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Israel warns Middle Eastern enemies to 'heed' 2007 strike on Syrian nuclear reactor


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Israel warns Middle Eastern enemies to 'heed' 2007 strike on Syrian nuclear reactor
By Agencies
Published: March 21, 2018

Israel's military admitted for the first time it was responsible for a 2007 air raid against a suspected Syrian nuclear reactor using four F-16s and four F-15s. PHOTO: AFP

JERUSALEM: Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman said on Wednesday that the lessons of Israel’s 2007 strike on a suspected Syrian nuclear reactor should be heeded by the entire region.

“The motivation of our enemies has grown in recent years, but so too the might of the IDF (Israeli Defence Forces),” he said in a statement after Israel formally acknowledged the 2007 mission to destroy the suspected al Kubar reactor.

“Everyone in the Middle East would do well to internalise this equation.”
Israel’s military admitted for the first time Wednesday it was responsible for a 2007 air raid against a suspected Syrian nuclear reactor, a strike it was long believed to have carried out.

The admission along with the release of newly declassified material related to the raid comes as Israel intensifies its warnings over the presence of its main enemy Iran in neighbouring Syria.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has also repeatedly called for the nuclear deal between world powers and Iran to be changed or eliminated.

US President Donald Trump, who met Netanyahu at the White House this month, has said that the nuclear deal must be “fixed” by May 12 or the United States will walk away.

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An Israeli military spokesperson declined to respond to questions related to the admission and the release of the documents, including over the timing, which could be seen as a warning regarding Iran’s activities.

The declassified material includes footage of the strike, video of a speech by military chief of staff Gadi Eisenkot on the operation and pictures of secret army intelligence communiques about the site.

A military statement summarising the operation lays out the case for why Israel carried out the strike at the desert site in the Deir Ezzor region of eastern Syria on what it says was a nuclear reactor under construction.

It has long been widely assumed that Israel carried out the strike. Syria has meanwhile denied it was building a nuclear reactor.

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“On the night between September 5th-6th, 2007, Israeli Air Force fighter jets successfully struck and destroyed a Syrian nuclear reactor in development,” the Israeli statement says.

“The reactor was close to being completed. The operation successfully removed an emerging existential threat to Israel and to the entire region – Syrian nuclear capabilities.”

Israel’s admission is by no means the first time its military has been identified as the source of the attack.

In 2008, less than a year after the strike, US officials accused Syria of having sought to build a secret nuclear reactor and acknowledged Israel destroyed it in the raid.

The UN atomic watchdog declared in 2011 that the Syrian site was “very likely” to have been a nuclear reactor, adding that information provided to it suggested that it was being built with North Korean assistance.

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Israel said in its new disclosures that secrecy surrounding the strike was necessary due to the sensitive security situation.

In defending the strike, it notes that Islamic State group militants later overran much of Deir Ezzor during Syria’s civil war, while also saying that Syrian President Bashar al Assad “in the past used chemical weapons against his own citizens.”

“The nuclear reactor being held by Assad would have had severe strategic implications on the entire Middle East as well as Israel and Syria,” it said.

While Israel’s admission will come as little surprise, the declassified material provides new details on what is widely known as “Operation Orchard.”

The material speaks of an ultra-secretive operation, with very few knowing details of the strike and a cover story provided.

Israeli intelligence had picked up on what it determined was the construction of the nuclear reactor and followed its development, it says.

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Four F-16s and four F-15s were involved in the strike, with the operation beginning at 10:30 pm on September 5 and the planes returning at 2:30 am the following day.

Grainy footage of the strike included in the material shows a target locking on to a building that is blown apart shortly afterward.

Israel determined that the alleged reactor was “totally disabled, and that the damage done was irreversible.”

Israeli military chief of staff Lieutenant General Gadi Eisenkot, who was northern commander at the time, recalled in a video in the material meeting with his officers shortly before the raid.

“I don’t give them the exact details of the target and its essence, but I say that there’s going to be a significant attack in the upcoming 24-48 hours, an event that in low likeliness could lead to war,” he said.

“Low, to me, is even 15 or 20 per cent, which is a lot.”

Syria and Israel have fought in repeated wars since the Jewish state’s founding in 1948. The two countries are still technically at war.

Israel has sought to avoid direct involvement in the Syrian civil war that broke out in 2011, but it acknowledges carrying out dozens of air strikes there to stop what it says are advanced arms deliveries to Lebanese group Hezbollah.

Hezbollah is fighting alongside Assad’s regime, like Iran and Russia.
Israel has expressed growing concern over what it sees as Iran’s attempts to entrench itself militarily in Syria.

It also accuses Iran of seeking to build factories to construct precision-guided missiles in Syria and Lebanon that could be used against Israel.

Beyond that, Netanyahu has warned that Israel will “never let Iran develop nuclear weapons.”

Eisenkot spoke of the “message” of the 2007 strike, while making reference to a 1981 Israeli raid against a nuclear reactor in Iraq.

“The message from the 2007 reactor attack was that Israel won’t accept the construction of abilities that could constitute an existential threat to the state of Israel,” he said in the video.

“That’s the message from ’81, that’s the message from 2007 and that’s our future message to our enemies.”
Another nuclear strike threat from the zionist regime..It seems they are seeing their horrible end soon. Now we should see how west keeps quiet on this clear act of aggression and shameless claim by Israel publicly. So that's the collusion of the west with Israel that enables it to spread terrorism in the middle-east with impunity.
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Israel have the best Air Force in the region they can win air and tank battle with Iran.
Iran has 10 times the population 75 times the land of Israel. Doubt Israel would dare fight Iran.
Israels population was below 3M in six day war and 1973..... Low developed Country like Iran/Egypt/Syria/Jordon are no match for Israeli Air force and better trained quality army.... Israel has fought against the odds in so many wars.... Irans Military don't have quality weapons...... How good is their air force? Egypt have better toys than Iran in the Air force.
Israels population was below 3M in six day war and 1973..... Low developed Country like Iran/Egypt/Syria/Jordon are no match for Israeli Air force and better trained quality army.... Israel has fought against the odds in so many wars.... Irans Military don't have quality weapons...... How good is their air force? Egypt have better toys than Iran in the Air force.

Iran is under Russia protection. Invade Iran and that means war with Russia.
Iran is under Russia protection. Invade Iran and that means war with Russia.
Israel does Business with Russia... Israel has good ties with Russia too.... Most likely their won't be invasion from Israel maybe just Air strikes to wipe out Nuclear/Strategic facilities and areas.... Perhaps wipe out Iran's Air force in preemptive strike.
Israel does Business with Russia... Israel has good ties with Russia too.... Most likely their won't be invasion from Israel maybe just Air strikes to wipe out Nuclear/Strategic facilities and areas.... Perhaps wipe out Iran's Air force in preemptive strike.

Iran is Russia's neighbor and being oil rich is Russia's biggest arms importer. Iran is far more important to Russia than Israel is. In any case, Israel won't invade Iran so the point is moot.
Now one can realize and appreciate the sheer audacity and courage -backed up by superb skills - of the Pak folks with going ahead with their program while others have been losing heads right and left!!! I believe it's a matter of Iman (or, lack of it).....
Israel have the best Air Force in the region they can win air and tank battle with Iran.
Very unrealistic.. they can't get to Iran.. maybe you are talking about 10 000 Iranians in Syria, beside that, Usrael has the protection of the US.. without it, it won't even count in the context of the ME..It is a paper tiger when on its own..
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Iran is Russia's neighbor and being oil rich is Russia's biggest arms importer. Iran is far more important to Russia than Israel is. In any case, Israel won't invade Iran so the point is moot.

Of course israel won't invade Iran. Why do you have this false impression that a military strike has to be an invasion? Israel will bomb Iran's facilities and don't pretend that you're not aware of that possibility.
Everyone knew who attacked Syrian reactor, so what is new over here to be heeded?
what about new air strike in Syria?
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