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Israel Air Force Strikes Syrian Army Targets

Skull and Bones

Jan 29, 2011
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United States
The Israeli military says its warplanes have carried out airstrikes against Syrian army targets in response to a roadside bomb that hit an Israeli patrol and wounded four soldiers the day before.

The strikes are Israel's fiercest against Syria since the neighboring country's civil war began three years ago.

The military says the air force targeted a Syrian army training facility, an army headquarters and artillery batteries early on Wednesday. Israel also carried out artillery strikes against Syrian military targets the day before.

There was no comment from Damascus and the impact of the airstrikes was not immediately known.

Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon says Israel holds President Bashar Assad's government responsible for Tuesday's roadside bombing.

Yaalon says if Assad pursues a path harmful to Israel, he would "regret his actions."

Israel Air Force Strikes Syrian Army Targets - ABC News
what if they bomb Jerusalem that would be a befitting answer to these Israelis
Good job SAA, 4 israelis wounded

Zionist Al Qaeda are in the Golan and shoot 0 bullets to the JEWS and have JEW air support

Wounded JEWS agressors

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So let me get this straight, Israel/US/Russia/RandomWesternNation/ attack a country it is for self defence. When Syria retaliates against Israel, everyone loses their minds.
How can you put Russia with the NATO terrorist block?
Why is Israel allowed to intrude and attack Syria and arbitrarily murder Syrians in military facilities for the usual "retaliation" for to some propably unrelated roadside attacks against Israeli borderguards and no word from the UN?

But when Russia just moves soldiers to their own bases in Ukraine to defend them against violent mobsters they cry brutal invasion even when no one has been threatened.
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