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Israel Saved Iranians Before The Mullahs Stopped It


Dec 12, 2008
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Israel Saved Iranians Before The Mullahs Stopped It

Peter Malcolm


Contrary to what the Iranian mullahs tell their people, Israelis not only don’t hate the Iranian people, they actually helped them survive before the mullahs came to power. In 1962, after the deadly earthquake in the Qazvin region of Iran that killed over 12,000 people, a chain of wells that Iranian engineers had constructed in a tunnel style collapsed.

Israel sent drillers to help build artesian wells were drilled; they were so successful that Israel’s water engineering company was hired by the Iranians to identify and gain access to other underground resources. In 1968, a desalination company run by the Israeli government built dozens of desalination plants in Iran.

In 1979, when Ayatollah Khomeini came to power, cooperation between the countries ended. One team of water experts took one of the last direct flights from Tehran to Tel Aviv.

According to the World Nuclear Association, “Some 40% of Israel's water is desalinated, and one large RO plant provides water at 58 cents per cubic metre, claimed to be the world's cheapest. It also claimed to have the world’s largest seawater RO plant as of late 2013, at Soreq, producing 627,000 m3/day. In 2016 it expects more than half the country’s water will be desalinated.”

Meanwhile, the Iranian people suffer, unlike the Jordanians, who signed a $900 million agreement for a new desalination plant at Aqaba on the Red Sea. 80 million m3 per year/220,000 m3/d of water at the Aqaba plant will be utilized; Israel will buy half of it for Eilat and the Arava region, Jordan will get half the water for its arid southern area.

According to the Washington Post in 2014, “Iran is headed for a water shortage of epic proportions, and little is being done to reverse a decades-long trend that has reduced the country’s water supply to crisis levels. 'Our water usage is twice the world standard, and considering the situation in our country, we have to reduce this level,' Massoumeh Ebtekar, a vice president and the head of Iran’s Department of Environment, said in a recent speech.”

Israel’s water engineering company was hired by the Iranians to identify and gain access to other underground resources. ”

Keyword being HIRED. They didn't do it out of the goodness of their heart, ulterior motives were involved.

If you didn't do it someone else would, i wouldn't therefore classify it as SAVED THE IRANIANS. talk about something getting to your head.
In 1979, when Ayatollah Khomeini came to power, cooperation between the countries ended.

wrong... khomenei and his mullahs were greatly helped by israel in iran's war with iraq... the author is deliberate in not mentioning the "iran contra affair" among other things.
So a company being PAID and HIRED by Iran is saving Iranian lives? Wow God, why are Israelis such a great, peace loving and innocent people who never ever can forgive themselves over even one lost life?

Israel is so innocent and has so much love for lives of people that it's ready to spend thousand dollar missiles to carry them away safely from children playing in a beach.
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wrong... khomenei and his mullahs were greatly helped by israel in iran's war with iraq... the author is deliberate in not mentioning the "iran contra affair" among other things.
Intel sharing on regular basis with US as well !
I love how ya'll are trying so hard to reaffirm the notion that we have to be enemies.

Remember the Chilean mining disaster? An Edmonton company (where I live) used their technology to save Chilean lives. They still made a small amount of money, but they could have stayed home and made 10 times more. They still went out and helped. Israelis used technology that you didn't have. Perhaps, in the most recent Tabriz earthquake their help could have saved Iranian lives. For profit or not. But no, according to you guys we have to be eternal enemies.

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Could you bring one example of this intel-sharing (which happens on a 'regular basis')? Or are you only trying to bring lame conspiracy theories in this thread to start a troll war?

Could you bring one example of this intel-sharing (which happens on a 'regular basis')? Or are you only trying to bring lame conspiracy theories in this thread to start a troll war?
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I love how ya'll are trying so hard to reaffirm the notion that we have to be enemies.

Remember the Chilean mining disaster? An Edmonton company (where I live) used their technology to save Chilean lives. They still made a small amount of money, but they could have stayed home and made 10 times more. They still went out and helped. Israelis used technology that you didn't have. Perhaps, in the most recent Tabriz earthquake their help could have saved Iranian lived. For profit or not. But no, according to you guys we have to be eternal enemies.

That's right. Israel in the history helped many countries with the intention of making allies. In some cases they succeeded and in the others, they failed. One such case is Singapore. At its creation, Singapore's didn't have armed forces and was in the verge of forcefully included into Malaysia. Singapore then searched for partners to train their armed forces but it was only Israel that decided to help them without any demands since they understood the circumstances the Singapore was in but as soon as Singapore overcame its challenges, it recognised Israel and started diplomatic missions.

Some members here are advocating hatred against Israel just for the sake of doing it, not that they have anything against it so they invent their own reasons.
Some members here are advocating hatred against Israel just for the sake of doing it, not that they have anything against it so they invent their own reasons.
I grew up in Iran so I know what the environment is like. I only spent 6 years in the education system, but I clearly remember, and I swear this is the truth on my own mother's life, that I would watch a news clip on TV and and get all teary eyed b/c in my head I could imagine Israelis running around killing Palestinian kids my age in the streets in cold blood. I was only 10. Now Imagine not only going through primary school in that system, but also secondary and post secondary education. I know exactly why they feel the way they do. For them, they only know one Israel and that Israel is known as the "Zionist regime" which is the eternal enemy of Iran. That's what they know. That's what they've been brought up to know.
I grew up in Iran so I know what the environment is like. I only spent 6 years in the education system, but I clearly remember, and I swear this is the truth on my own mother's life, that I would watch a news clip on TV and and get all teary eyed b/c in my head I could imagine Israelis running around killing Palestinian kids my age in the streets in cold blood. I was only 10. Now Imagine not only going through primary school in that system, but also secondary and post secondary education. I know exactly why they feel the way they do. For them, they only know one Israel and that Israel is known as the "Zionist regime" which is the eternal enemy of Iran. That's what they know. That's what they've been brought up to know.
Well we were also raised in Iran, but it seems you have a great potential to be brainwashed considering the impact education system has on you. :lol:

I am against Israel, but I never saw the situation like you saw in your childhood, let alone now. Ironically most of the people you accuse about random things know much more than you about the matter you are accusing them about, and it's a bit awkward.

You know Abii, there are two kinds of extremism, one is like ISIS which paints those with different ideology as infidels and then there are 'modern extremists', those who insult others, generalize all people of a country/group/faith and those who change their mentality 180 degrees suddenly over a very short period with excuse of 'waking up to reality'. I hope you know what I'm saying. The second group mostly consists of non-religious people despite popular belief about 'extremism'.
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I dont hate Iranians, nor do i love them, the same can be said about every nationality.
I grew up in Iran so I know what the environment is like. I only spent 6 years in the education system, but I clearly remember, and I swear this is the truth on my own mother's life, that I would watch a news clip on TV and and get all teary eyed b/c in my head I could imagine Israelis running around killing Palestinian kids my age in the streets in cold blood. I was only 10. Now Imagine not only going through primary school in that system, but also secondary and post secondary education. I know exactly why they feel the way they do. For them, they only know one Israel and that Israel is known as the "Zionist regime" which is the eternal enemy of Iran. That's what they know. That's what they've been brought up to know.
I have to disagree. I don't think most seem to care about Palestinians. They oppose Israel because their administration opposes it and they don't want to be labelled as traitors by having a different point of view and others oppose it for religious reasons. I think your admin's comment above proves what I said up to some extent.
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