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Israel – India Nexus - Dangerous to Iran Nuke By Zaheerul Hassan

Zaheerul Hassan

Jun 17, 2009
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Recently, IAEA designed an agreement for Iran to reduce the amount of nuke material and stop her possibility of making nuclear bomb. The United States and its allies fear Tehran's goal is to make a bomb, whereas Iran denies it. Under the proposal, Iran would send low-enriched uranium abroad to be turned into material for use in medical research and treatment at a reactor in Tehran. According to the world media Iran's hard line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that the Islamic republic was ready for nuclear cooperation with Western powers. At that time, when major world players are fully involved in resolving this burning issue, surprisingly Indian silence over this important regional issue becomes suspicious one. New Delhi -Tel Aviv nexus emerging as dangerous one and revealing likely strike on Iran Nuke Programme. In this context, Israeli leadership has number of times threatened Iran. Let's evaluate Israel – Iran nexus in the light of core regional issues and Iran nuke programme.

Iran is the eighteenth largest country in the world with an area of 1,648,000 km2 and is strategically located between tow major energy basins, the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea. In 2008 its population was about 72 million and possessing a rich reservoir of hydrocarbon resources as well as diverse minerals. She always played very vital role world over in general and specifically in Middle East. During Reza Shah Pehlvi's regime Tehran's foreign policy used to revolve around guarding USA interest .During this period, Israel never faced any out of proportion trouble in Middle East. Iran was enjoying good relations with USA, West and countries of American lobby. Then, India also proved a trustworthy ally of USSR and remained on distant from Iran and Israel. However, the Islamic Revolution of 1979 and USSR disintegration brought dramatically changes in regional and world politics. It altered the relationship between Iran and the West, India and Israel, Iran and Middle East, Iran and Israel too. 9/11 further modified the international relationship and increases the gulf between Islamic and Western society because of later anti Islam storm. Iran and Iraq emerged as the worst opponent of USA and Israel, but at the same time remained dagger drawn to each other. Therefore, Iranian and USA relationship deteriorated drastically from top to zero. Iran was kept on enjoying excellent relations with New Delhi during Islamic Revolution period too. The continuation of sweetness in relationship could also be established prior to Israeli jumping in India.

Now, question arises that why Indian and Iranian relationship took U turn? The answer can easily be deduced from Pentagon, Tel Aviv and New Delhi's new strategy of ruling the world. According to their new strategy, Zionism and Hinduism will spread sectarianism in the region. Iran, Pakistan, Syria and Iraq were the objectives of their Phase–I. For instance terrible kind of sectarianism has been faced by Iraq, Pakistan and Iran in which millions of people have been killed. General Noor Ali Shooshtari, the national Deputy Commander of the ground force of Iran's Revolutionary Guards (RG), along with six senior's officers and 42 others have been killed in a homicide bombing on October 18, 2009 .Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei revealed on October 19, 2009 that the bloodshed in Pakistan, Iraq and the Islamic republic was the work of foreign agents and aimed at unleashing sectarian conflict. These foreign agents are those elements which are being supported and launched by India and Israel. Though, New Delhi always pretended that she is the best friend of Tehran but practically she always opposed Iran Nukes programme and provided the bases to Israel. In this connection Indian minister Shashi Tharoor stated that we've conveyed to the Iranians that if they've undertaken solemn obligations under the non-proliferation treaty, which they freely and voluntarily signed [India has not], then they have an obligation to keep to their commitments against that. And therefore, India did vote against Iran in the Security Council.

After falling in USA lobby India started paving her path in establishing the diplomatic relationship with Israel. Indian did this to counter the Arabs and guard her regional interests. In 1992, the Congress government of India established formal diplomatic relations with Israel just to complete their deficit of $3 billion in aid from the World Bank and the IMF. It's an open secret that these two financial outfits are being controlled by Jewish sitting in USA. Therefore Prime Minister Narasima Rao became the first Indian leader who decided to mobilize the support of the Jewish lobby in the USA to secure the loans. Moreover, India under Prime Minister Narasimha Rao also recognized Israel which shocked Iranian foreign experts. After recognition Indian government shifted their focus from Iran and Arab countries to Israel. Israeli President's state visited to India in 1996 and signed lucrative agreements with the Indian armed forces, including up gradation of India's MiG-21 aircraft and the ageing Jaguars, modernizing the electronic system of its aircraft carrier INS Vikrant, and replacement of Indian Army's 130mm gun barrels with those of 155mm caliber. In 1996, the architect of India's missile programme. In return Indian President, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam made his first visit to Israel and started supporting Israel stance world over.

In this whole scenario India and Israel with tacit support of USA planned to target nuke programmes of Iraq, Iran and Pakistan. It may be recalled that in 1981 Israeli aircraft had successfully destroyed Iraqi atomic reactors. In March 20, 2003 President Bush dropped his 100,000 troops in Iraq to destroy Weapons of Mass Destruction (Weapons never found till now). Israeli started working on her next target .i.e. Iran Nuke Programme. Israel in collaboration with India has created a joint intelligence set up with code name Triple - III organization (Indo-Israel Intelligence organization). The basic aim of this set up is to infiltrate agents in Iran, Pakistan, China, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal and carry out covert operations. They have also been given specific task of get maximum and latest update about Iran and Pakistan Nuke Programme. According to the credible defence analysts Israel has finalized her attack plan to target Iranian nuke programme. Her agents have already reached in India. The Indian air bases will be used to destroy Iranian nuke programme. Israel has started first phase of her game plan. The propaganda against Iranian and Pakistan nuke programmes is already on the top of the lines. According to the world media, on October 1st, 2009 Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has handed over a list and evidence to Moscow, showing that some Russian scientists have been helping Iran to develop a nuclear bomb. Netanyahu's disclosure came during his secret Moscow visit where he held urgent talks with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and President Dmitry Medvedev. It is mentionable here that these scientists did number of visits and helped India in designing her nuke programme. The list of these Russian scientists to Israeli prime minister have been provided by notorious intelligence agency RAW. According to Israeli sources, it was a short, tense meeting at which Netanyahu named the Russian experts said to be assisting Iran in its nuclear programme. American officials said concern about Russian experts acting without official approval, had been raised by the IAEA last year.

Israel offered her assistance in every field and also placed her nuke experts for assisting India. The real aim of these scientists was to come closer with those senior Indian nuke scientists who worked on Nuke programme in collaboration with Russian scientists. "Triple III setup" deliberately handed over the Russian scientist's lists to malign Iran prior of launching their Second Phase i.e striking Iran Nuke Programme. Meanwhile, UN nuke watch dog IAEA purposed that Iran should have a deal with international community over nuke issue. In return she will be allowed to export he enriched uranium to other countries through UN. However on October 29, 2009 Iranian showed her willingness to talk and deliberate tried to break the deadlock over its nuclear program, the International Atomic Energy Agency. On October 30, 2009 , Speaking in Pakistan, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said leading powers that have been involved in the negotiations -- Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States -- should refrain from immediately judging the status of nuclear talks. Clinton also stressed that Western officials were working to determine what the Iranians are willing to do -- whether Tehran's decision is final or an interim statement. Iran, Pakistan and other regional countries should weigh the danger of presence of Israeli troops in India and ready to strike Iranian Nuke Programme. Iranian leadership should analyse critically Indo-Israel nexus in the light of under current security environment.
indian silence is really amazing for you but not for us,just see India launches Israeli satellite 21 January 2008 The Israeli press is reporting that the satellite will improve Israel's ability to monitor Iran's military activities. Indian officials that given these sensitivities, the operation was secret and carried out under tight security.It is considered to be one of the most advanced spy satellites that India has put into orbit to date.The 300kg (650-pound) satellite is reported to be Israel's most advanced space craft, and equipped with a camera that can take pictures in almost any weather conditions."The kind of low-earth polar orbit they are putting the satellite into, it is meant to give Israel the capability to keep an eye on the Iranian nuclear programme"This is bound to be seen in the Islamic world as a sinister tie-up between Israel and India,"
Germany handed over to the Israeli navy three state-of-the-art 800-class Dolphin submarines. The Dolphins have nearly a 3,000-mile operating range—enough to command the entire MediterraneanIndia or Sri Lanka suggest themselves immediately. The political links exist—Israel is a major supplier of arms to both, girding India’s loins against Pakistan.
Its interesting that under a reparations for the Holocaust agreement Germany provided the original Dolphin free and the next two for a 33% discount (together the first three Dolphins averaged a low US$320 million each).

The geopolitical implications of the collaboration between India and Israel are grave and manifold. In spite of denials, the United States has assigned India a role in its strategy against Iran, which India has been playing since July 2005.

“It is a safe guess that support for israel U.S. actions on Iran was one of the conditions of India’s nuclear deal with the United States,” “The commitment Washington extracted from the Indian prime minister in July 2005 to vote against Iran in the International Atomic Energy’s governing board was followed by a campaign against India on the Capitol Hill. Congressman Tom Lantos, in remarks before the House International Relations Committee, said India had to ‘choose between the ayatollahs of terror and the U.S.’” India voted twice in the IAEA governing board against Iran, thus endorsing the U.S. agenda for confrontation with Iran.
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