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Israel threatens Lebanon after clash at Israeli/Lebanese border


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Israel fires artillery rounds into southern Lebanon | Maan News Agency

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces bombed a target in southern Lebanon on Friday hours after an explosive device was detonated on the border, the Israeli military said.

Israeli forces reported that they fired towards Hizbullah "terror infrastructure" in southern

Lebanon and confirmed a hit on Friday around 8 p.m.

Israeli news website Ynet reported that Israeli forced launched fire from two locations: "tanks deployed in the northern town of Metula which targeted outposts in southern Lebanon and artillery units which arrived on scene and launched artillery rounds on areas near the border."

The strike comes just over an hour after Israeli forces said a "concealed explosive device" was activated against Israeli forces who were on the border.

Ynet reported that three soldiers "who were in the humvee targeted by an explosive device near the border with Lebanon have been evacuated to the Ziv Medical Center in Safed," and would be "screened for injuries related to the blast."

They said that the patrol included "several reconnaissance vehicles."
The site quoted a senior military official as saying that "Hezbollah was involved and Hezbollah will be hurt."


The site added that Israeli forces had "rejected the possibility that the incident was a kidnapping attempt."

Hizbullah-affiliated Lebanese television channel Al-Manar reported that Israeli shells had hit an area near Shuva village in southern Lebanon, while Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar cited a Lebanese security source as saying that 10 shells had hit Lebanon.


Senior official: Hezbollah will pay for border incident - Israel News, Ynetnews

The three IDF soldiers who were in the humvee targeted by an explosive device near the border with Lebanon have been evacuated to the Ziv Medical Center in Safed. They will be screened for injuries related to the blast.

A senior military official said "Hezbollah was involved and Hezbollah will be hurt." The IDF responded to the incident with an artillery barrage on Hezbollah outposts in Lebanese territory. The IDF has rejected the possibility that the incident was a kidnapping attempt. (Yoav Zitun)


Keep in mind a couple weeks back Israel had struck Lebanon unprovoked and was reported to have killed several Hezbollah members.

It's too early to tell if this was an revenge attack or it was a clash that occurred over the disputed border Israel may or may have not crossed.
This time, forget 'human rights' and trying to pick out these disgusting sub-human Iranian terrorists from in amongst civilians.

It's time to wipe out Southern Lebanon and every Hezzy rat in it.
I would love to see an all out battle between Israel and Hizbullah.

I don't want to see one, because beware of the repetitive articles regarding Hezbollah's armed strength. They over exaggerate it to justify Israeli 'pre emptive' action against Lebanon. That being said, it seems there is mutual deterrence here, both Hezbollah and Israel are testing the waters to get something they want out of each other. Both sides are hesitant to take it too far but at the same time are looking for a ticket to give theirselves further justification to escalate. Neither side has found that moment to seize yet but both are eager.

One thing to note though is that Nasrallah has to make truth to his promises as he has in the past regarding Israel. So if he says something will happen it means his organization is confident. He had a speech a year or two ago where he asserted Israel would be retrieving their troops and tanks in a case of a war meaning heavy damage will be done.

Hezbollah has significantly upgraded it's arsenal and cyber capabilities, the difference between Hezbollah and Hamas are many differences, but one important one is that Hezbollah can get intelligence from Iran while Hamas is isolated under a siege. Hezbollah has prepared many bunkers and underground passages to enable rocket fire without being detected. Such a war would be messy but we would not see an occupation of Lebanon in my opinion.
Al-Qaeda-linked group claims border attack on IDF | The Times of Israel

In all seriousness this doesn't make sense, seems like Hezbollah wanted to divert attention from its responsibility through a fake twitter account.

There's no way they have access to the border area which is controlled by Hezbollah and also monitored 24/7 unless they have access to tunnels underground which belong to Hezbollah.
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