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Israel complains about growing Chinese role in Middle East at Washington's expense


Nov 4, 2011
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Israel complains about growing Chinese role in Middle East at Washington's expense​

April 25, 2023 at 1:18 pm

After China's success in restoring relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, political and diplomatic circles in Israel are anticipating a Chinese attempt to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, citing the rapprochement between Tehran and Riyadh brokered by Beijing. However, Israel remains committed to the US, and calls for its increased involvement in the Middle East.

"After the resumption of diplomatic relations between Riyadh and Tehran, mediated by Beijing, years after their separation, Israeli political circles predict that the Chinese are also trying to resolve another conflict in the Middle East, which has lasted for decades, the conflict between the Palestinians and the Israelis," wrote political correspondent Itamar Eichner in Yedioth Ahronoth. "Hence, Foreign Minister Eli Cohen had a call with his Chinese counterpart Chen Gang, without Israel announcing that the conversation included any discussion about negotiations with the Palestinians, but rather confirming that they discussed the threat of the Iranian nuclear programme."

He added in a report translated by Arabi 21 that, "The Chinese announcement stated that the foreign minister spoke with his Israeli and Palestinian counterparts, Cohen and Riyad Al-Maliki, and focused with them on a completely different topic, which is the fear of escalating tensions between the two sides, and his support for the resumption of negotiations between them. He assured Cohen that the agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran is a good example of overcoming differences through dialogue, asking him to show political courage and move towards resuming dialogue with the Palestinians."

These developments, noted Eichner, revealed to Israel the increased Chinese "interference" in the Middle East.

"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was asked in an interview with CNBC about it, and he said, 'We respect China, we deal with China a great deal but we also know that we have an indispensable alliance with our great friend the United States.' Military and security affairs commentator Ron Ben-Yishai pointed out that Washington considers Beijing a competitor and a major enemy in all economic and military fields, so it is concerning to Israel for China to strengthen its grip on the Middle East at the expense of the US, given that the US is Israel's sponsor in the region."

This is just the beginning, China will have more arms deals with Arab countries and Iran.

The Jewish media did not expect this when they smeared China.

Turkey and Syria will also reconcile, and Israel should seriously think about the future.
Hebrew to English translation:

Israel complains about China due to KSA and Iran deal.

This is just the beginning, China will have more arms deals with Arab countries and Iran.

The Jewish media did not expect this when they smeared China.

Turkey and Syria will also reconcile, and Israel should seriously think about the future.
A little war starting by Israel attacking Syria/Iran can end in a full first nuclear strike of USA against China.

That was the plan in 2012 Hormuz strait tensions.

21 January 2012: https://www.reuters.com/article/oukwd-uk-iran-boat-idAFTRE80K0Q620120121

23 January 2012: Chinese New Year.

China is alive thanks to Israel and Iran restraint in 2012. And most of Chinese dont know that. But CCP must know it, so act in consequence and dont stupid do things suiciding yourselves.
Hebrew to English translation:

Israel complains about China due to KSA and Iran deal.

A little war starting by Israel attacking Syria/Iran can end in a full first nuclear strike of USA against China.

That was the plan in 2012 Hormuz strait tensions.

21 January 2012: https://www.reuters.com/article/oukwd-uk-iran-boat-idAFTRE80K0Q620120121

23 January 2012: Chinese New Year.

China is alive thanks to Israel and Iran restraint in 2012. And most of Chinese dont know that. But CCP must know it, so act in consequence and dont stupid do things suiciding yourselves.

You believe this?

Neither Israel nor the United States dare to launch a war against Iran until now, and there is no full-scale war against Syria.

America and Israel are too powerful in your imagination.
Hebrew to English translation:

Israel complains about China due to KSA and Iran deal.

A little war starting by Israel attacking Syria/Iran can end in a full first nuclear strike of USA against China.

That was the plan in 2012 Hormuz strait tensions.

21 January 2012: https://www.reuters.com/article/oukwd-uk-iran-boat-idAFTRE80K0Q620120121

23 January 2012: Chinese New Year.

China is alive thanks to Israel and Iran restraint in 2012. And most of Chinese dont know that. But CCP must know it, so act in consequence and dont stupid do things suiciding yourselves.
'china is alive thanks to israel'

okay i see the that the changing demographics of the West has really reduced Western collective IQ and the panic caused by change is resulting in greater levels of delusion too.
You believe this?

Neither Israel nor the United States dare to launch a war against Iran until now, and there is no full-scale war against Syria.

America and Israel are too powerful in your imagination.
Sometimes I wonder if in this forum there is only one real chinese/iranian or are all American undercovers and bots.

Damn Muricans, why they dont rest a second of try to deceive everybody all the time? they can't leave a single one empty place with their fucking stupid lies?

'china is alive thanks to israel'

okay i see the that the changing demographics of the West has really reduced Western collective IQ and the panic caused by change is resulting in greater levels of delusion too.

China is alive thanks to Israel and Iran restraint in Hormuz tensions in 2012.

You maybe are 12 years old and you dont know how important and how was the tension in those moments.

But Iran Deal 2015 can give a little clue about how important was and that the concern thing was not only about a regional or Israeli issue.

Of course the date of the Iranian boat sank near to Hormuz is not a coincidence with Chinese new year.

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Israel is best not to participate in disputes between China and the USA.

To be honest, you can't afford to bet wrong.
Israelis here in PDF are very anti China, they don't know what they will be facing down this path.
Israel is best not to participate in disputes between China and the USA.

To be honest, you can't afford to bet wrong.
They have already placed bets. Who do you think is behind the huge anti China propaganda campaign of the last 7 years? Who do you think is behind the Hong Kong riots, Uyghur propaganda, Covid, ten anti China articles a day in the media? Who do you think owns all of the media?
They have already placed bets. Who do you think is behind the huge anti China propaganda campaign of the last 7 years? Who do you think is behind the Hong Kong riots, Uyghur propaganda, Covid, ten anti China articles a day in the media? Who do you think owns all of the media?
The Jews of course. Chinese are naive to believe Jews are not anti-Chinese. Jews own the Western media and did Western media not try to bad mouth China any time they can?
The Jews of course. Chinese are naive to believe Jews are not anti-Chinese. Jews own the Western media and did Western media not try to bad mouth China any time they can?

Jewish is a very racist people!
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