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Israel destroys West Bank mosque, homes; 30 people left homeless


Jun 1, 2012
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Israeli troops destroy mosque in Palestinian village — RT News


Palestinians walk past a structure after it was demolished by Israeli bulldozers in Khirbet Al-Taweel village near the West Bank City of Nablus April 29, 2014. (Reuters / Mohamad Torokman)

Israeli bulldozers have demolished a mosque and several homes in a Palestinian village in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, leaving up to 30 people homeless on the deadline of the peace talks between Palestine and Israel.

Eighteen Israeli military jeeps and two bulldozers stormed the village of Kherbt al-Taweel near Nablus, to the north of the West Bank early on Tuesday morning and declared the village a closed military zone, Ghassan Douglas, the Palestinian Authority official in charge of monitoring settlement activity in the northern West Bank, told the Anadolu Agency (AA).

He added that before demolishing the buildings “the forces prevented residents from entering or leaving the village and students from going to their school.”

"I went to make my dawn prayers at the mosque and found the army surrounding it," resident Abdel Fattah Maarouf, 63, told Reuters, "Then they tore it down. They want this area so they can build settlements on it."

A Reuters correspondent said several hundred soldiers were deployed in Khirbet al-Taweel around daybreak.
Other buildings that were wiped out by Israeli troops included three family houses, animal shelters and a communal well.

According to another village resident Anwar Sidki whose home was destroyed, the Israelis did not give him any prior warning.

"They just demolished the house," he told AA."I have five children and a wife. I have to either re-build the house, or they will remain in the streets."

Meanwhile, the Israeli troops left the village, although they left security at its entrances.

According to Douglas, the Israelis destroyed the mosque and the houses “under the pretext of being built without a permit."

“Israel has long sought to control the village because of its strategic location, which overlooks the Jordan Valley," added Jawdat Bani Jabr, head of the village council.

A top Palestinian official, Yasser Abed Rabbo told local radio that "unless acts like this cease completely," Palestine won’t return to peace talks with Israel. The April-29 deadline has now been missed.

According to Douglas, Israeli army forces are targeting the village to displace its residents and annex its land to attach it to nearby settlements, or use them for army training.

Israeli settlements in the West Bank have long been a stumbling block in peace negotiations, as Tel Aviv has refused to freeze the construction of new settlements.

On Tuesday, Israeli settlement watchdog Peace Now reported that Israeli authorities approved about 14,000 settlements during the nine-months peace talks with Palestine.

"This is an unprecedented number representing an average of 50 housing units per day or 1,540 per month," Peace Now added.

Relations between Israel and Palestine have worsened over the past month, culminating in the imposition of sanctions on Palestine by Israel, which included freezing the transfer of taxes. Israel monthly collects some $110 million in taxes on goods bound for the Palestinian territory, which roughly amounts to around two-thirds of the income received by the Palestinian Authority.

On April 23, Israel suspended peace talks with Palestine over the unity deal signed in Gaza between the Hamas group (considered terrorist in Israel) and Abbas's Fatah faction.

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu said that Palestine must choose either peace with Israel or an alliance with Hamas, but it cannot have both.
Good job Israel..!!!

It will help us whether to create relations with you or not..
Yaap. Jews have lost so much now they are taking them all back. So indeed what goes around, comes around.
ANd for the next part on which u did personal attack, i would just say pray harder . As we say in india butchers crushing can't make a cow die. Get well soon.

I don't think its about losing or gaining. Problem is with dividing each other in the name of religion, sects and nations. The way Mother India has suffered because of partition in the name of religion the similar way even Palestine is suffering. People can live together in peace if they respect each other.
I don't think its about losing or gaining. Problem is with dividing each other in the name of religion, sects and nations. The way Mother India has suffered because of partition in the name of religion the similar way even Palestine is suffering. People can live together in peace if they respect each other.
It can never be that way. It's against the human nature. Humans set a certain criteria for others and whoever is not with them is against them. It's the law of nature. It was what have been happning from thousands of year's and this is how it is gonna be.
It can never be that way. It's against the human nature. Humans set a certain criteria for others and whoever is not with them is against them. It's the law of nature. It was what have been happening from thousands of year's and this is how it is gonna be.

Why it cant be other way ? Human nature wants to live in harmony and i think the criteria which you are talking is being set by the people who are in power. Rules are set by some which has to follow by the majority and its not the law of nature. Law of nature is different.

shameless creature :mad:

I don't think so.

Goodness is always there .
hmm.....this was coming with Palestinian rocket firing in Israeli area.....
though innocent people should nt be harmed in this tussle....but but equally true its always the lower innocent people who have to bear the burden of these disputes......
why don't they just go for for an all ending war..to end this.....its better then daily killing and firing.....

IDF destroys West Bank mosque, other structures
Civil administration says eight buildings were constructed without planning permission in army firing zones
By AFP April 29, 2014, 11:36 pm

Palestinians inspect the remains of a mosque after it was demolished by Israeli authorities who said it was built without municipal permission on April 29, 2014 (photo credit: AFP/JAAFAR ASHTIYEH)

“The soldiers came and destroyed a mosque and three homes they said were built without permit in Area C,” Ayman Bani Fadel, mayor of Kkirbet Tawil near Nablus, told AFP.

The Civil Administration, the military body that administers Area C, confirmed the “demolition of eight buildings that were built illegally inside firing zones.”

A statement said they took place “after the residents appealed to the Supreme Court of Justice and their appeals were erased.”

The Israeli military regulates Palestinian construction in Area C and annexed East Jerusalem
. Rights groups say it does not issue sufficient permits, forcing residents to build without authorization.

By mid-April Israel had demolished 213 structures and displaced 426 people in East Jerusalem and the West Bank since the beginning of 2014, according to data provided by the UN humanitarian agency OCHA.
hmm.....this was coming with Palestinian rocket firing in Israeli area.....
though innocent people should nt be harmed in this tussle....but but equally true its always the lower innocent people who have to bear the burden of these disputes......
why don't they just go for for an all ending war..to end this.....its better then daily killing and firing.....

I really think that this has to change in here in which innocent people have to bear the burden. All these are nothing but exploitations and cheats which are done by the people in power.
I really think that this has to change in here in which innocent people have to bear the burden. All these are nothing but exploitations and cheats which are done by the people in power.
hmm...nt possible,,,,
there will be always some people on top who will oppress their lower....
this is the order of the world...and humans are nt apart from it....
hmm...nt possible,,,,
there will be always some people on top who will oppress their lower....
this is the order of the world...and humans are nt apart from it....

People who are in power are in minority and here i think its the insecurity of the people in power which is the reason for all this. Was the order of the world was established to protect or oppress/exploit the masses ?
Why it cant be other way ? Human nature wants to live in harmony and i think the criteria which you are talking is being set by the people who are in power. Rules are set by some which has to follow by the majority and its not the law of nature. Law of nature is different.

I don't think so.

Goodness is always there .
Actually living in harmony was and is never a human nature. Even two brothers get on fighting each others. Domination is what we can call human nature. Tell a single period of time where humans were living in harmony without bloodshed.
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