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Israel apologises to UAE for official's Covid 'joke'

They deserve each other.

do you forecast that the 1.5 million Pakistanis living and working in the UAE will go back to Pakistan once they get word that were trading with Israel and receiving tourists from there ?

also , do you forecast that Pakistanis will STOP coming to the UAE ?
do you forecast that the 1.5 million Pakistanis living and working in the UAE will go back to Pakistan once they get word that were trading with Israel and receiving tourists from there ?

also , do you forecast that Pakistanis will STOP coming to the UAE ?

UAE Pak relations were already tainted after Modi got a medal. The nail in the coffin was Arab treachery towards the Kashmir cause. Fine. Arabs made their choice and they have the freedom to do so. This has obviously affected the relationship adversely. To expect otherwise is foolish.

As for the workers living and earning their livelihoods in the UAE, eventually this will end too. Not from our side, but from UAE and KSA side.

Yes, I predict that the number of Pakistanis investing their capital and visiting the UAE will decrease expontentially.
UAE Pak relations were already tainted after Modi got a medal. The nail in the coffin was Arab treachery towards the Kashmir cause. Fine. Arabs made their choice and they have the freedom to do so. This has obviously affected the relationship adversely. To expect otherwise is foolish.

As for the workers living and earning their livelihoods in the UAE, eventually this will end too. Not from our side, but from UAE and KSA side.

Yes, I predict that the number of Pakistanis investing their capital and visiting the UAE will decrease expontentially.

Ah so you feel that Pakistanis will still want to come over and earn a living but if anything, it will be the UAE government that will start sending them back ? interesting but i really do not see this happening

investing and visiting the UAE will decrease ? how come ? they already invest and visit and live in Kafir nations such as the Netherlands/UK/USA ...etc so why draw the line with the UAE ?
Ah so you feel that Pakistanis will still want to come over and earn a living but if anything, it will be the UAE government that will start sending them back ? interesting but i really do not see this happening

investing and visiting the UAE will decrease ? how come ? they already invest and visit and live in Kafir nations such as the Netherlands/UK/USA ...etc so why draw the line with the UAE ?

It will happen because our relationship is going to deteriorate further. You have made a pact with HIndustan and Israel and that is going to impact relations with Pakistan. Your island is going to behave in a certain way that is naturally going to impact relations.

UAE is far worse in my opinion than "kafir" nations.
According to an Israeli channel, Dr Sharon Alroy-Preis, chief of Public Health in the Health Ministry, allegedly said that "more people died in two weeks of peace with Dubai than in 70 years of war with them".

Israel’s national daily YNet stated that when an explanation about the remarks was sought by UAE officials, Israeli officials apologised for Dr Alroy-Preis' statement, saying the remark was made in jest.

Officials in the Prime Minister’s Office apologized for Alroy-Preis’ comments, adding that her comment was merely “an unsuccessful joke” that was not meant for public consumption and she is not authorized to speak for the Israeli government on such matters.

Tweeting about the same, the Dubai Media Office on Friday shared the apology from Israel posted by YNET, stating: “Israel offers an apology to the UAE for the statements of a senior official in the Israeli Ministry of Health that included false allegations that linked travel to Dubai to the increasing number of people infected with Covid-19 in Israel.”

Thousands of Israelis are said to have made their way to the UAE ever since the two countries normalised ties and began flight operations in November 2020.

However, noticing a surge in cases from the beginning of this year, Israel on Monday night closed down its Ben Gurion Airport until the end of January.

The airport closure will remain in effect at least until this coming Sunday, when national lockdown measures are set to be eased, though the government is expected to extend both closures.

A British variant of the coronavirus is said to be causing widespread infections in Israel, accounting for nearly half of recent daily cases, according to health officials. Thirty cases of a South African strain have also been found in the country, in addition to four cases of a California mutation.

According to The Jerusalem Post, Israel recorded 7,079 positive Covid cases on Thursday. Out of the 76,000 people screened, 9.3 per cent tested positive.

The Israeli government has set a goal of vaccinating the entire adult eligible population over the age of 16 by the end of March.

Did you expect praise in glory of Emiratis from these Khazari khabeeth? These are the same people who treat Palestinians worse than cockroaches. Attack any and all with vicious contempt who show these scum their true face in the mirror. Emirates leadership, you made your choice between Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah and that khazari khabeeth state. Now learn to live with the consequences of it. And when tomorrow Malhamah commences, don't expect any pity or mercy from Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah, since you have betrayed Islam.
It will happen because our relationship is going to deteriorate further. You have made a pact with HIndustan and Israel and that is going to impact relations with Pakistan. Your island is going to behave in a certain way that is naturally going to impact relations.

UAE is far worse in my opinion than "kafir" nations.

the UAE is not an island ! and i am afraid you are very wrong. You will soon come to realize this.
Well, its Khaleej time. It's first humiliations within first 2 weeks of normalization. Google it, you ll find lots of cases how Israeli tourist humiliate Indians in India.

good joke .................. :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:
the UAE is not an island ! and i am afraid you are very wrong. You will soon come to realize this.

they are not accustommed of realizing their mistakes .
1- annoying traffic
2-old Chinese people pushing you
3- Mini new Delhi at the fountain area of burj khalifah so your kids miss the show and you spend the night calming them down
4- 10 healthy strong Pakistani men waiting at the elevator when families with baby strollers wait behind them xD

i know , its bad
You are just showing the esclavagist side
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