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Islamist threatens to attack Merkel, Germany


Jan 10, 2013
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BERLIN: A German Islamist has threatened to
attack Berlin this summer and kill Chancellor
Angela Merkel in a video posted on the Internet, a
newspaper reported on Saturday. A spokesman for Germany’s intelligence service,
the Office for the Protection of the Constitution,
confirmed its agents had seen such a video. “This is an Islamist battle song. It is known to the
security services and is being evaluated,” said the
spokesman. Die Welt newspaper reported that a three-minute
video had surfaced on the Internet with a
German Islamist calling himself Abu Azzam,
believed to be a radical Salafist who moved to
Egypt last year. “Looking back at an Arab spring, we are looking
forward to a European summer,” said Abu Azzam
in the video, according to the newspaper. “Osama, wait for us... We want to see Obama and
Merkel dead,” he was quoted as saying, adding
that Germany’s Reichstag parliament building
would be subject to attacks like those on New
York’s World Trade Center in 2001. German authorities have stepped up surveillance
of Salafist groups who espouse a radical version
Islam. Germany is home to roughly 4,000 Salafists, a
tiny proportion of the total Muslim population of
about four million. Germany’s involvement in the NATO mission in
Afghanistan has led to fears of an attack on
German soil. Berlin is also supplying military
transport planes to fly West African troops to Mali
to help French and Malian forces fighting Islamist
rebels. reuters

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
BERLIN: A German Islamist has threatened to
attack Berlin this summer and kill Chancellor
Angela Merkel in a video posted on the Internet, a
newspaper reported on Saturday. A spokesman for Germany’s intelligence service,
the Office for the Protection of the Constitution,
confirmed its agents had seen such a video. “This is an Islamist battle song. It is known to the
security services and is being evaluated,” said the
spokesman. Die Welt newspaper reported that a three-minute
video had surfaced on the Internet with a
German Islamist calling himself Abu Azzam,
believed to be a radical Salafist who moved to
Egypt last year. “Looking back at an Arab spring, we are looking
forward to a European summer,” said Abu Azzam
in the video, according to the newspaper. “Osama, wait for us... We want to see Obama and
Merkel dead,” he was quoted as saying, adding
that Germany’s Reichstag parliament building
would be subject to attacks like those on New
York’s World Trade Center in 2001. German authorities have stepped up surveillance
of Salafist groups who espouse a radical version
Islam. Germany is home to roughly 4,000 Salafists, a
tiny proportion of the total Muslim population of
about four million. Germany’s involvement in the NATO mission in
Afghanistan has led to fears of an attack on
German soil. Berlin is also supplying military
transport planes to fly West African troops to Mali
to help French and Malian forces fighting Islamist
rebels. reuters

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

It is an exercise in deception, to turn the attention of the public away from the real issues.War on Islam or Attack on Islam, is a coined term to describe a perceived campaign to harm, weaken or even annihilate the societal system of Islam, using military, economic, social and cultural means. The campaign is alleged to be waged by non-Muslims and false Muslims.Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance and its teachings are applicable for all ages. The western ideology has always viewed Islam and Muslims as conservative and restrictive in nature. The western media has always targeted Islam and presented a negative and extremist picture of its followers.There are those who use some marginal cases, to equate Islam and Muslims with terrorism, clashes, intolerance and poverty,A mistake by a member of a religion or society should not be attributed to the religion or society,reason behind all problems in the Muslim world is lack of consultation among Muslim countries.Unbiased and sincere consultation would be a lasting solution for the issues Muslim countries, nations and the entire Muslim world are facing today. Islam is the most Peaceful religion of the word that not only talks about Peace but also guides us how to bring Peace in the world. If we talk about the word Islam itself it comes from the Arabic root word Sulm and its meaning is Peace.Prophet Muhammad Saw regarding Peace and against terrorism. Allah Swt says in Holy Quran "whoever kills an single innocent it is as if he has killed the whole mankind and whoever saves a single human it is as he has saved the whole of humanity. Killing an innocent person is included in seven biggest sings according to Islam. According to a Hadith of Prophet Saw if a War takes place it is forbidden to kill Kids, Women, Old People and destroying fields. There are hundreds of such other Quran Verses and Hadiths of Prophet Saw that speaks against Terrorism and Peace. You can see above Verse of the Quran calls Killing of a single innocent person as killing of whole Humanity while above Hadith Forbids Killing Kids, Women, Old Man even if a War takes place. Now My Question is that which other religion calls Killing a single innocent Human as killing the whole humanity and which other religion stops from killing Kids, Women and Old man even in war? It is only Islam. This is why i Call Islam the most Peaceful religions of the World.
^^^^But why muslims are falling into so called western trap.. is it an obligation to confirm to their expectation ?

It is an exercise in deception, to turn the attention of the public away from the real issues.War on Islam or Attack on Islam, is a coined term to describe a perceived campaign to harm, weaken or even annihilate the societal system of Islam, using military, economic, social and cultural means. The campaign is alleged to be waged by non-Muslims and false Muslims.Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance and its teachings are applicable for all ages. The western ideology has always viewed Islam and Muslims as conservative and restrictive in nature. The western media has always targeted Islam and presented a negative and extremist picture of its followers.

Are you , by any chance , the same guy being spoken about in the OP's article ?
Sounds like a hoax call. If there is any real intention to attack, you don't publicise your plans well in advance. Then again...this so called attacker just managed to make life difficult for other Muslims in that country.
Sounds like a hoax call. If there is any real intention to attack, you don't publicise your plans well in advance. Then again...this so called attacker just managed to make life difficult for other Muslims in that country.
That's the whole point buddy. Make people paranoid, few of them will act differently, it will offend few Muslims, few of them may start acting differently and their act will make others more paranoid. Its a vicious circle.

It depends on how German govt. and society deals with it. With what is happening in today's world, with NATO attacking every Muslim country and terrorists killing innocent in name of religion, the paranoia and prejudice against Muslims are at tipping point for many non-Muslims.

Snow ball effect may follow. It will rise very slowly and then there will be a non-linear growth.

I really feel that people should know more about Islam and how wrong is their perception towards this religion.

Any thing unknown or having little knowledge is always taken with suspicion.
Sounds like a hoax call. If there is any real intention to attack, you don't publicise your plans well in advance. Then again...this so called attacker just managed to make life difficult for other Muslims in that country.
You are right,this is just bla bla bla.
That's the whole point buddy. Make people paranoid, few of them will act differently, it will offend few Muslims, few of them may start acting differently and their act will make others more paranoid. Its a vicious circle.

It depends on how German govt. and society deals with it. With what is happening in today's world, with NATO attacking every Muslim country and terrorists killing innocent in name of religion, the paranoia and prejudice against Muslims are at tipping point for many non-Muslims.

Snow ball effect may follow. It will rise very slowly and then there will be a non-linear growth.

I really feel that people should know more about Islam and how wrong is their perception towards this religion.

Any thing unknown or having little knowledge is always taken with suspicion.

Woman scarred in acid attack tells of horror at seeing horrific burns for first time Read more: [url=http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2272706/Naomi-Oni-Woman-scarred-acid-attack-tells-horror-seeing-horrific-burns-time.html#ixzz2Jpngomy5]Naomi Oni: Woman scarred in acid attack tells of horror at seeing horrific burns for first time | Mail Online [/URL]

Out of what western induced paranoia one acts differently by throwing acid in someone's face? What is an offense to you that can be justified with a horrid crime like above?

Simple answer will do, no need for wall's of text in which you apologetically conclude it is all western fault.

Soon burqa will go off the streets and people here will cry foul how it impedes on their freedom. Fuck me, girl has a right to work at Victora' Secret and no Muslim has the right to say anything about it.
@Audio Should I put all the blame on West ? Hell no. But should I put all the blame on Muslim nations ? Again no.

Point is because of bad deeds of few people from both societies have resulted in a vicious circle of innocent being killed and revenge that has increased trust deficit and paranoia.

I see War Torn Soldiers, I see an orphan child in Iraq too.

Its simply about everyone accepting their own leader's and society's fault.
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@Audio Should I put all the blame on West ? Hell no. But should I put all the blame on Muslim nations ? Again no.

Point is because of bad deeds of few people from both societies have resulted in a vicious circle of innocent being killed and revenge that has increased trust deficit and paranoia.

I see War Torn Soldiers, I see an orphan child in Iraq too.

Its simply about everyone accepting their own leader's and society's fault.

This is called utopia. There is no such thing for many people to accept their own and their societies' fault. It's all blame game.

At the end of this discussion we will come to the term "When in Rome, do as the Romans do".
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my opinion - Muslims and Muslim countries solely responsible to -
resistance (counter attack) vs against "Islamists" (that spread terrorism and murder).
Muslims need - clean Ummah vs - from dirty terrorists.
Muslims - vs - terrorists!
all the world)

Advice: Don't make our mistake and imagine that they can be reasoned with - finish them off, no hesitation
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