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Islamization of Bangla threat to India: BJP MP

Unnecessary comment, agreed.

But he's just some small time politician expressing his views, an opposition politician. Bangladesh is a muslim majority country but also has a fair tradition of tolerance, by Islamisation here one means Islamisation like in Pakistan. If that were to happen, its indeed a threat, not only to India, but to moderate Bangladeshis too. So to that extent, what he says is not incorrect. However what he says was in personal capacity and should be given importance accordingly.

He's commenting on the stand taken by Bangladesh Hindu Buddha Christian Oikya Parishad recently on the new charter. This is something relevant to bangladeshis and they should not get distratced by the stand of a small politician from a neighboring country, just because he's from BJP they like to hate.

Well, I don't see Bangladesh going into the same path of modern-day Iran or something. But, thanks anyways :cheers:
I can see why she had to leave bdesh, egomaniacs from her country could not face the truth. If thats what so called moderates do then no surprise extremists were after her life.

And the entire world can see why late Mr MF Hussain left India. the hindu terrorists threatened him to kill

Take your time, read the book. Its available online. Facts are clear only when you clear your glasses.

:lol: i saw her book being sold at footpath in India at a roadside at Rs10 so no thanks the crap is for you to read and get some solace
Now that it is raised, lets get the facts straight. Let it not be held against me.

I wonder what would have happened if MF Hussein painted the Prophet nude?

He painted Hindu Goddesses nude.

Instead of issuing fatwas to kill, which is not applicable for Hinduism, court cases were initiated.

Now, if a mere court case scares a man with the Govt supporting him, it does speaks volumes of his guilt since the Courts cannot be manipulated for political reasons!

Ask Rushdie and Tasleem, where a court did not decide, but some illiterate Mullah. And they had no chance to defend themselves, unlike it was possible for Hussein in the courts. Talk about Justice!

I would also mention that fatwas cannot be given by all and sundry, but sadly, all and sundry who claim to be Mullahs issue it and people follow it to the letter and spirit.

Does speak of the lack of understanding and blind bigotry!
And the entire world can see why late Mr MF Hussain left India. the hindu terrorists threatened him to kill

:lol: i saw her book being sold at footpath in India at a roadside at Rs10 so no thanks the crap is for you to read and get some solace

People who leave in glass houses do not throw stone at others.

Hussain painted Hindu gods nude and hurting Hindu sentiments. He did not have guts to paint his own god.

Sorry for diverting from thread topic.
1. Tasleema Nasreen has been banned in Indian states like W Bengal and Andhra. She was never banned in BD; but she got herself self-exiled posing to be a martyr. Even Hasina has personally asked her to return but she won't. Her writings, if you know Bengalee, are mostly pornography. She herself has been leading a life of a whore.

2. We in BD have been Muslims for centuries. Our state religion has been Islam for nearly 25 years. Cannot understand the sudden interest in the subject. Most Muslim majority states including Iraq, Malaysia, Maldives and Brunei have Islam as state religion. Burma has Buddhism, as does Thailand and Cambodia. Nepal has/had Hinduism as the state religion.Israel is Jewish. The English monarch is the head of the church. Almost all Western state heads, including US President, take oath placing a hand on the bible. Most European nations have cross on the national flags. But here in BD our President, ministers or officers on commissioning do not place a hand on the Holy Quo'ran to take the oath. Not necessary. Same in Pakistan.

3. People should decide what they are comfortable with. If today India chooses Hinduism as state religion, as many people in that country demand, then they will be in their right to do so. Outsiders should not complain if such a move is taken.
Fatwa is worse than banning!

Who knows who is a whore because none knows what happens behind closed doors!

There is no chance India will become a Hindu State. if it had to happen, then it would have happened long ago.
In Bangladesh, Islam always has been a strong binding force. Bangladesh is not Bangladesh without Islam. Bangladeshi Muslims are tolerant in nature but will not tolerate if anyone disrespect Qur'an and our beloved Rasool(s.w.a.s).

Nare Takbir Allahu Akbar Nare Risalat Ya Rasool Allah(s.w.a.s): Bangladesh Zindabad.
It says it all.

Everyone else is Untermenschen!

---------- Post added at 01:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:22 AM ----------

In Bangladesh, Islam always has been a strong binding force. Bangladesh is not Bangladesh without Islam. Bangladeshi Muslims are tolerant in nature but will not tolerate if anyone disrespect Qur'an and our beloved Rasool(s.w.a.s).

Nare Takbir Allahu Akbar Nare Risalat Ya Rasool Allah(s.w.a.s): Bangladesh Zindabad.

It says it all.

Everyone else is Untermenschen!
She was killed by terrorists but hey good you have equated Saffron terrorists with TTP terrorists.

2. Ganhdi's assasination was different you all know it. he was killed by Hindu militant Godse and his groupies and these are revered by a large number of Indians for killing Gandhi
There was no proof that any Hindutva institution was involved in Gandhi's assasination....listen to Godse's speech in court and speak lols...
So Your Musharraf belonged to TTP eh????
1. 'Fatwa' means advice. It is not an indictment that people have to follow if they do not find the advice convincing. Such religious indictments are issued by priest/clerics and holy men in all religions. If there is something unreasonable then only the illiterate backward lot follow. That is not unique to Muslims; happens all over.

2. In letter and spirit, if not formally, Buddhism is practically the state religion of Thailand. All state functions are accompanied by elaborate Buddhist religious prayers/formalities. Look at the state emblems/ monograms. All Buddhist. A monk is practically free to travel by govt or even private transport, gets to eat free and has a place somewhere if the monastery is far off. Even BD Buddhist monks get visa upon application without formalities/waiting like others. They travel around absolutely free because they are wearing the saffron dress.

3. To impress world opinion when Muslim massacres started, the Thai govt quickly constructed few mosques in Bangkok which one can see on the road to the airport. The formal approval of incorporating what is existing, ie a state religion, was deferred because of the insurgency in the South.
1. 'Fatwa' means advice. It is not an indictment that people have to follow if they do not find the advice convincing. Such religious indictments are issued by priest/clerics and holy men in all religions. If there is something unreasonable then only the illiterate backward lot follow. That is not unique to Muslims; happens all over.

If Fatwa is an advice, then isn't it that a vast majority accept it?

Why is there no condemnation of fatwas that the people don't agree with, even if it is but a handful?

Are you suggesting that because a fatwa finds currency, all are illiterates?

The Pope has given his Papal advice on abortion and homosexuality and he has been roundly condemned by many.

Give examples of such condemnation of fatwas given to kill let us say Rushdie or Tasleem.

Therefore, for a layman like me, a clarification would be most helpful to understand the issue.

However, it would be prudent if you start a thread so as to not go off on a tangent.
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