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Islamic Jihad severs ties with Hamas, fires rockets against Israel

Battle of Kursk

May 5, 2013
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AFP - Islamic Jihad severed contacts with the Hamas rulers of Gaza Sunday after a commander in its military wing died of wounds sustained in a police shooting, a leader of the radical group told AFP.

"Islamic Jihad today suspended its contacts with Hamas after police opened fire yesterday (Saturday) on one of the commanders of the Al-Quds Brigades, Raed Jundiya, 38, inflicting serious injuries from which he died this morning," the Jihad leader said.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, he said the Hamas police bore "full responsibility for Jundiya's death".

In a statement, Islamic Jihad's military wing said: "Raed Jundiya today succumbed to the wounds he sustained yesterday when Gaza government police shot him in the head in his home.

"The murder of Raed Jundiya represents a major service to the Zionist enemy, provided completely free of charge, whether deliberately or not, because the martyr was, as everybody knows, on the top of the Zionists' hit-list as he headed the Brigades' rocket unit."

Jundiya's family said the pathologist's report confirmed he had died of wounds caused by Hamas police bullets.

Hamas government spokesman Ihab al-Ghussein said: "I hope everyone will await the results of the commission of inquiry which has begun its work."

Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said "contacts are continuing between Hamas and Islamic Jihad, which have strong ties".

The interior ministry said Jundiya had opened fire on police, prompting them to respond.

Islamic Jihad claims to have 8,000 fighters in its military wing, making it the second largest armed group in Gaza behind only Hamas itself.

Unlike smaller Salafist factions, Islamic Jihad has respected the Egypt-brokered truce between Hamas and Israel that ended eight days of deadly conflict last November.

Islamic Jihad chief dies after clash with Hamas police - FRANCE 24

Rockets launched at south Israel; none injured

Defense forces trace two rockets launched at direction of Bnei Shimon, another at Netivot; rockets explode in open areas, no injuries reported

Four rockets hit the Hof Ashkelon Regional Council Sunday night. Color Red alert sounded in Rahat and nearby regions Sunday night. Local residents reported to hearing blasts.

Defense forces traced two rockets that were fired at the direction of the Bnei Shimon Regional Council and another rocket at Netivot.

All three rockets exploded in open areas. No injuries or damage were reported.

Defense forces are looking into the possibility that Islamic Jihad was behind the launch, or extremist Salafis.

"We're pretty shocked at the whole thing," said Sigal Moran, head of the Bnei Shimon Regional Council. "I still hope it was a mistake and not the beginning of another era of emergency routine."

"We thought we'd have some peace. I hope it was sporadic and will not repeat itself, especially now that the kids are entering the summer vacation."

Rahat Mator Faiz Abu Sahiban said "I heard the sirens and then a boom. We still don’t know where the hit was. Residents were panicked; people keep calling me all the time. It's been a while since we heard sirens but we're always alert.

'I don’t know what's happening in Gaza right now; I'm still waiting for instructions from the Home Front Command so as to calm everyone down."

Last week, an alert siren sounded in the Hof Ashkelon Regional Council area, but no hits were detected.

Palestinians in Gaza have fired several rockets since an informal ceasefire took hold after Operation Pillar of Defense.

6 Rockets hit at south; none injured - Israel News, Ynetnews

I hope this is not the beginning of another round and that things will calm down.
"Islamic" Jihad is noting more than "Safavid" Jihad. They are pro-Assad pro-12ver Group in Gaza. Unfortunately even Hamas can't control these terrorists.

Ironically these same groups are being supported by the 12vers who are fighting against "Islamic Jihadists" in Syria.
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