? Occupied territories were occupied decades ago due to central belief of Israeli people that 'ancient' Israel belongs to them. Palestinians in Gaza support the UN path and don't believe in violence, we were only defending ourselves in the past. You're wrong, dialogue won't do anything, go learn more about Jewish nationalists to realize this. What could do anything is the international world and that's it, this is a clear fact. So I really don't get why the very few Palestinian weapons are cited every time when there's been calm for years between Gaza and Israel except when Israel sieged Gaza in 2006 effectively declaring a state of war. Even then nobody initiated violence from the Palestinian side. I already told you more Palestinians were killed in the West Bank in 2013 than in Gaza. There are no rockers there, and no rockets were fired from Gaza which is under a siege. Don't bring that up as an excuse to justify Israel's occupation when everything was done in self defense.

You have yet to cite anything implying that Israeli leaders really believe in negotiations, meanwhile I can cite dozens of sources and quotes stating Israeli leaders clearly declaring the West Bank as their unquestionable land. Yet you immediately assumed I believe in war? LOL

All I was mentioning was that he was referring to the past intifadas(uprisings). Nowhere did I suggest there should be war, Israel's actions are inexcusable. That's the point I wanted to get across, that Israel doesn't want peace. I never said anything else, don't put opinions in my head that I didn't create and don't derail the thread. Why don't you actually say anything about the Israeli statement here?

Muslim, Christian and Druze have equal rights in Israel since 1948.

Yeah sure they do.

Israeli bulldozers demolish Bedouin homes across Negev | Maan News Agency
We aren't firing any rockets at all, why is this the first thing brought up with you? Occupied territories were occupied decades ago due to central belief of Israeli people that 'ancient' Israel belongs to them. Palestinians in Gaza support the UN path and don't believe in violence, we were only defending ourselves in the past. You're wrong, dialogue won't do anything, go learn more about Jewish nationalists to realize this. What could do anything is the international world and that's it, this is a clear fact. So I really don't get why the very few Palestinian weapons are cited every time when there's been calm for years between Gaza and Israel except when Israel sieged Gaza in 2006 effectively declaring a state of war. Even then nobody initiated violence from the Palestinian side. I already told you more Palestinians were killed in the West Bank in 2013 than in Gaza. There are no rockers there, and no rockets were fired from Gaza which is under a siege. Don't bring that up as an excuse to justify Israel's occupation when everything was done in self defense.

You have yet to cite anything implying that Israeli leaders really believe in negotiations, meanwhile I can cite dozens of sources and quotes stating Israeli leaders clearly declaring the West Bank as their unquestionable land. Yet you immediately assumed I believe in war? LOL

All I was mentioning was that he was referring to the past intifadas(uprisings). Nowhere did I suggest there should be war, Israel's actions are inexcusable. That's the point I wanted to get across, that Israel doesn't want peace. I never said anything else, don't put opinions in my head that I didn't create and don't derail the thread. Why don't you actually say anything about the Israeli statement here?

Yeah sure they do.

Israeli bulldozers demolish Bedouin homes across Negev | Maan News Agency
Say what,the whole world is against new settlements on Palestinian territories,this shouldnt even be a question.
If you say the international world should do something,tell me why arent they doing something?
Allmost two bilion Muslims in the world,450 milion or so Arabs,if they wanted they could do something or not?
Political pressure or something,so why arent they doing anything?
And you come with the no rockets fired bs evry time again.
Why did Israel strike five cities in Gaza last week or so,because there were some rockets sent from Gaza or not?
Or did they do that just cause they wanted to,just for fun?
You know what,we are not going to agree on anything so i'll just leave it at that,no use in argueing anymore,gl with Gaza.
Say what,the whole world is against new settlements on Palestinian territories,this shouldnt even be a question.
If you say the international world should do something,tell me why arent they doing something?
Allmost two bilion Muslims in the world,450 milion or so Arabs,if they wanted they could do something or not?
Political pressure or something,so why arent they doing anything?
And you come with the no rockets fired bs evry time again.
Why did Israel strike five cities in Gaza last week or so,because there were some rockets sent from Gaza or not?
Or did they do that just cause they wanted to,just for fun?
You know what,we are not going to agree on anything so i'll just leave it at that,no use in argueing anymore,gl with Gaza.

Since when was there a Muslim world or even Arab world? Most Arabs don't want anything to do with the conflict thanks to US pressure that they'll deal with it and initiate peace talks. My position is very clear, if negotiations are going to fail because Israel refused to abide by the last agreement then the Palestinians should go to the UN. Do you disagree with this? Hamas has also said the same thing and supported the PA's recent moves. I already went over the Gaza timeline before this, the most recent little skirmish occurred by people trying to destabilize the area and Hamas found them and has a force preventing anyone from working against national interests. Meanwhile that doesn't stop Israel from committing incursions into Gaza nor the constantpsychological warfare or siege against Gaza. Israel has not stood true to the agreements made in the cease fire and has not eased any restrictions even when there are long periods of calm. Easing of restrictions will lead to more calm in that area.

There's no relation to the Gaza/Israel border and Israeli policy regarding the occupied territories, Israeli policy is that these lands are theirs with no questions asked. They demolish homes daily and bring more illegal settlers unto Palestinian territory. So you tell us when will that end? I'm already doing you a favor but mentioning the violence committed by Israel while you're being very one sided and you still on top of that do nothing but come up with stupid assumptions.
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