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Israel, Arab states coalition not new: Commentator

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Israel, Arab states coalition not new: Commentator

Interview with Redwan Rizk

Press TV has conducted an interview with Redwan Rizk, a political commentator from Beirut, about Israeli Foreign Minister saying Tel Aviv is holding secret talks with some Arab countries including Saudi Arabia and Kuwait in an effort to create diplomatic relations to unite against Iran.

What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview.

Press TV: Tell us your initial reaction on this, maybe not new news but at the same time for the Foreign Minister of Israel to come out and say that this is going to definitely be out in the open soon, what was your reaction?

Rizk: Well I think that [Avigdor] Lieberman was very honest when he revealed some of those secrets because the Arab countries would like to keep such relations behind the scene and they like to knit relations with Israel up on all levels, considering any kind of cooperation or they consider Israel as their best ally in the region.

So those relations were established even long time before. Some of the Arab countries had very tight relations with the Zionist organizations since 1920’s and some of the Arabs helped even the creation of the Israel ... [entity]. And then in 1948 after the announcement or founding of the Israel ... [entity] in Palestine, they kept on very tight relation with the new ... [regime] in Palestine and they kept it behind the scene. They were the best friends of the Israelis in the region and they have some sort of very tight connections.
Now what Lieberman revealed, he is revealing something that has established long time before, now it is taking a new phase of connections with the Israelis considering very military allies coalition, creating coalition in the region and now he is saying loudly and clear that he is trying with those Arab countries to attack Iran or to destroy the targets would be the nuclear sites or nuclear reactors in Iran.

So Lieberman said also that this will be no secrets anymore ... I believe that it is now not being a secret that many Arab countries have joined Israel or combined with Israel against Iran and against also any kind of resistance and we know all their involvement in Syria also.

So this kind of coalition trying to build up some sort of force to be able or to have enough power to go into direct confrontation with the resistance coalition stretching from Tehran to Beirut.

So the Israelis now, they have a new agenda in the region. They have a new plan in the region. It is going to be out in the open and the Arab League are vanishing bit by bit and we might see in the future some sort of new league created, led by the Israelis and also helped and get enough help from those rich Arab countries to supply all the power and arms that could be enough to go or to allow them to go into a direct [confrontation] and that will not pave the road to peace or to freedom in the region, that will suppress the region under new dictators led by very brutal [occupiers], the Israelis and managed by immature and primitive countries like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait also.

PressTV - Israel, Arab states coalition not new: Commentator
LOL at the typical propaganda machine PressTV, and its ultra-nationalist Assad loyalist Rizk.

This Rizk is taking the Assad's white-knighting risk too far :lol: :rofl: :laugh: :omghaha: :D
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