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Israeli company to unveil laser defense

Slav Defence

Oct 30, 2010
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A state-owned Israeli arms company says it will unveil a new laser-defense system next month that will be capable of shooting down short-range rockets and mortar fire.

Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd. says the "Iron Beam" system will use a "directed high energy laser beam" to intercept incoming projectiles fired from short distances. The system is to be displayed at the Singapore Air Show next month and is expected to be operational next year.

Once deployed, Iron Beam would add another element of protection to Israel's multilayered missile defense system.

Israel is developing a new generation of its "Arrow" system to intercept long-range ballistic missiles in space. It also is developing a system to intercept medium-range missiles and has deployed "Iron Dome," which shoots down short-range rockets.

Source: Voice of Russia
"The system is to be displayed at the Singapore Air Show next month and is expected to be operational next year."

Seems a bit quick, something tells me that they're not going to make that deadline.

Still, this is the way things are heading. Directed energy beams are the next step after SAMs and missile shields.
It is a shame that since President Truman in 1947 signed off on recognition of Israel, while at the same time the UN Resolution creating both Palestine and Israel, was rejected by then in power nations such as the old Egyptian regime (now in 2014 recognize Israel); Jordan (now in 2014 recognize Israel); Lebanon; Syria, etc, etc. which nations still reject recognizing Israel.

We have to equally stay focused that the new nation of Israel in 1947 rejected creation of the new nation of Palestine.

A recent move inside the UN itself to recognize Palestine as an independent nation may in fact have merit, IF folks in nations surrounding Israel will ALL join in recognizing Palestine and likewise recognize Israel as existing, too.

Years ago I suggested that Muslims, Jews, and Christians get over arguing about Jerusalem and start thinking about the Holy City of Jerusalem as you would think about "air rights" which are legally recognized as real estate to be bought and sold in places like New York City.

The original 1947 UN Resolution defined Jerusalem as an International City open to all faiths and not as a Jewish city (only); or a Muslim city, only; nor as a Christian city (only). To me to geopolitically recognize Jerusalem as an International City was the right thing to do in 1947 and remains the right thing to do today.

When everyone's religious rights are thereby recognized and respected simultaneously it is frustrating, exhausting, and totally off the point of my prior remarks to make false statements on your part about what various religions believe. I know the major core tenants of all three major faiths. Both Judiasm and Islam recognize Jesus as a prophet. Your remarks reflectd your bias as if the world has only known one prophet. The prophets(s) plural were numerous and are in both our Holy Bible, Old and New Testament, as well as in your Holy Koran.

The old League of Nations had whole nations, particularly in Africa and the Middle East, that it kept as Protectorates in Trust, which included old Palestine.

The UN is a better organization and likewise has Protectorates in Trust, focused today in Africa and the West Bank/Palestine.

It is long past time to let God, not man, sort out Jerusalem, where all three major faiths, Judaism, Christianity and Islam believe in Jesus sharing with God the Father in judging mankind at what we Christians know as the Second Coming of Jesus.

Let's move on and build hydro plants, roads, bridges, schools, homes, hospitals, a better life and a better world, with special emphasis on pacifying and lifting up now the nation of Palestine while respecting Israel's right to continue to exist, side by side.

All this talk of more and new defensive weapons for Israel will never totally go away, but it can in future become less of a need and less of a focus. My views, anyway.
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It is long past time to let God, not man, sort out Jerusalem, where all three major faiths, Judaism, Christianity and Islam believe in Jesus sharing with God the Father in judging mankind at what we Christians know as the Second Coming of Jesus.
1) Jewish people do not believe in Jesus. Either his divinity, or that he was the son of god, or a prophet.
2) That word ''know'' is loaded. The way you have phrased the sentence, you are asserting that your belief is the truth. Knowledge and belief are separate things. Jews don't believe that the first coming has occured yet. And Muslims don't consider him as a first coming either. So please don't use words like ''know'' to pretend that your beliefs are somehow on a higher standing that that of others. ''believe'' would have been the appropriate word there.
You have chosen to make something out of what I said that I didn't say. And your remarks are incorrect as to what Jews and Muslims alike believe about Jesus. Both faiths recognize Jesus as a prophet. The Islamic Holy Koran even has the Book of Mary as one of it's chapters, as you should know.

"Know" means "we Christians understand..." This use of words by me does not in any way say what you "seek" to take offense at. I did not choose to use the world "believe" as that word is offensive to me.

I did not ask anyone to deny their faith, no will I accept anyone asking me to deny my faith. I hope this clears up my use of words.

If you were old enough to have read all of my hundreds of letters to the editors of the KARACHI DAWN, the Peshawar Frontier Post, since 911, along with numerous posts on this site and in the Small Wars Journal on the Internet, you would have a broader and deeper background "on me." Other letters on the War on Terrorism form me likewise were published in the MOSCOW TIMES and one on Kashmir was in the TIMES OF INDIA.

Air rights is not a joke. I was a banker in NYC immediately after my 6 years USAG duty, including my USAF tour of duty at the old US Embassy in Karachi 1963-65. I dealt my first year in banking, as the assistant to the vice chairman of the board of our bank (then the 4th largest in the world) with large wholesale construction loans both in Manhatten and out of state which involved dealing with the banks in house and of counsel attorneys dealing with the legal fact of real estate "air rights."

I fully knew some would not want religion mentioned at all, but it is religion, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, coupled with how Hitler and Mussolini massacared the Jews, coupled with the long standing post WW I Balfour Declaration that were the foundation stones for the UN in 1947 to recognize Israel and to attempt simultaneously to create and recognize Palestine.

I repeat I agree with the 1947 UN Resolution that defined Jerusalem as an Independent City for shared use of all faiths, Jews, Christians and Muslims. That is a history fact and document I merely am personally still endorsing at my tender age of 74 years old.

"Air rights" coupled with an independent City of Jerusalem was and remains my focus to seek common ground among thinking men and women of all three major faiths regarding that in common holy city.

So, would you want to focus on how we can get lasting peace and have worldwide recognition of a nation of Palestine, as authorized in the 1947 UN Resolution but at that time (1947) rejected by many Middle Eastern nations (enumerated in my prior comments) coupled with enlarged to all other nations in the Middle East and worldwide to likewise recognize Israel?

Remember, Israel in 1947 refused to recognize creating Palestine as a new nation back then, so this is not a lop sided nor biased attempt to get constructive dialogue going on vs. talking about defensive new weaponry Israel has or is building.

I think our focus needs to be on reducing the need for such defenses by positive two way accommodation for both Palestine and Israel.

Your or any others comments, again, are invited on this topic that springs from topic here of defenses of Israel at weaponry and air shows worldwide.
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@American Eagle @janon

Stick to topic, don't change the subject.

The topic is how to promote peace with a two state solution in order to de-escalate the arms race in the Middle East, to include the current efforts by Israel for better defense systems.

Sticking to that subject I agree with fully. Thanks for your comment.
The topic is how to promote peace with a two state solution in order to de-escalate the arms race in the Middle East, to include the current efforts by Israel for better defense systems.

Sticking to that subject I agree with fully. Thanks for your comment.

Don't patronize me.

The subject is about an Israeli laser defence system. If you have nothing to add to the subject, kindly stop your self from posting and derailing the thread.

If you want to talk about the Israeli-Palestine issue and the two state solution, open a new thread instead of posting on here.
Don't patronize me.

The subject is about an Israeli laser defence system. If you have nothing to add to the subject, kindly stop your self from posting and derailing the thread.

If you want to talk about the Israeli-Palestine issue and the two state solution, open a new thread instead of posting on here.

I will be happy to start a new thread. I do not appreciate your rude remarks, however. Totally unnecessary.
I will be happy to start a new thread. I do not appreciate your rude remarks, however. Totally unnecessary.
I don't appreciate you treating me like an idiot. I'm not some sort of child that you can try and convince you're right.

The fact is that you need to keep with the thread topic, otherwise you're ruining the entire thread.
It is sad and typical of failing human and mankind communications when some folks here keep seeking rudeness and one upmanship to find or create "competitive" faith or hidden negative meaning or purpose which isn't there.

Since I have started a new thread last night on the topic of air rights over Jerusalem....you are welcome to comment there.

Good day to you.
Here is the update:

SINGAPORE — An Israeli state-owned arms company developing a laser-based missile shield that evokes "Star Wars" style technology says its deployment over the country is closer to becoming a reality.
Rafael Advanced Defense Systems said development of the system was advanced enough for the company to be comfortable
with publicizing it at this week's Singapore Airshow, which is Asia's largest aerospace and defense exhibition.
The laser technology behind the missile shield called Iron Beam is not that far removed from fiction.
"It's exactly like what you see in Star Wars,"
said company spokesman Amit Zimmer.
"You see the lasers go up so quickly like a flash and the target is finished."
Iron Beam is designed to intercept close-range drones, rockets and mortars which might not remain in the air long enough for
Israel's current Iron Dome missile defense system to intercept.
Iron Dome batteries have shot down hundreds of rockets launched by Hamas militants from the Gaza Strip at Israeli cities.
With no peace deal in sight and also threatened by Hezbollah in Lebanon, Israel wants to beef up that system and develop further protection.
Avnish Patel, an expert in military sciences at the Royal United Services Institute, said Iron
Beam is potentially an effective addition to Israel's defenses rather than a drastic change.
"Essentially,its military and tactical utility will be particularly useful in complementing the already proven Iron Dome system in tackling very short range threats such as rockets and mortar fire and in close quarter engagements," he said.
Rafael Advanced Defense Systems said test data show Iron Beam lasers are blasting away more than 90 percent of their targets.
The new system can also be modified so that multiple lasers can be used to hit a target, according to the company. But
officials remain tight lipped as to when and how the Iron Beam will be deployed.
Zimmer, the company spokesman, said it took 15 engineers about five years to work on the technology involving solid-state
lasers. It works by shooting laser beams at targets which are heated so rapidly they disintegrate in an instant.
"It's very accurate and will help avoid collateral damage," Zimmer said at the company's booth at the airshow exhibition hall. "When you use lasers, you have an unlimited magazine."
Besides Iron Beam and Iron Dome, Israel is also developing the next phase of its Arrow system which can intercept missiles in space
and the upcoming David's Sling, which shoots down short and mid-range ballistic missiles.
But some feel Israel, which gets significant funding from key ally the U.S. for missile defense capabilities, is going overboard.
Fanar Haddad, a research fellow from the Middle East Institute in Singapore, said Israeli military superiority in the region was
so firmly established that Iron Beam was unlikely to change anything in the short or medium term.
"The development of another layer says more about Israeli paranoia," he said. "The possibility of a conventional attack against
Israel is next to nil and there is hardly a need for five layers of missile defense systems."
Rafael Advanced Defense Systems would not comment on how much Iron Beam would cost or how much has been invested in it so far.
"It's very hard to say. We're still testing and it can be modified in many different ways,"
Zimmer said.
Other nations and private companies may be keen on using the laser based technology to protect against attacks.
Israel has become one of the world's leading weapons exporters. Israeli arms companies often point out that they bring
with them years of firsthand experience from conflicts with Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, jihadi
militants in Egypt's Sinai desert and Hezbollah guerrillas.
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