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Israel Prefers F-15 ‘Silent Eagles’ to More F-35s


Aug 29, 2009
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Israel is asking the United States for a squadron of advanced F-15 Strike Eagles and V-22 Osprey tilt-rotors as part of a “compensation package” for lifting American sanctions on Iran. The package would be worth more than $3.1 billion according to reports.

Israeli defense minister Moshe Ya’alon presented Tel Aviv’s “shopping list” to U.S. defense secretary Ashton Carter last week when he visited Washington D.C. if reports are accurate. The arms package would help maintain the Jewish state’s qualitative edge over its Arab neighbors.

According to Flight International’s Arie Egozi, the Israelis didn’t just ask for ordinary F-15s. Instead, the Middle Eastern nation is asking for Boeing’s privately funded F-15SE Silent Eagle derivative which includes a number of radar cross section — or RCS — reduction features and internal weapons bays housed inside the jet’s conformal fuel tanks.

In previous years, Boeing officials would claim that the F-15SE had a frontal RCS that is equivalent to an export configuration Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. However, other defense and industry sources dismissed such assertions.

Israel wants to incorporate its own systems into the F-15SE version that it would buy. Those would most likely include the aircraft’s electronic warfare systems, helmet mounted cueing systems and communications suite among other items. It would probably also incorporate a host of Israeli-made weapons such as the Python-5 missile.

However — if the United States holds to past practices — the aircraft will likely retain a U.S.-made radar — either the Raytheon APG-63 (v)3 or APG-82 (v)1 active electronically scanned array radars.

However, while Israel might want the F-15SE, that version of the Eagle is largely a paper plane. The new variant would have to be developed from the F-15SA, which was developed for Saudi Arabia. That version of the Eagle incorporated a host of advances including a new digital fly-by-wire control system and a completely new glass cockpit with large format displays, both of which will be crucial to the Israeli project.

F-15s. Extra Zebra & Matt Hecht/Flickr photos

Thus, ironically, Saudi Arabia will be partly subsidizing the Israeli purchase. Unless Israel is paying to complete the rest of the developmental cost for the F-15SE, the American taxpayer will be on the hook for the remainder of the bill.

That’s not without precedent when it comes to Israel — the United States is subsidizing its purchase of the F-35 stealth fighter. Tel Aviv is paying for its first batch of 19 F-35s entirely out of the military aid that the United States provides it with. The country has thus far ordered 33 F-35s while securing a special deal to integrate domestic components onto those jets — a consideration that hasn’t been offered to any other nation participating in the program. It also has the option of buying 17 more jets under the contract.

Ultimately, Israel might buy as many as 75 F-35s.

But instead of buying additional F-35s, Israel is opting to boost its fleet of F-15s. Part of the reason for that might be because Tel Aviv has concerns about the F-35’s performance. In 2014, Israeli strategic affairs minister Yuval Steinitz cited misgivings about the F-35’s range, payload and maneuverability, which might not meet Tel Aviv’s needs.

But the fifth-generation jet’s astronomical price tag was also a deterrent because even with more than $3 billion in annual U.S. military aid, Israel is struggling to pay for the stealthy new jets.

Thus, the Israeli request for a new and developmental version of the F-15 might be an indication of just how deep those misgivings run. The Silent Eagle is not much cheaper than the F-35 since its costs roughly $100 million per plane or more. Further, there are developmental costs to consider, which add to the price tag. Therefore, Israel must be concerned about the stealthy fifth-generation jet’s performance.

This article originally appeared at The National Interest, where Dave Majumdar is defense editor.
The first few years that the F-35 will be operational will be an evaluation period, really. The pilots will get to terms with its abilities and shortcomings only after it has been in service. The Silent Eagle is a good interim bet. The Israelis have done a lot of work on the RA'AM, and will be comfortable with the Silent Eagle. If the F-35 is any good, its not really going away, is it?
F15 carry twice the load and twice range of any single engined fighter be it F16 or F35

In air combat greater range pay;load is king over additional stealth or agility. BUT you must have better radars and bvr missles.

silent eagle or upgraded F15 will be awesome machines for another two decades.
Thats what happens when you USA as your sugar daddy. :D
Israel is asking the United States for a squadron of advanced F-15 Strike Eagles and V-22 Osprey tilt-rotors as part of a “compensation package” for lifting American sanctions on Iran. The package would be worth more than $3.1 billion according to reports.

Its not a compensation package, nor the F-35 is "inferior" to anything. The -15 SE are being requested due to their marginal cross section, higher payloads and much longer reach than anything else Israel has.

These are being requested in addition to the -35. This request is an insurance policy only. If Iran cancels the deal with the West or something happens, the Israelis want to have the proper means to take out their weapon production facilities. That's it. It has nothing to do with the -35 sale!!! The author doesn't seem experienced or knowledgeable enough on these issues.
nor the F-35 is "inferior" to anything. The -15 SE are being requested due to their marginal cross section, higher payloads and much longer reach than anything else Israel has.

Exactly my point. This also put to rest to the line of thinking that 4++ generation fighter will be irrelevant in the ages of fifth generation fighter age. Therefore the logic that Pakistan should skip a generation and wait for a mature 5th generation platform to come is inherently based on faulty reasoning. Infact the the evolution of 4++ generation platform will be juxtaposed with the Stealth generation fighters in any air warfare doctrine. While the Stealths would be good in penetrating the heavily defended airspaces it would have to be accompanied by 4++s heavies to do the job.
Thus, ironically, Saudi Arabia will be partly subsidizing the Israeli purchase. Unless Israel is paying to complete the rest of the developmental cost for the F-15SE, the American taxpayer will be on the hook for the remainder of the bill.


Current Israeli Air force Today 2015

120 Sufa F16 ( F16/52 with additional israeli ew suites)
150 F16 block abc (earlier versions customised for dog fighting)
40 F15 C air supremacy
40 F15 E strike

Small But lethal air force

Israeli Air force by 2020

40 F35 lightening
40 Silent Eagles
40 F15 C
120 F16 sufa
120 F16 MLU

5TH tech enters service

By 2025

80 F35 ligtening
80 Silent Eagles
120 F16 sufa
under 80 older F16 MLU
i wonder why they want the silent eagle , the only purpose to the israeli airforce throughout the 21st century would be to bomb the gaza strip , and the silent eagle can't hide so many unguided bombs up her bays without staying silent :lol:


Unless of course the israeli Airforce generals are combating the Qaher-313 into the night

Its not a compensation package, nor the F-35 is "inferior" to anything. The -15 SE are being requested due to their marginal cross section, higher payloads and much longer reach than anything else Israel has.

These are being requested in addition to the -35. This request is an insurance policy only. If Iran cancels the deal with the West or something happens, the Israelis want to have the proper means to take out their weapon production facilities. That's it. It has nothing to do with the -35 sale!!! The author doesn't seem experienced or knowledgeable enough on these issues.

So you want to bomb our nuclear facilities with your silent eagles ? how so ? they don't come with external fuel tanks , so they have to be refueld in the air , probably several times before they reach iran , and when they do reach iran , assuming they stay silent , they have got a couple of air to air missiles , nothing to bomb iran's underground facilities with ,, i'de say the silent eagle was a side project of the US airforce from the 2000's whos only buyers are the saudi arabs , and the israeli jews.
Boeing F-15SE Silent Eagle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The F-15SE shall have a level of stealth that the U.S. government allows for export, being optimized for air-to-air missions (against X-band radars) and much less effective against ground radars (which use other frequencies)....


So you see the silent eagle is specifically made for countries like israel ,who want the f-22 raptor so bad
i wonder why they want the silent eagle , the only purpose to the israeli airforce throughout the 21st century would be to bomb the gaza strip , and the silent eagle can't hide so many unguided bombs up her bays without staying silent :lol:


Unless of course the israeli Airforce generals are combating the Qaher-313 into the night

So you want to bomb our nuclear facilities with your silent eagles ? how so ? they don't come with external fuel tanks , so they have to be refueld in the air , probably several times before they reach iran , and when they do reach iran , assuming they stay silent , they have got a couple of air to air missiles , nothing to bomb iran's underground facilities with ,, i'de say the silent eagle was a side project of the US airforce from the 2000's whos only buyers are the saudi arabs , and the israeli jews.
Military Planning is entirely based on the potential capability of an adversary. There is no denying the fact that Israel is a sworn enemy of iran and would no let go any chance to bomb its nuclear and strategic assets. Israel will find plenty of such allies that would help in carrying in such an attack. Do not get carried away with the nuclear deal and do not let your guard off. It is more of strategic time bargain by the US to halt the Iranian nuclear program till a later date. It serve more of the interests of US with little to offer in favor of Iran.
United States has a history of ditching its allies in the past. Remember Saddam how in a matter of days turned from an ally into a Potential adversary. All these procurements are indicative of the fact that Israel is planning for such a scenario. Taking your enemy for granted will the last thing you like your forces to be.
Military Planning is entirely based on the potential capability of an adversary. There is no denying the fact that Israel is a sworn enemy of iran and would no let go any chance to bomb its nuclear and strategic assets. Israel will find plenty of such allies that would help in carrying in such an attack. Do not get carried away with the nuclear deal and do not let your guard off. It is more of strategic time bargain by the US to halt the Iranian nuclear program till a later date. It serve more of the interests of US with little to offer in favor of Iran.
United States has a history of ditching its allies in the past. Remember Saddam how in a matter of days turned from an ally into a Potential adversary. All these procurements are indicative of the fact that Israel is planning for such a scenario.

I completely agree with you that israel hates iran for who they are just like they hate the syrians and lebanese , and won't miss a chance to be a thorn in the eye ;

but the rest of your post i didn't quite get , if you mean israel might take all action by themselves and amidst of all the nuclear talk bomb iran's facilities then that's quite unlikely , more like impossible , israel is still an underdog , and with someone like obama in charge they simply don't dare to do anything like that ,

and their allies are jokes like themselves , the MKE ? MKO ? Mujahedin khalgh , are the lowest point of their existance , their camp liberty in iraq was just rocketed by iraqi forces without even an order from iran , just a target practice , the rest of their allies comprise of kurds , turks , azeris , and the people in colombia , subsaharran africa and everywhere else where they are fond of their merchandise

As for the second part of your post , that's quite unlikely , the american love affair with jews dates back centuries , they owe jews , so i wouldn't say they would simply ditch israel , for strengthening relations with say iran ! they simply won't , even with obama that didn't happen , let alone the presidents to come like jeb bush , donald duck , or hillary clinton ... that's just not the case
Israel is more interested in A2G version for F15 not interested more in A2A role .F35 has its issue and youcant rely on some thing which is proven yet .F15 offers more punch and value for money .
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