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'Israel is a Lunatic State' - Dr. Norman Finkelstein on Gaza Flotilla Attack



New Recruit

Oct 18, 2009
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Bravo Dr. Norman Finkelstein! You are one of the few and only sane voices of the Jewish Community!

I am thinking of inviting him for a lecture at my university next year :azn: :D
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Actually, Dr. Finkelstein is one of many, many jewish people who oppose Israeli policies. I just started another thread based on an article by a jewish scholar who reports that the younger generation of jewish americans is actually quite enlightened and liberal and sees Israel's apartheid, fascist policies for what they are. This is a very hopeful development. Give it a few more years of sustained international pressure and Israel digging a deeper and deeper hole for itself and I think there will be a revolt against Israel from within the jewish community. History has its ways...
^ Nicely summed , you might wana look at this.

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