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Israel has Egypt over a barrel


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Israel has Egypt over a barrel

It took the CIA 60 years to admit its involvement in the overthrow of Mohammad Mossadeq, Iran's first democratically elected prime minister. The circumstances around the overthrow of Egypt's first democratically elected president, Mohamed Morsi, may not take as long to come to light, regardless who is behind it.
Mossadeq sealed his fate when he renationalized Iran's oil production, which had been under the control of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, later to become BP. Morsi's enemy was gas, and he proved to be a major obstacle to a lucrative deal with Israel - which nobody will be surprised to learn - is about to take place now he has been removed.

Clayton Swisher of Al Jazeera's investigative unit has spent five months delving into the corrupt sale of Egyptian gas to Israel. His report Egypt's Lost Power to be broadcast on Monday night reveals that Egypt has lost a staggering amount of money-$11bn , with debts and legal liabilities of another $20bn - selling gas at rock bottom prices to Israel, Spain and Jordan.

In contrast, Hussein Salem the Egyptian who was central to the deal and the founder of the Egyptian-Israeli company, East Mediterranean Gas (EMG) amassed a staggering fortune. Sameh Fahmi who worked initially for Salem before becoming the minister of Petroleum between 1999 and 2011, was arrested soon after the January 25 revolution and sentenced to 15 years, and Salem arrested at one of his homes in Madrid but was never extradited. Both sentences were overturned last year and a retrial is pending.

The scam was simple. EMG bought the gas for $1.5 per Im BTU ( though they raised it to $3 later ) and then sold it onto the Israeli Electric Company for $4 per Im BTU. This was at a time when Germany was paying $8-$10 per Im BTU and Japan around $12. Salem, an Egyptian intelligence agent in the 1960's chose partners for the deal in Israeli intelligence. Salem's EMG partner was the former Israeli agent Yossi Maiman, a senior director of the company Shabtai Shavit, a former Mossad director convinced the then prime minister Ariel Sharon to sign the deal. At the time Yediot Aharnoth described Salem as the "number one man" of the normalization process between the two states.

The export of gas to Israel was stopped by the Egyptian revolution. Israel had by this time discovered so much gas in the Eastern Mediterranean that it was looking to Egypt not as a source of gas, but as a means of liquefying its gas and exporting it to the international markets. With as much as 26 trillion cubic feet of gas in the Leviathan field and ten in the Tamar field, Israel has more than enough gas to satisfy its domestic needs and needs to sell it. Furthermore, with the price of gas set to drop in a few years time, Israel needs to sell it now.

Meanwhile consumer demand for gas in Egypt rose beyond its capacity to produce it. This made Egypt unable to fulfill its commitment to foreign companies to export its gas. This made Egypt look to ways in which he could import gas.Israel's plan was for Egypt's two LNG terminals to liquefy Israel's gas and the Suez Canal would ensure passage out to the lucrative Asian markets. Morsi was a major obstacle not only to import of Israeli gas, but also to the use of Egypt's LNG plants and Suez Canal to export it to world markets.

Swisher has got two remarkably frank interviews. Edward Walker, the former US Ambassador to Egypt says out loud what few of his former State Department colleagues today would dare to admit.

"The Muslim Brotherhood has a pretty solid reputation for not being highly sympathetic to the West, and particularly not to the United States. So it was not really in our interest to see them succeed."
He goes on to say why the newly installed president Abdel Fatah al-Sisi is so attractive."(Sisi) is attractive because he is not Morsi....our concern is to maintain and sustain the relationship between Egypt and Israel."

The second is from Simon Henderson of the Washington Institute for Near East Affairs. He said that the change of government in Egypt has meant that Israel can reconsider the option of converting some of its gas into LNG and under Morsi, there was no confidence that Egypt would allow such shipments through the Suez Canal.

He ends bluntly:"The Egyptian public can make a calculation that it happier to have electricity 24 hours a day because they deal with Israel in getting natural gas, or they would prefer to be in the dark for some hours a day as a matter of principle."

When he came to power, did Morsi have a better option? The answer is yes. Qatar agreed to supply between 18 and 24 cargoes of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to the customers of the two companies exporting gas from Egypt. Egypt had no capacity to turn LNG back into natural gas, so a floating terminal would be provided for this. The companies who ran the two LNG terminals in turn would supply an extra 500 m cubic feet of domestically produced gas to the Egyptian market. Qatar agreed to supply the first five cargoes for free, giving Egypt a much needed respite and lowering the price of gas canisters in the country.

Reuters quoted experts saying that nothing can match the favorable swap deal Qatar gave Egypt.

After the military coup, Egyptian officials, who accepted the fifth free cargo in September, claimed they could not agree a price with Qatar. But at the time it was hailed as a game saver - except of course by Israel and the US. They also cancelled a contract to build a gasification plant that would allow Egypt to import LNG. This decision was clearly a political one. Washington Post said at the time that the break with Qatar would contribute to scorching summers and would haunt the regime later.

So there we have it. Accept gas from Israel, even though your own reserves are many times greater, or sweat it out in the dark. Accept too, that your country is now dependent and a supplicant. Accept that as a result of these deals your country is riven with gas debt - from the foreign companies that run the two now idle LNG terminals. To give you some idea of the scale of the debt, Union Fenosa is suing Egypt for $6bn, a sum equivalent to nearly half of its foreign reserves. The Economist reports that the British Gas Group may follow suit.

Accept too, that it will be through these private companies, who literally have Egypt over a barrel, that Israeli gas will be imported. Last month Union Fenosa signed an agreement of intent to buy 2.5 TCF from the Tamar field over 15 years. No wonder Israel and the US are so happy with Morsi's overthrow.

Yosef Paritzky, the former Israeli energy minister says it out loud:"With the return of Sisi and the return of order I think we see now the (Arab) spring, we really do."

But what about Egyptians, who in July will suffer power cuts in the stifling summer heat due to the gas shortage? What about all the other effects that the gas shortage will have in Egypt, such as the production of fertilizer? Will Egyptians be so pleased to learn they have lost $11bn and have liabilities of another $20bn, and that as a result Egypt, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority will become dependent on Israel for its gas?


@kollang @iranigirl2 @Chak Bamu @Developereo @Aeronaut @Syrian Lion @SALMAN AL-FARSI @e3nad3alek @Luffy 500 @kalu_miah
Just watched a documentary on Al Jazeera about this. So funny how the Egyptians want to give Israel a tool which they can use whenever to halt the already struggling economy. Dark times ahead for the Arabs:coffee:.
Israel has Egypt over a barrel

It took the CIA 60 years to admit its involvement in the overthrow of Mohammad Mossadeq, Iran's first democratically elected prime minister. The circumstances around the overthrow of Egypt's first democratically elected president, Mohamed Morsi, may not take as long to come to light, regardless who is behind it.
Mossadeq sealed his fate when he renationalized Iran's oil production, which had been under the control of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, later to become BP. Morsi's enemy was gas, and he proved to be a major obstacle to a lucrative deal with Israel - which nobody will be surprised to learn - is about to take place now he has been removed.

Clayton Swisher of Al Jazeera's investigative unit has spent five months delving into the corrupt sale of Egyptian gas to Israel. His report Egypt's Lost Power to be broadcast on Monday night reveals that Egypt has lost a staggering amount of money-$11bn , with debts and legal liabilities of another $20bn - selling gas at rock bottom prices to Israel, Spain and Jordan.

In contrast, Hussein Salem the Egyptian who was central to the deal and the founder of the Egyptian-Israeli company, East Mediterranean Gas (EMG) amassed a staggering fortune. Sameh Fahmi who worked initially for Salem before becoming the minister of Petroleum between 1999 and 2011, was arrested soon after the January 25 revolution and sentenced to 15 years, and Salem arrested at one of his homes in Madrid but was never extradited. Both sentences were overturned last year and a retrial is pending.

The scam was simple. EMG bought the gas for $1.5 per Im BTU ( though they raised it to $3 later ) and then sold it onto the Israeli Electric Company for $4 per Im BTU. This was at a time when Germany was paying $8-$10 per Im BTU and Japan around $12. Salem, an Egyptian intelligence agent in the 1960's chose partners for the deal in Israeli intelligence. Salem's EMG partner was the former Israeli agent Yossi Maiman, a senior director of the company Shabtai Shavit, a former Mossad director convinced the then prime minister Ariel Sharon to sign the deal. At the time Yediot Aharnoth described Salem as the "number one man" of the normalization process between the two states.

The export of gas to Israel was stopped by the Egyptian revolution. Israel had by this time discovered so much gas in the Eastern Mediterranean that it was looking to Egypt not as a source of gas, but as a means of liquefying its gas and exporting it to the international markets. With as much as 26 trillion cubic feet of gas in the Leviathan field and ten in the Tamar field, Israel has more than enough gas to satisfy its domestic needs and needs to sell it. Furthermore, with the price of gas set to drop in a few years time, Israel needs to sell it now.

Meanwhile consumer demand for gas in Egypt rose beyond its capacity to produce it. This made Egypt unable to fulfill its commitment to foreign companies to export its gas. This made Egypt look to ways in which he could import gas.Israel's plan was for Egypt's two LNG terminals to liquefy Israel's gas and the Suez Canal would ensure passage out to the lucrative Asian markets. Morsi was a major obstacle not only to import of Israeli gas, but also to the use of Egypt's LNG plants and Suez Canal to export it to world markets.

Swisher has got two remarkably frank interviews. Edward Walker, the former US Ambassador to Egypt says out loud what few of his former State Department colleagues today would dare to admit.

"The Muslim Brotherhood has a pretty solid reputation for not being highly sympathetic to the West, and particularly not to the United States. So it was not really in our interest to see them succeed."
He goes on to say why the newly installed president Abdel Fatah al-Sisi is so attractive."(Sisi) is attractive because he is not Morsi....our concern is to maintain and sustain the relationship between Egypt and Israel."

The second is from Simon Henderson of the Washington Institute for Near East Affairs. He said that the change of government in Egypt has meant that Israel can reconsider the option of converting some of its gas into LNG and under Morsi, there was no confidence that Egypt would allow such shipments through the Suez Canal.

He ends bluntly:"The Egyptian public can make a calculation that it happier to have electricity 24 hours a day because they deal with Israel in getting natural gas, or they would prefer to be in the dark for some hours a day as a matter of principle."

When he came to power, did Morsi have a better option? The answer is yes. Qatar agreed to supply between 18 and 24 cargoes of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to the customers of the two companies exporting gas from Egypt. Egypt had no capacity to turn LNG back into natural gas, so a floating terminal would be provided for this. The companies who ran the two LNG terminals in turn would supply an extra 500 m cubic feet of domestically produced gas to the Egyptian market. Qatar agreed to supply the first five cargoes for free, giving Egypt a much needed respite and lowering the price of gas canisters in the country.

Reuters quoted experts saying that nothing can match the favorable swap deal Qatar gave Egypt.

After the military coup, Egyptian officials, who accepted the fifth free cargo in September, claimed they could not agree a price with Qatar. But at the time it was hailed as a game saver - except of course by Israel and the US. They also cancelled a contract to build a gasification plant that would allow Egypt to import LNG. This decision was clearly a political one. Washington Post said at the time that the break with Qatar would contribute to scorching summers and would haunt the regime later.

So there we have it. Accept gas from Israel, even though your own reserves are many times greater, or sweat it out in the dark. Accept too, that your country is now dependent and a supplicant. Accept that as a result of these deals your country is riven with gas debt - from the foreign companies that run the two now idle LNG terminals. To give you some idea of the scale of the debt, Union Fenosa is suing Egypt for $6bn, a sum equivalent to nearly half of its foreign reserves. The Economist reports that the British Gas Group may follow suit.

Accept too, that it will be through these private companies, who literally have Egypt over a barrel, that Israeli gas will be imported. Last month Union Fenosa signed an agreement of intent to buy 2.5 TCF from the Tamar field over 15 years. No wonder Israel and the US are so happy with Morsi's overthrow.

Yosef Paritzky, the former Israeli energy minister says it out loud:"With the return of Sisi and the return of order I think we see now the (Arab) spring, we really do."

But what about Egyptians, who in July will suffer power cuts in the stifling summer heat due to the gas shortage? What about all the other effects that the gas shortage will have in Egypt, such as the production of fertilizer? Will Egyptians be so pleased to learn they have lost $11bn and have liabilities of another $20bn, and that as a result Egypt, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority will become dependent on Israel for its gas?


@kollang @iranigirl2 @Chak Bamu @Developereo @Aeronaut @Syrian Lion @SALMAN AL-FARSI @e3nad3alek @Luffy 500 @kalu_miah
Mossadegh did a lot for his country
What did morsi do???
he claim to be Islamist but he never wanted Egypt to be ruled by islam he said that is BS morsi like many ikhawn munafiqeen like Erdogan their goal is to reach power
In the video he call the hijab is ridiculous
Mossadegh did a lot for his country
What did morsi do???
he claim to be Islamist but he never wanted Egypt to be ruled by islam he said that is BS morsi like many ikhawn munafiqeen like Erdogan their goal is to reach power
In the video he call the hijab is ridiculous
you dont understand arabic. in the video, he didnt say hijab ridiculous
Mossadegh did a lot for his country
What did morsi do???
he claim to be Islamist but he never wanted Egypt to be ruled by islam he said that is BS morsi like many ikhawn munafiqeen like Erdogan their goal is to reach power
In the video he call the hijab is ridiculous

Salman or whatever your real name is, don't be so absurd. What do you think they would flip Egypt around in one year? Do you even know the saying 'rabi al jeel'? It takes time and needs to be voluntary from people.

And you're talking from Lebanon. Where do you Islam in Lebanon? There are in Iraq woman who don't wear hijab. When you have a secular people who live a lifestyle influenced by their movies it takes time to get them back to what they used to be.
you dont understand arabic. in the video, he didnt say hijab ridiculous
Yes I understand what he said
That he didnt came to office for sharia then why did he run for president and member of islamic country if he didnt want sharia???
Salman or whatever your real name is, don't be so absurd. What do you think they would flip Egypt around in one year? Do you even know the saying 'rabi al jeel'? It takes time and needs to be voluntary from people.

And you're talking from Lebanon. Where do you Islam in Lebanon? There are in Iraq woman who don't wear hijab. When you have a secular people who live a lifestyle influenced by their movies it takes time to get them back to what they used to be.
Iraq and Lebanon don't have islamic governments morsi is Islamist he said that no need for sharia because Egyptian constitution based on sharia and not secular law
Does Egypt constitution really islamic and not secular
Iraq and Lebanon don't have islamic governments morsi is Islamist he said that no need for sharia because Egyptian constitution based on sharia and not secular law
Does Egypt constitution really islamic and not secular

Yes it is based on Islam, Egyptian lifestyle is different varying on where you go. You can't impose things or else there won't be love for the religion. We need to re-instill ourselves with pride in our religion.
Yes it is based on Islam, Egyptian lifestyle is different varying on where you go. You can't impose things or else there won't be love for the religion. We need to re-instill ourselves with pride in our religion.
That will take long time since muhammad ali then the monarchists then Nasser Egypt have been secular abdul Nasser even wanted to get al azhar out of Egyptian society Egyptians are brainwashed by the secular military rule for 50 years to make them islamic it will take long time
That will take long time since muhammad ali then the monarchists then Nasser Egypt have been secular abdul Nasser even wanted to get al azhar out of Egyptian society Egyptians are brainwashed by the secular military rule for 50 years to make them islamic it will take long time

I know that, which is why Morsi and the Islamic establishment needed to take their time. Some parts of the society are still conservative but lots of work is needed.

Problem with activists is that they believe they can get what they want within a day. Nothing works like that. Morsi was careful, and still got kicked out. There are lessons to be learned here. I hope you understand that nothing can be accomplished by wishing. Political Islamists first have to survive based on their performance in dealing with economy, corruption, quality of governance. If they can not do that, or they are not allowed to do that, then talking about Shariah is very premature.
I think arabs are not very courgeaous, they are threatened by an arrogant little terrorist country and do nothing

If Egypt starts war against Israel, there will be millions of true jihadists flowing to Israel to punish them

But arabs have also been disarmed and let JEW NATO install Mubarak who hasnot developped WMDs for self defense
Article is written by lame idiot propagandist. Gas prices depend a lot on the location.

Egypt cant sell its gas to anyone except except Israel so it must make a discount.

Currently Israel sells gas for 268$ to Jordan while Russia sells it to Poland for 526$.
Article is written by lame idiot propagandist. Gas prices depend a lot on the location.

Egypt cant sell its gas to anyone except except Israel so it must make a discount.

Currently Israel sells gas for 268$ to Jordan while Russia sells it to Poland for 526$.
Is it legal gas or the gas in the palestinian waters?
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