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Israel judicial reform: Key bill becomes law amid mass protests


In this history a lot of histories are mixed up

(A) TutMoses III, Pharaoh of Egypt and "Moses", i.e. the history of some Arab tribes that the scribes of the tributary palaces of the empire called "Hebrews".

(B) The history of an Aramean ruling class that came to the "land of Canaan" with books, money and Persian power.

(C) The history of a Religion that spread like wildfire among women, a Religion that was made up of people from "all the nations of the world", i.e. the sum of the Persian world, the Greek world and the Roman world, from the Chinese border to Hispania and from southern Ukraine to Yemen.

(D) The history of the Yiddish people forged by the traditionalist rabbis over time by deciding NOT to be a religion, Yiddish people who triumphed in Poland-Lithuania by finding their niche among the Catholic ruling class and the Christian peasantry ... until the flood came

(E) The history of the Ukrainian and Polish Zionists who founded (1917-) "our colonial project" (Jabotinsky): Jabotinsky was Ukrainian and his trusted man Polish.
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The Ukrainian, Lithuanian and Polish Zionists would have wanted "the land of Canaan" to be an island off the coast of Norway;

but no

the land of Canaan was Phoenician in the north and Arab in the south, and "Yahweh" is an Arab deity and Moses' father-in-law is an Arab priest.
Common people do not protest.

Only paid people protest.

West controls Israel using Israeli juditiary.

Now that power is going away, West is sulking.

Usually when people protest for X, they are asking for money, specially when they make mayhem and serious damage.

There are non-selfish protests too, but it's peacefully, like Iraq war protests 2003.

When people it's so mad, it's because money is what they really want.

And here, you can see some parts of the Israeli state taking side in the protest, so that's the answer.

It's not a "common people" initiative, it's some elite groups asking things and using common people as useful idiots.

People who suck money from state VS another people who suck money from state too.

Ilan Pappé, Ten Myths

Tomas Suárez, State of Terror

Bunch of dirty rats are killing one an other.

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There is Civilization beyond Barbarism when a power recognizes as Citizenship the population of the territory it controls.

"Our colonial project" in the land of Canaan from the beginning was based on pure Barbarism.

And now Adolfo is 'kosher'


So we're back to square one.

In the first century ... the fracture between the subjugated "people of the land" ("am ha'eretz") and "a people" (of dominant overlords) was the fracture between the city-Temple and the people of Idumea, Perea and Galilee.

This is the second time this movie has been shown on TV.

Flavius Josephus, an aristocrat of the upper quarter of the city-Temple, writes that the Yehudim of Idumea, Perea and Galilee "rushed like a herd of animals against the people".

Here we see that Flavius Josephus, of the Hasmonean priestly aristocracy, uses the word "people" to refer to "the people (of the lords of the city-Temple)" or "the people (of the ruling lords)."

In fact the truth escapes him at the end of his book and he writes: "the powerful mistreated the majority, and the majority-plebs wanted to kill the powerful".

Now the fracture in this remake is on a larger scale.
Chuityay americans are saying "Oh this will end our special relationship with Israel. MFkers have been genociding Palestinians for eight decades and run the most stifling apartheid system in modern times and that hasn't ended the "special relationship" and this BS will...
Bunch of dirty rats are killing one an other.

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No deads in protests, killing own people in protests is more typical Persian :enjoy:

I've heard the reasons of the protest is that judicial power wont be able to veto government laws, is it?

well, if you dont like governement then dont vote parties you dont like and that's all, and dont rely in judicial power.

i dont understand the offcial reasons of protests, it's a bunch of nonsenses.

Likely people handled like sheep by groups with other interests than judicial reform (money, power).
No deads in protests, killing own people in protests is more typical Persian :enjoy:

I've heard the reasons of the protest is that judicial power wont be able to veto government laws, is it?

well, if you dont like governement then dont vote parties you dont like and that's all, and dont rely in judicial power.

i dont understand the offcial reasons of protests, it's a bunch of nonsenses.

Likely people handled like sheep by groups with other interests than judicial reform (money, power).
The reason for the protest is, that the left-wing controls the entire judicial system and other key sections like the media and the unions.

The democratically elected government is tired of having to listen to leftist judges that order to release Muslim terrorists that kill more Jews when they're released. They also involve themselves in non-judicial matters like giving scientific prizes to people that support anti-Israeli movements like BDS, letting Palestinians in for a "shared memorial day" when the defense minister was against it, ordering the military to allow females in elite IDF units, etc. Also, the judicial system was used in an effort to overthrow Netanyahu with BS corruption allegations in combination with the media that tried to portray Netanyahu as a criminal even though that's absolutely BS and the trial is crumbling for 4 years already.

Unfortunately, 95% of the people in this world are braindead, the left-wing launched a massive media campaign aimed at thwarting the reforms using lies such as "the destruction of democracy" (when they lost a democratic election). And it's enough to simply claim to be on the side of democracy to make these braindead people side against the reforms.

Common people do not protest.

Only paid people protest.

West controls Israel using Israeli juditiary.

Now that power is going away, West is sulking.
The first part isn't exactly true, even though there is funding for the protestors, they don't do it just for the money, the money allows them to protest and not work.

Second part is true, Israeli high court of justice is a way to control Israel from doing the needed extreme measures to defend itself.
I never voted for Netanyahu , but like every citizen in a democracy , swallowed the fact he was elected.

Now it is different.

His coalition are making changes in the ballance of power between the Goverment and the Supreme court.

The protests are about demoracy. Something Israelis would never compromise on.

It is important to understand that in Israel we do not have , like in other democracies , a constitution or a Declaration of Independence like in the US , that sets rules , limits the goverment , and protects basic human rights.

What we do have , is a strong supreme court that can interfere in Goverment decissions.

Israelis object to that " Judicoal reform " not just cuase they are simply bad laws that hurts our democracy .

Even those that support those changes believe that such changes can only be made , by wide agreement beetween Government and opposition.

It is true that an elected Goverment has the right to make laws , but it can not just trample over the minority nor force upon them laws that change the basic rules pf the game. Democracy is not the tyranny of the majority over the minority.

As it stands now :

The majority of the public are against this legeslation and the way those changes are done.

If there was an election now , Netanyahu and his Coalition would loose for sure. But elections are three years away and till than we only have public pressure and the Supreme Court to keep the Government in line.

Nonsense. The power was never balanced. The left-wing has infiltrated the judicial system and doesn't allow Israel, a right wing majority country, to truly rule. Especially if you count right wing parties that have personal disputes with Netanyahu so they side with the opposition.

The complaints about the absolute power of the judges is going on for years. The reason we have refugee rapist monkeys in our cities is because of the judges. The reason we release terrorists and rapists is because of the judges.

The protests aren't about democracy, they're directly against it. This is a manipulative approach, the left simply uses words like "democracy" and "balance" because they are doing a linguistic indoctrination of people. At its most extreme form, the reform would have made Israel similar to New Zealand, one of the most democratic countries in the world.

If there was an election now , Netanyahu and his Coalition would loose for sured
Yeah and if my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike. The left has the control over the media which is 100% invested into taking out Netanyahu. But that's not going to work.
The reason for the protest is, that the left-wing controls the entire judicial system and other key sections like the media and the unions.

The democratically elected government is tired of having to listen to leftist judges that order to release Muslim terrorists that kill more Jews when they're released. They also involve themselves in non-judicial matters like giving scientific prizes to people that support anti-Israeli movements like BDS, letting Palestinians in for a "shared memorial day" when the defense minister was against it, ordering the military to allow females in elite IDF units, etc. Also, the judicial system was used in an effort to overthrow Netanyahu with BS corruption allegations in combination with the media that tried to portray Netanyahu as a criminal even though that's absolutely BS and the trial is crumbling for 4 years already.

Unfortunately, 95% of the people in this world are braindead, the left-wing launched a massive media campaign aimed at thwarting the reforms using lies such as "the destruction of democracy" (when they lost a democratic election). And it's enough to simply claim to be on the side of democracy to make these braindead people side against the reforms.

I think you're right, if protestors dont want to some change, they just can vote democratically the party they want, instead ask for judges of same ideology.

Anyway, it seems supportt to protests is wider than just leftists.

They are all leftists nutjobs?
I think you're right, if protestors dont want to some change, they just can vote democratically the party they want, instead ask for judges of same ideology.

Anyway, it seems supportt to protests is wider than just leftists.

They are all leftists nutjobs?
As I said, it's a massive media campaign. It all runs deep. Mossad, IDF, those all started as left wing organisations and kept being like that through nepotism.

The ones responsible aren't nutjobs, they're criminal masterminds like Ehud Barak and Olmert. Others are either idiot leftist nutjobs or don't know what they protest about.
As I said, it's a massive media campaign. It all runs deep. Mossad, IDF, those all started as left wing organisations and kept being like that through nepotism.

The ones responsible aren't nutjobs, they're criminal masterminds like Ehud Barak and Olmert. Others are either idiot leftist nutjobs or don't know what they protest about.

I dont understand exactly what they have to win with all this.

What they want? another elections?
I dont understand exactly what they have to win with all this.

What they want? another elections?
They want Netanyahu in jail and the current government toppled. They want to rule. Basically, they're the ones ruining democracy.

I dont understand exactly what they have to win with all this.

What they want? another elections?
Ehud Barak, Olmert, Dan Halutz and others are all ex-Israeli government. They're all criminals.

Olmert was literally imprisoned after he was found to be corrupt as a prime minister, Dan Halutz sold all of his stocks before 2006 war, he and Olmert are responsible for all of the shortcomings in 2006 war because those idiots gave the IDF conflicting orders. Ehud Barak was Jeffrey Epstein's friend and visited his house frequently, and was even photographed there trying to hide his face with a scarf and underaged girls left the house soon after him.

Ehud Barak said he is the perfect replacement for Netanyahu and "if he were to disappear one day" he would want to do that.

As I said, criminals, they control the media, Israel should take them all into prison.
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