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Israel will Fall in 20 Years: CIA Report

Israel will fall, whether you like it or not.
feelings aside, they will not and can not survive in the area in the long run.
Great empires have fallen, why would Israel, a small entity hated in most parts of the world, ever survive?
While Israel has nuclear arms and "The Solomon option" (or whatever their last-ditch nuclear plan is called haha) I don't see them going away soon, even though a 1-state solution is what I've always advocated. an "Israelstine" of sorts.
I don't know if this is a true report or not given that the source is PRESS TV which is an Iranian source.

But ISraeli internal intelligence have focussed on these same themse. In a 2006 intelligence estimate that was presented to the Israeli parliament, the biggest threat to ISrael was not the Arab states, Iran or HAMAS and Hizbullah, it was the internal demographic threat of the Israeli Arabs. Please note that these Arabs that may later the "Jewish" character of the state.

Hence if Israel does not categorically move forward with the two state solution by COMPLETELY withdrawing from the west bank and gaza, it would have to contend with the establishment of a secular state with equal rights to jews and arabs. In such a case, the jewish chracter of the state of Israel and the present day second class status of Israeli arabs would cease to exist.
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