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Israel VS Israel


Feb 26, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Israel VS Israel:

Israel vs Israel is a 2010 documentary on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by Swedish freelance journalist and filmmaker Terje Carlsson about Israeli peace activists.

The film portrays four Israelis struggling against the military occupation of the Palestinian territories: Jonathan Pollak from Anarchists Against the Wall, Yehuda Shaul from Breaking the Silence, Ronny Perlmann from Machsom Watch and Arik Ascherman from Rabbis for Human Rights.

The film won the Best International Documentary award at the 2011 Turkish Radio and Television Corporation documentary film festival as well an award from the Doha Center for Media Freedom at the 2011 Al Jazeera Film Festival, and has been screened at festivals in Stockholm, Montreal, Tromso, and Trondheim.
it has a unique perspective.
also it's a 58min movie, above video is just the part one broadcasted by Russia Today.
Thanks for the video, interesting indeed. Sadly, doesn't increase prospects for peace.
God has a system. When oppression exceeds limits the opposite forces bring calamities on such societies.

The Holocaust was a punishment from God but we have learned nothing from these disasters.
^^ God doesnt exist, if there was a god he would stop the Israelis from killing Palestinians
^^ God doesnt exist, if there was a god he would stop the Israelis from killing Palestinians

Yeah, for God to exist he must dictate our affairs in the most obvious fashion. :rolleyes:
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